
Waking up

Y/N's POV:

All I could see is darkness all around my cold body. All along I was thinking how this happened, how I came back to life ,how I even died?. ''I have to get out of here'' I thought to myself?. But how ?.Then suddenly I got a idea .I started pushing me body up against the coffin to try and at least get out. Then luck took my side and I saw that they didn't bury me yet. I got out of the coffin closing it after jumping out ''well what do I do now ?'' I thought suddenly my brain filled with light bulbs '' the university!'' that was the last place I was before dyeing. I slowly walked out of the graveyard hoping to find some sort of map to give me directions. Luck took my side and found a map hanging and looked for my school ''bingo'' I saw it, 1 hour away ''let the journey begin ''.

Hey guys :) ill be writing this story a lot and will try to finsh it before this summer it might not be the best but I hope you like it :)

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