

(A/N: Before you proceed, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. UNDER REVISION. Thank you and Enjoy! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧) (FRIENDLY REMINDER; TWO CHAPTERS THAT AREN'T AN UPDATE: - AFTER CHAPTER 100 (ARC 3) - AFTER CHAPTER 188.4 (ARC 4) IF YOU ARE CURIOUS WHY DID THE AUTHOR NOT DELETE THOSE TWO? THE REASON IS SIMPLE, IT CANNOT BE DELETED IF A CHAPTER IS PART OF THE LOCKED CHAPTERS/PREMIUM CHAPTERS. ADDITIONALLY, IF THE CHAPTER IS ON THE 100 AND ABOVE CHAPTERS, IT WILL STATE THAT IT CANNOT EXCEED 100 WORDS FOR DELETION SO IT CANNOT BE REVISED. I JUST REVISED THE EARLIER CHAPTERS. THANK YOU FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING! ENJOY! THIS IS MY FIRST EVER NOVEL. ) ---- Xanxia, a diverse realm divided into ten continents, in which the continents had their own varying cultures, traditions, and advancement. In the farther north hailed the top revolutionary chefs, in the west were closed off species existed, in the south where intellective students were known, in the farther east where blood and war breeds - and finally, at the center where the smallest continent located was a girl in male clothing lived. Chun Shuho, an androgynous beauty who could attract 'bees and butterflies' around the place was born to hide her true gender due to an oracle. Because of her lost memories from five years ago, she decided to travel on the surrounding continents to retrieve her scattered, fragmented memories. Together with her was the mysterious butler that was not only a former prince of the demons but he had many secrets hidden behind. And because of a fated event, she encountered Zero, an existence that defied logic was somehow connected to her due to an extinct bloodline. As she journeyed on, a chase between time and space brought her back to the past and led her to the future which made her discover the secrets of her identity and what was her true purpose. This is a story of reincarnation, cultivation, systems and other interesting theme that would surely pique your curiosity. ---- Let yourself fall into the vast and unbridled world of imagination. 'Fortes fortuna adiuvat' -AToastForADay (Author) Warning: There are so many RECAPS in some parts of the story but bear with me as some are put as a flashbacks. Though, you can just skip that. Just do what you see fit. Thank you! cover from the respected owner. ( ◜‿◝ )♡

AToastForADay · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
217 Chs


(Be warned: brutal scenes ahead)

"I can't let you escape!" Fourth shouted as he summoned his subordinates.

A portal opened up on Lerrent's side and demons went out from it. They were more nervous, knowing that they were being surrounded by the enemy.

"Hand that young woman on your back and I'll let you all escape alive," Fourth stated with no negotiation on his tone.

Quin and the students were baffled by the demon general's statement.

'What young woman?'

Lerrent turned to the unconscious silver haired young man as an idea was brought on his mind.

As what he had thought.

"We're not handing teacher to you!" Lerrent replied, firmly and unexpectedly glared at the demon general.

"Oh, you're familiar…ah, right. The Second Prince of Phoenix continent, Lerrent Ru."

Only Quin didn't look surprise at Lerrent while the others were shocked by the words from Fourth's mouth.

Han uttered while looking untrustingly at the sloth young man, "You didn't tell us!"

The sloth young man ignored the provocation of the demon general and glared at him, "I'm not going to give you my cousin."

Fourth smirked and answered, "You knew yet you didn't tell your uncle the King about it."

"What are you talking about?"

"The Phoenixian oracle."

Hearing this, Lerrent gritted his teeth while fiercely staring at the demon general. And why did he knew about the oracle?

The Phoenixian oracle wasn't disclose to anyone unless you're a member of the royal family of the Phoenix continent. This said oracle can only happened once in a thousand years, the phoenixian oracle would happen when the royal family's youngest daughter bears a girl, she will have to suffer the calamities that will befall on her and the whole world. The Great War would be repeated but it would be more cruel and horrible than it. A terrifying event would happen.

