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Mum did my lyna tell you where she went I have to look for her I can't keep this anymore now that you know everything I want her beside me all the time,, il never let her be sad again am going to devote my life for her she will be my world and my biggest reason to excel in life because I want to give her only the best.

She will be back today she went to visit fabi, you should take this time that's she's not here and prepare a surprise for her then tell her your feelings girls love such things my boy il help you with decorating the house and cook her favorite you should go to town buy her something nice and bring back her favourite cake you know how she loves to eat that.

Mum why are you helping him can't you let him do it by himself it's his girl not yours,, what do you think dad????? Bro don't look at me like that get up and start your things leave mum out of this or can't you pull such a little thing by yourself????.