
Uncharted Feelings ("May all road lead to you")

Uncharted Feelings ("May all road lead to you") Is a coming of age modern fiction centerd around the life off our main characters Yukio Yamazaki and Myles Snow who experience a turning point in life due to their sexuality. Fate seem to always bring two hearts together know matter the distance, know matter what time they may find themselves. Will they give into majority's choice of life or does fate have a different path planned for them. "May all road lead to you" Genre Bl, Romance, Coming- of- age, Adventure

KelYoungWrld99_ · Urban
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12 Chs

Yori's Death Creates A Void/Chapter 1

<p>"Tadaima!" (I'm home!) I said as impolitely  as I could, not caring a tiny bit of my environment.<br/><br/>The night seemed long as always.<br/><br/> It's been awhile since I got back from school with my parents arguing as they always do, over a topic of some sought, it's been like this for countless nights.<br/><br/>As I sat there listening, my mind couldn't help but drift to what it was like before my family became this.<br/><br/>     When I wad a kid, my family felt warm and was always the  happiest home on the planet: where I wasn't afraid to be a child. My sister and I where the happiest children on earth, my parents where  so in love that you could swear that nothing could break them apart.<br/><br/>It was the best home.<br/><br/>One day it all changed; a sudden phone call shattered everything.<br/><br/>     "Kon ban wa, ma'am are you Kaoru" said the stranger at the end of the phone <br/><br/>"Yes this is she, how may I help you?"<br/><br/>"There's been an accident" <br/><br/>I watched as the phone at fell from my mom's ear. Those words at the end of the call seemed to have shattered my mothers world,as we rushed to the hospital.<br/><br/>I didnt know much about my surroundings and kept myself busy as a child would as she went off to talk with the doctor.<br/><br/>My mom came back but she wasn't the same lively woman I had known was 20minutes  ago, she came out with her hands glued to her face,wet from all her tears, as she sobbed continuously.<br/> <br/>Why was she crying? I wondered.<br/><br/>I've never seen her cry before.<br/><br/> My Aunty and her husband arrived at the scene as she headed straight for my mom. Aunty tried soulfully to comfort her but couldn't, neither could I.<br/><br/>I couldn't help but ask, as a child "Sorehanandesuka?"(what is it?)<br/><br/>My Aunty's husband left to tend to my childish question. <br/><br/>His eyes were light but yet I  felt like  something was wrong<br/>"Don't worry, everything is fine." He said to me.<br/><br/>Yori never came back home that day; they wouldn't let me see her at the hospital either; I asked severally about her but all they did was look at me pitfully with those eyes of theirs.<br/><br/>When I was able to see father, he was laying there wrapped in white clothes on some part of his body. <br/><br/>Dad woke up but Yori didn't.<br/><br/> A day came and mom said we had to go send Yori off, because she was going to heaven. I didn't quiet understand it but as she said those words she seemed to have cry alot . <br/><br/>At the funeral Mom cried and cried till her eyes turn red, she couldnt even look at father and father couldnt raise his head to look mom in the eyes.<br/><br/>Yori's picture was placed on the alter with candles lite around it; people dressed in black came around, hugging and greeting my parents.<br/><br/>"What were they doing and why are they here" I though as I sat in the corner playing with Yori''s toy.<br/><br/>As forward into the present, I finally understood as  time passes, and so did the warm and lovely home I once enjoyed, now filled with anger and sadness.<br/><br/>It felt lonely without Yori.<br/><br/>Mom and Dad arguing all the time: morning, night; they wouldn't stop, couldn't agree on the smallest things.<br/><br/>Will my life be like this one day, or will I be better than them, I wondered.<br/><br/>     Loud noise in the <br/>                                   background....<br/><br/>    " I dont care what you think, we are living"  Mrs.Yamazaki says angrily.<br/><br/>"You can't just take my son away from me"Mr. Hinode says in response.<br/><br/>"When last did you act as a father towards him, don't pretend to care" Mrs.Yamazaki says fearsly as she storms out of the room.</p>