
Unconventional Contract Marriage

Meet Alise, a down-to-earth girl who’s all about chasing her dreams, keeping it real, and taking life head-on. She firmly believes in going after what she wants, no matter what!”But her world crumbles when she stumbles upon her boyfriend and best friend’s betrayal,Alise (heartbroken) “I can’t believe they did this to me as she runs towards them “Whack Whack”……… And in the midst of all that, To add to her difficulties her modeling career had been failing adding more to her emotional burden. so In search of a fresh start, she embraces her Grandfather’s Contract for an arranged marriage that benefits her in her time of need. Which led her with a man named Auston Myers. “She never thought she'd consider something like this, but she ponders, “Maybe it’s what I need.” Auston Myers is a man people assume is bad solely based on his height and muscular physique. They think he's some brutal man but Auston Let them think what they want Because in reality, not only is he a Ceo underneath he’s a laid-back guy who values solitude and is deeply immersed in anime, gaming, manga, and relaxation. He always thought “I'm more than what you perceive” Alise is often perceived as Stuck-up and self-willed, Nonchalant cause she doesn't let others control her, while she may appear unbreakable, she is in fact, just as human as anyone else. she (reflects) “I’ve got my flaws and vulnerabilities too But Confidence is key, right?” She’s a mix of clumsiness and rationality, with a playful, goofy side and a sense of dark humor. she loves to (laugh) as she thinks “Life’s too short not to have a little fun, even in the worst moments. Watch as they both reveal their true selves to each other, just as there is more to each of them than what everyone assumes.” Join them on this journey as they navigate this unconventional marriage arrangement, driven by self-interest. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but for those that like it, I hope you enjoy this story. you can support my book with anything I’m grateful, honestly much love guys. Also, I understand that Web Novel can be costly, so I'm here to make it more accessible for my supportive fans. I'll be sharing my raw content and updating frequently, perhaps even more frequently than on here. You'll have access to any locked episodes from WebNovel here through a convenient subscription on https://patreon.com/ImDove?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link

ImDove · Urban
Not enough ratings
49 Chs

Online Hate/House Viewing

Meanwhile, Auston remained peacefully asleep on the living room couch, unaware of the online frenzy his wife had ignited. Alise couldn't hide her sly grin, fully aware of the online commotion she was stirring.

With a sense of satisfaction, Alise walked into the dining room and took a seat at the table that's when She exclaimed, "Well, that'll teach their nosy asses to mind their damn business!"

As she made that remark, a maid chimed in saying "Amen" as she passed by. Alise turned her head left and right, surprised by the comment. She muttered to herself, "Damn, I didn't even notice her."

Nonetheless, she pondered for a moment and said, "Hmm, I kinda like her."

As Alise turned her attention back to her phone, she couldn't resist checking the reactions to her posts on Instant Flick. As she clicked on it Her notifications were already buzzing with comments from various of people.

Alise scrolled through the comment section, she was finding amusement in some of the replies, even when they were directed at her. She thought, "If it's funny, it's funny," and decided to respond to a couple of comments with short, cryptic messages, knowing it would likely provoke the anger of those who were already upset.

In secret, Alise enjoyed drama, even if she wouldn't openly admit it. She usually preferred to observe others' drama rather than participate in it, but this time, she justified her responses as a mere "I don't mess with people, so the fact they're messing with me, they had it coming."

As Alise continued reading the comments, she stumbled upon one from a girl with a blue checkmark, indicating that she was a famous or wealthy person.

The girl expressed her frustration about people stealing other people's partners and how she had liked him first, now claiming he was marrying an invisible woman.

Amused by this comment, Alise decided to respond. She replied to the girl named Rubia McCormick, saying, "So, just because she likes someone, she gets to have them? Sorry, life isn't that fair. She doesn't need a guard dog to back her up. Nobody is entitled to anyone, and it's okay, rejection is not for everyone, I guess."

Alise, true to her nature, didn't hold back in online confrontations. After delivering her response, she blocked Rubia, preventing her from replying to her comeback.

