

Willy phone ringing was what brought him back to earth from his own world of how he's meeting with Kate will end up.

Hello Mr Alex, what's up or is Kate already at home il be there at six to pick her up for a town tour, if that's oky with you.

Actually willy am out of town right now and Kate flight is landing at four can you pick her up for me if its not trouble am just stuck at something important otherwise I won't bother you with such matters.

No it's not a bother old man il pick her up send me her phone number, I need to get going so she doesn't get confused or lost in the city, bye see you at home at night.

Willy quickly took a bath at the shop and changed his clothes and decided to head to the airport, he was dressed in a a red a black leather jacket black t-shirt and pair of black trousers, he was looking danmn hot that every girl who would see him will drowl for sure, he took his car and drove off.