
Uncovered A New World

A young goddess in training discovers a tear in the sky. Curious as to what she might find, she crosses through to discover a world unlike anyone she’s ever known. New friendships, adventures, and self discovery unfold. Soon she will have to make a choice stay in this new life of discovery or go home and fulfill her familial duties.

ShannelRose · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Random girl

On Earth

Brandon Johnson is driving home from a raid. Cracking his neck, trying to relieve the tension. Even though he is a hunter, his level is still only 34. He is a C-rank hunter not affiliated with any guild. He couldn't build up interest during school so he is a freelance hunter taking on jobs when they recruit for extras. He looks at the deposit that hit his account after the raid. He scrubs his hand across his face. Just enough to pay for rent and Amelia's tuition. Amelia Johnson is Brandon's 16 year old sister. After the catastrophe 15 years ago when the gates first appeared, Brandon and Amelia were saved because they were visiting their grandparents. Every metropolis in the world was hit first. Their parents were never found. Taken in by their grandparents, they had a rough time because resources were scarce. Eventually the hunters appeared and they rebuilt the cities with better shelters and defenses. So they moved from rural Pennsylvania to the city of Philadelphia. His grandpa, still fit enough to work, decided to do construction and his grandma was working as a part of the cleaning crew at the hunter association. He awakened at 18 as a mage with power of darkness and chose thief as his class. He has the ability to blend with the shadows and cast 2 darkness spells. One to make others fall asleep and the other is to cast illusions.

Ring, Ring, Ring. He reaches over to answer the incoming call.

"Hey grandma, I'm driving back now," he said.

"Don't hey grandma me.You were supposed to be back by 9. It's 12:30 Brandon."

"I'm sorry but I had to stay and help load up the loot. They said I would get extra on top of what I got paid." I say hoping she doesn't drag it out.

She sighs heavily into the phone. "You don't have to work so hard to take care of us, your grandpa and I can get by just fine on our income alone." she said

"I want to take care of you guys.You're getting older you should've retired by now but you both still are out here working as hard as before. Let me take some things off your plate please." i beg

Okay we will take rent money and only rent money. Don't you go sneakin' around tryna put it in wallets ya hear me?" she demands.

"Yes ma'am" I say. "I'm 10 minutes from the house. I'll see you soon." I hang up and relax into the seat. Enjoying the quiet drive home until I swear I see a gate open right above the highway. I break immediately and pick up the phone to call 911 or maybe the hunter association. You've got to be fucking kidding me. How the hell does a gate just open up in the middle of the residential area. I'm pretty sure that there's an alarm supposed to be going off right now because of it. What the hell is happening? I look closer at the gate and notice something off about it. Most gates are blue, purple, red, and white depending on level and what comes out of it. This gate is a shining gold color. It's unlike any gate I've ever seen. Usually monsters would have come flooding out, destroying everything in their path. I can see inside this gate. It looks like it's in a cave. I don't sense any hostility or negative energy, I get out of the car to observe a little closer. After a few minutes I turn to walk back to my car and hear voices come out of the gate. It's a man and woman speaking to each other.

"Phoebus I'm going through that tear whether or not you want me to. So as my twin you could either come with me or cover for me. Pick one so I can go." she says.

"I'm so gonna get killed because of you. Did you pack enough? Food, clothes, and is your power stable?" he asked

"Yes, yes, and yes. Thank you so much Phoebus. I promise I'll make it up to you." she squealed

"Best twin ever! I love you, tell everyone I'll be back soon. She said while leaping through the gate. It was a young girl with mocha skin,golden adornments and she was dressed in all black. As I'm staring I realize once she's through she'll plummet straight to the ground. I call out to her but she can not hear me. So I stand underneath the gate to catch her if need be. Which was actually uncalled for because she levitated like a mage down to the ground next to me before I realized. She turns to me, gives me a small smile and says hello.

"Greetings to you, I am the Goddess Nyx, bringer and caretaker of night." she says nonchalantly. "Might you explain what this place is and tell me your king is so I may ask for refuge for the time being."

I stand in the middle of the road with a so-called goddess in front of me after she jumps through a golden gate I've never seen. It's a beautiful night to lose my mind.I thought getting paid extra tomorrow would make this the best night, clearly i had no idea what was in store. Looking at her again I'm sure this will be a lot more trouble than I want. If I leave her here and someone else comes to pick her up there's no way she's not gonna mention me. So let's suck it up for now. "Excuse me Goddess, I can take you somewhere you rest for the night." i say. "I can take you to the higher ups in the morning. That's when they open."

She walks over to me and thanks me for the place to rest. I guided her over to the passenger side of my car. She stares at the door like it's gonna attack her. I open the door and she's even more surprised. I help her in and make sure she's strapped in. She clearly has never been in a car before. I get in the caron the driver's side to see her looking at the radio with interest. I say "Maybe another time I can play you some music but I'm in a rush and can't fiddle with it. She screeches about how an orchestra cannot fit into that small contraption. I give a face that says shut up and back, she got the idea because she was looking out the windows the rest of the ride.

I just know this is gonna bite me in the ass.