
Unbreakable love: Only one I love

Alex had one goal in life to make enough money so she could give her mother a comfortable life. But her efforts always seemed less fruitful even with her adoptive father and step-sister by her side. "Am not crying, just got something in my eye " Alex sniffed. "Am sorry, here is something that might help" the stranger said passing his handkerchief. "Thank you," she said taking it. After wiping the falling tears she turned to look at the stranger. His long brown hair was moving with the breeze around him as his dark orbs stared down at her. He bent down took his hankie and gently wiped the still falling tears from her eyes, "you missed a spot" he smiled. She smiled remembering that night, it was the day she had met him. Nathan Livingston. The man who claimed to only have eyes for her and soon had proved it.

jandralitto · Urban
Not enough ratings
132 Chs

He won't Mind

They arrived at his place, he got out first and offered his hand to her, she took it with a smile came out.

"Becca help Alex inside the house and give her something to change in, I need to make a call," he said.

Becca nodded taking Alex's hand and leading her inside the house.

"You can put the cake here and follow me," she said. Alex followed her up the stairs and opened the door to her boss's room.

"Come in here," she said. Alex was hesitant and Becca laughed, "what's wrong"

"Is this your boss's room?" she asked.

"Yeah, come in".

"But why are we in here?" she asked

Becca walked back holding her hand and leading her inside the room.

"Because he said to get you changed, and this is the only room occupied and with clothes with it" answered Becca.

"Okay". She stood aside as Becca happily moved through her boss's clothes, picking a black shirt she turned to Alex

"I think this will do, get changed and come downstairs," she said

"Ahh, but this is his shirt and...."

Becca stopped her, "Trust me he won't mind and it's the only one that seems to fit your figure, so go ahead the bathroom is that door, take a warm shower and change then come downstairs so we can eat some birthday cake" she walked out happily.

Alex sighed looking at the shirt. His room was embedded in dark colours. Everything was in its place. She could smell the familiar cologne she always smelt on him.


"She is okay?" Nathan asked.

"I think so, let's make some coffee to help you both warm up" Becca moved to the kitchen.

"Can you help me set this up?" he said showing her balloons.

Becca laughed, "when did you get those?".

"While ago, Roy is waiting for her cake outside," he said.

"Wow, so that's what the phone call was for, you really into her" Becca laughed

"Less talking and more helping" Nathan moved.

"Yes sir" smiled Becca.

Soon Roy walked in with a big box and other packages.

"You both got time to get gifts, and didn't order one for me" Becca frowned.

"You can take mine," said Roy.

Becca smiled, "No it's okay, we will just say it from the both of us"

Roy nodded.

Nathan looked up the stairs and sighed, "Becca go check on her, it's been so long and she isn't here yet".

Becca nodded and climbed the stairs then moved to his room knocking.

"Are you okay?" she said

"Am fine, but..." Alex stopped.

Becca frowned, "Can I come in?" she asked

"Yeah". She walked in and smirked, "I get why his so smitten by you"

"This shirt is a little short," Alex said.

"That.. short, it's the right size, it's almost like a dress on you. The boss and Roy are both waiting downstairs so if your okay let's go" Becca said

Alex sighed, "Okay" she followed Becca out.