
Chapter 9

Suddenly a grin appears on the man with the arm cut off and he starts laughing.

On the contrary, the mysterious entity stood frozen in place with a blank expression.

"You really thought you could threaten me!?"


He held his strange sword in position and took a heavy stance.


*Strange metallic sound*

He sliced his sword in the direction of the scar faced man, shattering down the houses on the sides into rubble.

His slash was so powerful, it managed to clear the smokescreen for a short while.

The ground was tattered up until the area of where the scar face man stood.

*Eyes opened wide*

"What the-

*The presence of the mysterious figure had disappeared from the spot*


The man now getting the shivers, stood still in shock.

*Screams of the victims behind him erupt*


Suddenly, the man was behind him right next to the people trying to hide.

He grabbed a women by the throat.


*Different strange sound emerges*

Then the man who stood in shock, turned around slowly with his eyes opened wide to witness a different kind of monstrosity.

A type in which he had never seen before.

Large black and strange sharp shaped objects skewed out from the insides of all the victims who were hiding in the shelter.

"What the fuck are you!??"

The mysterious scar faced man turns his attention back towards him.

"Has anyone ever told you,

*Scar faced man slowly approaches with a menacing tone*

..That you shouldn't mess with the bigger predators?"

*The one armed man drops his jaw in absolute shock*

*Before he could breath out a ghasp of air*

*Strange eerie noise emerges*

*The menacing cold face of the strange man appears, now eyes absent and blood splattered across his face*

*Scenary of a bloodbath is revealed behind*

There behind him, nailed in from all directions, stood the body of the same man who had wanted to kill the townsfolk so eagerly, lifeless.

Jagged spear like objects were thrusted into him locking the body in mid-air with his insides all gouached out.


"End it here"

"Right now??"

*Suddenly all the soldiers began to retreat and group into the formation line they had marched into with*

"Our job is done"

*Face of a man reveals*

A strict toned face of what seemed liked like a man in his 50's appeared.

His face had a stern straight expression and he had a large symbol on the his back.

"AND NOW!!" He screamed, breaking his straight facial expression

*Huge eruption appears covering the entire town*

However, something was strangely off.

There was no sound to the explosion.

Clouds of smoke of different thickness levels blanketed the atmosphere.

*Strange eerie noise emerges*

"Our job here is done"


*Soldiers started to march the opposite direction*

Suddenly, the man who commanded the army stopped to a halt.

"General Rakano!"




*A weird tension abruptly broke out in the army*

The armed soldiers started looking at each other with a worried face because of the unusual missing presence of the general.



The three random chosen soldiers scattered off into the smoke cloud filled town.


*Sudden cracks started to form and erupt from the ground nearby the soldiers*

The captain darted his attention towards the cracks.

The soldiers raplidly started backing away from the cracks

However, the captain glared his gaze at the cracks without being fazed.

*Ground cracks open*

Suddenly, long skinny but sharp arm like objects appear emerge.

A hideous dark creature starts climbing it's way out.

It had several parts of the body sticking out making it looked deformed.

With random holes and unexplainable things on its body.

But the face of the creature wasn't there.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT" screamed half the soldiers all now panicking and gossiping.

They all started retreating further away at a faster pace.

However strangely, the captain was eerily calm despite the unkown situation.

"All soldiers shoot" the captain calmly demanded.

All the soldiers were utterly confused as they have never seen their captain ever demanding anything in a calm voice.

*Noises of mutiple chains of bullets and strange high tech weapons popped off.


Suddenly, the screams of the three soldiers who went to search for the missing general broke through the atmosphere and stopped the army from shooting.

*Smoke and dust cover the part of the cracked ground the soldiers shot at*

The three soldiers came back with a fearful expression.

"Captain! ...

*Soldiers panting heavily for air*

...General Rakano-"

The Captain stood quiet



The three soldiers yelled while breathing loud and unnaturally fast.

The captains eyes now bloodshot, glares wide open.

"R E P E A T


A G A I N"

The captain paused briefly between each word with the tone of volume increasing after each.

*All of a sudden, thick black smoke starts to swirl around the cracked part of the ground*

*Low hiss like sound plays*