

After the whole friendly visit, Yeona left and Jun left after her lead. At least they are gone but his noodles went with Jun. Now he had to make another bowl of his noodles. Great shrimps were finished and had to go buy another packet. He took his keys and drove to the store.

By the time he got to the store, he bought shrimps, prawns, extra soy sauce, noodles and bread. That was his grocery list. He got to the till and paid for everything after that he left. He needed to get home and prepare for school. As soon as he got home, he found his mother's handbag and assumed that his mother was home. It was not a bug coincidence for him.

Cyran prepared food and waited till the mother had to show up. Eventually she did. She showed up with a tall figure but medium in height signifying she is not that tall,wore a black hoodie to hide her facials and had long brown hair.

"Cyran I'm sorry that I did not tell you but your cousin from the US is coming to reside here. You know your uncle got married to an African American woman and this is your cousin. Her name is Tanya. Please welcome her and show her around the town, oh and she will be attending the same school as you. Isn't exciting!! " Xia happily said while taking out some take outs and dishing out for the teens.

Cyran introduced himself so as Tanya. Tanya was unusual, she had honey eyes and a tanned complexion that would comment her body type and hair. Her hair was very curly and super puffy. Tanya and Cyran had a lot of things in common so they got along really well.

After Dinner, Cyran volunteered to show Tanya her room and she was delighted by the view of her room. After settling in, he showed her the timetable and schedules that she was going to have since she is doing the same subjects relating to his. They both spoke non stop.

"I moved here for another reason not only for a change of scenery." Tanya exclaimed while tying her hair into a bun as she was prepared to sleep. She sat on the bed and took out wierd cards, boards etc. Tanya had a rare magical power that no one did ever possess. Her Grandmother had that gene but only passed to the granddaughter and she is the final one to have that power.

They both spoke until time was not on their side then the two teenagers went to sleep

Next day, two teenagers were ready to head to school so Xia took them to school since she had no work today. After dropping them she blew both of them a nice kiss and drove off. Cyran showed his cousin the school, only places that he knew since he was also a newbie. On the way, they met Jia and Yeona. Cyran introduced Jia and Yeona then the bell disturbed their interaction.

All went to class and Tanya's eyes were glowing after Jun got in the class. She was shivering cold and her bright honey eyes glowed even more. Cyran noticed the sudden change while the teacher was writing notes on the board. He shifted over to her seat and comforted her.

"Tanya you are really cold, do you want to go outside and get some air?" Cyran asked while trying to keep her warm. Her ears were buzzing with animal noises.

"Uhm.. No but I just need water, I'm new but I don't want to cause so much drama but I can't handle it anymore. Who got in the classroom just now?" While talking to Cyran, closing both her ears, trying by all means to control her visionary self.

"It was Jun, he's my best friend, a classmate of mine. Why?"

"I'll tell you later, I need to get some air."

Tanya got out of the class then that's when her feelings were controlled. She was finally calm. Something about Jun, switched on her animal instinct. Tanya was a shapeshifter. Mostly into a huge wolf, a powerful wolf. Her grandmother possessed that power, it only passed through rare generations and she was the last batch of her generation to generate such power unless she gives birth to another child possibly a son. Her son will inherit the gene.