In order to prevent that, despite that they would have to commit a sin, they must kill that curse by killing the child. Kiria didn't allow it and escaped to Sereign continent with her husband Shenin and after giving birth to a beautiful healthy baby, they started on teaching her how to act as a boy which was easy to teach to the very obedient Chun and started giving her the transformation potion to hide her gender.

After that, Kiria died and Chun was lost to it that she escaped from their household and stayed at the cave of Hiyasmi Island for five years and finally couldn't take it anymore, she berserked and destroyed her spirtual core and lost consciousness, and was found in that cave of the said island.

From the start Lerrent landed his eyes on the teacher, he knew already who was she. Taking note the silver white hair that only belonged to the Shuho household and the mixed eye color that sometimes made the sloth young man thought about the aversion of a potion being injested since her childhood.

As being ranked as number 1 on his entrance exam when in terms of written test in Harconia Institute, perfecting it all. It wasn't surprised to be easily figured out by Lerrent.

"Cousin? What Phoenixian oracle?"

At this time, Quin spoke up but he was still vigilant on the movements of his opponents. The top priority was protecting the students and Chun.

"It doesn't matter, though. I'm just going to end it here if you won't give me what I wanted," Fourth interrupted as he commanded his subordinates while maintaining his usual smile.

Fourth was about to attack Han as he was the one who had the silver haired young man when Quin intervened.

"I'm your opponent!"

Fourth smirked and defended Quin's attack. The demon general summoned shards of ice and sent it to Quin while the elegant man used his qi energy to manipulate a qi shield.

"Not bad, you were able to deflect it but that's just my basic spell."

The demon general then conjured another spell.

"Thousand rain of ice shards!"

Quin with no hint of his expression changing he easily deflected it using a sword qi that he formed.

"Swift steps!"

The elegant man disappeared from his spot and appeared infront the demon general. Fourth used a ice sword to defend himself from the slash of the qi sword.


Their sword sounded as the blade crashed at each other. Fourth had now a glare as he look at the calm face of his opponent.

He didn't want to waste time anymore as they were about to finish their business here. The goal of their intrusion on this institute was to retrieve something, an object that protected this institute.

The killings of promising martial practitioners were just a side task for them to enjoy.

"I had enough of playing."

Fourth stated as he slashed his ice sword using all of his energy, and it made Quin back a meter, he still had that calm expression but a trace of blood on his lip could be seen. Truly, a demon general's strength couldn't be underestimated.

On the other side, Han curses and they tried their best to avoid the attacks of these demons. The silver haired young was on the ground with Rye as Han fought with his dagger and Li Li with the others threw time bombs. These time bombs that were made by the mechanical genius was unexpectedly effective with this lowly-demons as they were easily wiped out from its explosion.

But the problem was, they were running out of time bombs as they only had a hundred of it and they used around seventy while the demons kept coming from the portal.

"How would we destroy that portal?!" Kai Sun asked as he lousily threw a time bomb at a demon's feet that made the demon incapacitated.

"I have an idea," Li Li replied and threw the time bomb at the three demons that killed them in the explosion with no difficulty.

"Ahh--- yuck. What is it?" Terra asked and sidestepped from the black blood of the demons. She was disgusted by the smell of it.

"I'll find the core of that formation array that enabled the portal and destroy it," Li Li answered.


Han was slashed by the demon's claw on his arm as the blood dripped from it. Lith with her specialization of medicine was able to take out a medicinal potion for deep wounds from the spatial storage.

"Here, drink it!"

The wound healed in seconds and there's no traces of slash mark was left behind. It's a miracle medicine from the expert doctor.

"How many bombs left?" Lerrent asked Li Li as he expertly hit a group of five demons, killing them in one-go by the explosion of the time bomb.


"Are you finished, Rye?"

They were all encircling Rye and Chun as the hacker was hacking the security robots of the institute because it was not immobilized by the school. The security robots were flying bots that would only activate when there's an intruder inside the school grounds but it was not effective for killing these demons so Rye was inputting his code in the security robots' processor enabling them to increase their firepower ten-folds to blast the enemies.

