

Meanwhile at the city centre, some policemen were discussing about what had been happening recently at the city centre. During these recent days, there has been rumours about an artisan roaming about the city of asonia in which its purpose is unknown but people knows that it has come to do evil to the asonians (the term referring to the people from asonia) . News does spread like wildfire, said joe the mayor.

The asonians had already known about what was happening in their city and did not need anyone to tell them that it meant danger and they needed to be careful, this was on joe's mind as the mayor of asonia, he knew that he needed to take precaution so as not to lose his office as the mayor.

As he stood on top of the podium at the front of the city hall to address the people of asonia about what he had been doing regarding the matter at stake . Even though he was nervous he still remained bold nevertheless as he wiped off the beads of sweat already formed on his face. People of asonia I announce that i have done my best to stop this artisan by sending the best policemen and other security- related agents, said the mayor. but so far we have both good and bad news though it is not much of a threat to us, lease calm down and do not panic because we are doing our possible best to stop him o. o. or h. er! stammered joe as he cleaned his sweat again.

Rushing out of nowhere, there were screams suddenly and running by footsteps from the left side of the hall a policemen spoke in whispers to the mayor to which he responded with hmmmmm. Gawen who was watching the whole scene since the beginning with her group of friends sneaked through the crowd towards the source of the trouble. As she neared the place she felt her heart beating fast but she didn't fear instead moved closer and when she finally got there, she gasped at the sight in front of her!