
Unchained Dragon (WoW Fanfic)

Theo find himself in the world of Azeroth, a land of many conflicts, adventures and dangers.A story based on what one can do with their own knowledge of the future and the hands that fate gave to them... fortunate or unfortunate is as simple as a single decision made. The story takes place in the universe of the World of Warcraft, I will do my best to research and come with an enjoyable story of what could happen in lore and explore one of my favorite lore universes along with a unique character who faces his fair amount of trials in a journey of growth and survival in this vast world.

Feliprins · Video Games
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90 Chs

Elemental Summoning

"Skar'this iss my brother, you know him? Are you here to free me?" The way the naga spoke always had a rhythmic hiss to it almost as they spoke two languages at the same time.

"Well, I can't exactly let that thing fall into the hands of Queen Azshara, now can I?" I said while pointing at his shoulder where the artifact was fused with his skin.

"Indeed, sshe is a evil one, many would ssufer if sshe were to have it. We can speak more later, unless you wish to drown? Get me out and I sshall aid you against my kin." He said while understanding that the sea was rising and the guards were nowhere to be seen could only mean one thing.

I then used a corrosive breath to undo the bars from outside, the way they were enchanted protected them from inside not outside for the sake of the costs saving none would make items without any weakness or flaws, as long as they dis their job well it was enough.

Seeing himself free but without a weapon, the naga stretched his arm before a glowing light flowed out of his shoulder, making a ice trident which looked stylish and menacing.

"My name iss Sha'kir, I am the high priest of Neptulon the Tidehunter, may I know your name friend? Who do I owe a favor to?" He said while he readied himself for war.

"Theo, I would appreciate if you gave us a way to stop the storm, the issue of the naga attackers is almost finished, we need to depart before the fight is over." I said as I cast invisibility once more, we had to be swift otherwise we also would be under attack by the defenders.

After leaving back to the outskirts of the fortress prison, we met the party on the place we arranged prior, making sure we weren't noticed we could now start on stopping the storm conjured by the sea witches and sirens.

"This is Sha'kir, he may have a way to stop the storm conjuring ritual, I know we are all tired but we need to stop the storm before the island is drowned, after that we can go find somewhere to rest." I said presenting the high priest of water to the party, gesturing for him to tell us how to interrupt the ritual.

"Thiss humble me thinkss it wise to let me call upon my master and ask for his elemental army, that or we have to desstroy the altars around the issland, but it would take too long, besst it iss to call upon allies." hissed the naga, I felt there was more to it then simply wanting to stop the ritual, but rather that he was after blood.

"For the ritual, all I need is time and mana, as long as you capture five sirens I would be able to drain their power with the artifact and summon an elemental lord who servers my master."

Deciding to go along with the plan due to the fact of knowing that Neptulon had a deep hatred with Queen Azshara and that they were rivals and that Neptulon was the more reasonable of the Elemental Lords you could find, both me and Selia went to acquire the naga casters while Trag and Emmarel stood watch over Sha'kir while he prepared the summoning ritual.

The task was a bit annoying due to the fact that most spell casters were protected by a group of warriors, some of which had nets with them, meaning they could ground us if not careful.

That was the time when having invested into illusions paid off in dividends, we would grab two casters among the group and fly high before they were even aware of what happened.

I would make an image of the ones we kidnapped and dispel it once we were high up. I knew it would not fool the magic sensitive naga for long but it was enough to take them by surprise and be too far once they noticed.

We would make use of time stop in the times where things didn't go as planned and nets came our way, while we would make those we kidnapped uncouncious with the Blessing of Nature.

We managed to accomplish the task fairly quickly due to there having many groups patrolling around the fortress, making sure none could escape to call for reinforcements or flee the expected slaughter.

The ritual Sha'kir started started to attract the attention of the naga, so we would have to fight for a bit before it was finished.

Thankfully they didn't have much numbers to both fight the now chasing defense forces belonging to the fortress prison and assault our position.

Still the fight would not be easy, they still had a sea giant around fifty warriors and a dozen casters racing toward us with zeal.

I was already feeling my body numb all over, my mind was slow and heavy, making so that I could only barely make a trench and a small earthen wall around us, limiting the space they could attack us from.

I could no longer use magic, my mana was dried out and my spirit was tired. From now on was going to be trusting my body to do the rest, be it claws, fangs or tail, I would keep on defending, along with my companions, Selia was the same, even if I saw her as fragile she was still a dragon, meaning she held a powerful body even if she was not as big as me.

Clawing our way out of this mess would be impossible I knew, the only thing we could do was to buy time to finish the ritual.

When I was already with one of my wings frozen and the other charred from tanking the spells thrown our way, a ripple of mana that looked like a torrent came from Sha'kir.

The ritual was finally done, now we could likely find a hidden place to lick our wounds and rest.