"Almost… and there!" As if on cue, ten security robots showed up and fired at the demons, with three times of their shots it killed the enemies.

"Yes! It worked."

Li Li was busy on looking for the core of the formation array as she didn't notice the attack of Fourth.

Quin was left hardly breathing on his own as blood was flowing out of his chest. He was stabbed by the demon general.

"Li Li! Look out!" Quin warned but it was more like a whisper as he had no strength anymore. The demon general left a dark energy on his stab wounds as it slowly consumed his life force.


Fourth with his manic smile was about to stab the girl when a silver haired young man flashed infront, saving Li Li from harm.

Chun vomitted blood on her mouth as she was stabbed at a centimeter away from her heart.

"Saving them than yourself. What a fool!" Fourth expertly withdrew the ice sword and more blood dripped from the youth's wound.

"Teacher!" The students shouted.

"I won't let you harm them, Mika!" Chun stated with a fierce glare on her face while gritting her teeth.

"Mika? Hahaha…I'm Fourth, one of the ten generals of the Demon King."

"Demon King? Art's father."

Fourth glared at Chun, "You don't have any right to call the Prince' name! You'll die by my sword!"

Chun spitted out the blood and unknowingly her eyes turned into scarlet color as she deflected the attacks of the ice sword.

"Thousand rain of ice shards!"

The silver haired young man flicked her sleeves and was able to immobilized the attack with ease.

The demon general was shocked by the display of abundant of qi energy and smirked while knowing the cultivation of the youth.

"You're in Immortal Realm. Such an amazing feat. If you're not my target, I would truly befriend you but unfortunately…" he trailed off and suddenly withdrawn a bit from Chun.

The seven students was about to near the youth when she stop them, "Don't go near me. Go to Master Quin, first."

With red scarlet eyes, she commanded, making them followed by instincts while staring at those fierce colored eyes.


Fourth commented as he released his ice sword, shattering it on the ground. He used his elongated claws to slash his nape, the seal mark tattoed on there was sliced and glowed in responds.

Removing the seal mark was an indication of a demon general's unleashing all of his power and transforming into his original form.

Horns on his forehead appeared as it elongated in a curve-like shape and his eyes blackened, including his irises. His skin turned into a reddish color from it's wheat tone.

This was his true form.

"Let's fight using our all!" Fourth stated with his demonic voice.

Chun moved first and aimed for the demon general's neck when Fourth blocked it and countered a punch.

The youth crashed on a building, making a deep hole on it and crumbled of cements fell down from it. She vomitted blood once again and used her qi energy to heal the wounds that was inflicted by the blow.

The deep wound on her chest was slowly healing but it wasn't enough.

Chun brushed the dust and dirt away from her tinted with blood white robes and went out from the rabble.

"Oh, you didn't die? Well, that's good. Torturing you would be satisfying to the beloved Demon King," Fourth stated as he licked his lips.

The silver haired young man ignored his blunder and attacked, Fourth smirked by this display and easily caught the hands of the youth.

"You have no experience in battle, I see."

And he crushed the arm of Chun, making the young man groaned in pain. He then slammed her through her caught hands that made Chun helpless.

"And you don't know how to use the qi energy, properly even though you're in the Immortal realm. You are truly spoiled by the Prince. Tsk."

He twisted the crushed arm that made the young man cried in despair.

"I'm removing this arm 'cause it's seems useless."

He calmly stated like commenting at the weather.

The demon general ripped apart the silver haired young man's arm from its body, making Chun grunt in suferring but she stopped herself from crying out loud as she bite her lips in pain.

This demon would be satisfied on her crying so she won't give his satisfaction until her very last breathe.

"Oh? No crying anymore? That's sad," Fourth commented and formed a blood sword, and stabbed Chun to end her life.


"No!" A man's voice shouted that made the blurry consciousness of the youth persisted.

'That voice was familiar…' Her last thought as she was engulfed by the darkness.


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