Rubia, growing increasingly frustrated as she realized she couldn't respond to Alise's post due to being blocked, eventually reached a boiling point. In her anger, she made a rash decision to spend her money on sending trolls to Alise's account as a form of revenge.

Through clenched teeth, Rubia muttered, "That ought to teach that Bitch," as an ugly expression of anger crept across her face, revealing her true colors.

On the other hand, Alise had moved on to other apps, not even sparing a single thought for Rubia anymore.

At that moment she made the decision to wake up Auston as the clock neared 2 o'clock.

Alise set her phone aside and returned to the living room, where Auston was still asleep on the couch. She bent down in front of him, gently shaking his shoulder.

"Auston, we still need to view the houses, and I have some shopping to do. If you'd rather keep resting, I can arrange for a car," she suggested.

Auston slowly blinked his eyes open, let out a quiet yawn, and responded, "No, that's okay. I just needed a moment to relax since these are my days off from work."

Alise raised an eyebrow, her concern evident. "Are you sure you want to spend one of your precious days off like this? I'm pretty sure you have a hectic workload."

Auston reassured her, saying, "Nope, it's fine. I'll go get ready now." Alise responded with a simple "Okay" as he headed upstairs.

She patiently waited on the couch as he prepared himself. Fifteen minutes later, when he descended the stairs, his outfit exuded an understated elegance – a casual look with high-quality clothing.

As Alise looked at Auston, she couldn't help but think, "Not bad." He had struck a perfect balance between comfort and sophistication with his attire.

Auston broke her reverie by saying, "You ready to go? I called the car when I was changing."

Alise replied, "Yeah," as she stood up and followed Auston. As they walked out the door, she intentionally slowed down to put some distance between them. While doing so, she discreetly adjusted her shorts, which had rolled up slightly while she was seated. After fixing her shorts, they continued walking toward the car the bright sun shining on her made her wince as she instinctively covered her eyes.

As they got into the car, Alise asked the driver to turn on the AC due to the hot weather outside. With the AC cooling the car, Alise turned to Auston and inquired if he had the locations for the houses.

Auston confirmed, saying he had them in his Gmail. He then provided the driver with the nearest location, and once they were all buckled up, the car pulled away.

As the car chilled, they both became engrossed in their phones. However, as Auston stumbled upon a post, he was about to say something when he looked at Alise. That's when he noticed her chest area.

He quickly averted his gaze, noticing that she wasn't wearing a bra. He briefly considered whether to mention it but decided against it, thinking, "No, I can't tell her; she'd realize I saw."

His curiosity nagged at him, and he wondered, "Will it just go away?" As he sat there, his eyes inadvertently glanced back, and he quickly averted his gaze once more. With a mix of concern and frustration, he said, "You need to get a grip. What did your mother teach you? Respect women."

He couldn't take it anymore and cleared his throat. "Umm, can I borrow your ear?" She responded with an uncertain, "Uh, sure," as he leaned in. He whispered, "Um, do you need a jacket?"

She replied, "No, it's hot out," to which he responded, "Are you sure?" She replied, "Yes, why?"

He said, "Look down," and as she did, she was confused about what she was supposed to be looking at. It was then that he whispered, "You're not wearing a bra."

She turned to him, her eyebrows furrowing, and quickly crossed her arms to cover herself, whispering in a mix of embarrassment and anger, "Why are you looking?"

He hesitated briefly, his gaze subtly directed toward her chest. "I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable," he explained, "but it's quite visible, which is why I thought you might want the jacket."

As she heard what he said her embarrassment gradually giving way to gratitude. "Oh, I see," she replied, her tone softening. "Thank you, I would appreciate the jacket."

He handed her the jacket, which she used to cover herself. However, the awkward atmosphere lingered, A sense of guilt gnawed at him; he hadn't intended to create an uncomfortable atmosphere.

He found himself silently reflecting, "I should've just given her the jacket, perhaps mentioning that the weather might get colder later or something, Now I'm pretending to be engrossed in my phone".

this whole chapter is spicy for me lol. Online hate, Alise personality, Auston noticing her nips show through the shirt lmaooooo Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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