
Unbreakable love: Only one I love

Alex had one goal in life to make enough money so she could give her mother a comfortable life. But her efforts always seemed less fruitful even with her adoptive father and step-sister by her side. "Am not crying, just got something in my eye " Alex sniffed. "Am sorry, here is something that might help" the stranger said passing his handkerchief. "Thank you," she said taking it. After wiping the falling tears she turned to look at the stranger. His long brown hair was moving with the breeze around him as his dark orbs stared down at her. He bent down took his hankie and gently wiped the still falling tears from her eyes, "you missed a spot" he smiled. She smiled remembering that night, it was the day she had met him. Nathan Livingston. The man who claimed to only have eyes for her and soon had proved it.

jandralitto · Urban
Not enough ratings
132 Chs

First Encounter.

Alex sighed walking out of the hotel room. Slowly she walked out to the huge fountain in front of the hotel.

"Alex, Alex, wait " a voice called her.

She stopped, "Cynthia am okay don't worry "

"Am sorry about what they said " she said turning her friend to face her.

"I know Cynthia, they are just jealous that we have been friends for a long " Alex smiled.

Cynthia sighed, she could see the sadness in her friend's eyes.

"Alex, I know you didn't want to come but I forced you so I feel guilty that they said that to you. So please don't feel bad and just forget about it and like you said they are just jealous of our friendship " she said.

Alex smirked, "I know Cynthia so don't worry about me and go back inside or your boyfriend will blame me for spoiling your anniversary"

"Okay, but please just ignore what they said I will handle them for you," Cynthia said.

Alex laughed, "Okay " she watched her friend walk back in and sighed again.

She sat down next to the fountain and thought about what they had said to her inside the party before she ran out.

"Why does it hurt when I said I was okay," she said holding back her tears. "Come on Alex you can't cry over such meaningless words," she told herself.

But her tears stung and soon she was crying, "but they are all true " she cried looking up at the mermaid statue in the fountain.

She covered her face with her hands, sobbing bitterly.

"Ahh, am pathetic crying over this," she said

"Are you okay?" someone tapped her shoulder.

"Am okay, please don't mind me and go on " she said hiding her face.

"You sound like your crying "

Alex sighed, "what a nosy stranger you are, but am okay "

She heard a chuckle then someone sit next to her.

Without showing her face she turned away to hide her face stained with tears.

"I am not nosy, I just wanted some fresh air so I came here..but then found you crying," he said.

"Am not crying " Alex found herself yelling. "Something just fell in my eye "

"Okay, am sorry I thought you were crying, " the stranger said.

Feeling embarrassed she sighed, "Am sorry, just a long rough day "

"I understand " he answered.

She breathed trying to control her emotions, a lovely cologne of the stranger next to her hit her calming her nerves.

"Here, use this to clean your eye," the stranger said, she looked down to see his hand pass her a hankie.

Taking it, "Thank you," she said and slowly dried her tears.

"Feel any better?" he asked. Alex was silent. " not to be noisy but I heard your conversation with your friend, seemed something happened ".

"Am okay, it's not the first time it happened. I only cried 'cause am a little drunk " she said.

"Thought you whereby crying but had something in your eye?"

Alex chuckled, "Well I lied" the stranger laughed too.

She sighed and finally turned back to find herself face-to-face with him.

His black eyes stared back at her, with his pink lips up in a smile. The breeze was playing with his long brown hair making it messy. But even that couldn't shadow his perfectly handsome face.

She found herself gulping.

His hand moved to pull the handle from her hand, "you missed a spot " his calm voice said. Alex froze as he gently wiped her face.

She pulled back after, "thank you " He smiled giving her a small nod.

"Going back inside?" he asked.

"No, I think I have had enough of alcohol for the night. Going to head home now " she said getting up.

He watched her as she tried to fix her face and hair then turn to him, "thank you, Mr.stranger .I will be off now " she waved at him and walked off.

He chuckled waving back. He looked down at his hankie and smiled.


Alex walked for a while without luck of a taxi. It was late to even catch a bus.

She frowned, "I guess today wasn't my lucky day "

She decided to walk slowly as the smiling face of the stranger played in her head, "well at least you met a handsome stranger " she giggled.

The beeping sound of a car stopped her, Alex turned to see a red sports car stop by the road.

The windows moved down to expose the stranger's face.

"Need a ride?" he asked

She blinked making sure it was the same person then answered.

"Am fine, will get a taxi soon "

"I assure you that won't be possible. I use this routine every day and know it's past time for them to be around " he said.

She sighed, he was right. She had walked for while without any hope and was getting scared since it was late in the night.

Thinking, Alex thinks about it, you either walk and get killed by murderers on the way or get a ride from a stranger who you barely know and might also be a murderer or kidnapper.

She looked around to see the empty streets and then at the stranger.

He smiled as he watched her walk up to his car. He got out leading her to the other side and opening the door for her. Getting in he closed the door.

Alex could smell his strong cologne inside his car, he got in and started the car.

"Where are you heading?" he asked.

"Burton street," she said.

"Okay," he said.

She laid back in her seat and looked out the window.

She didn't know when sleep took her but a hand gently woke her up.

"We are here," he said. She sat up looking out the window to see her street.

"Am sorry, I dozed off. Thank you very much for the ride " she said grabbing her bag.

"It's alright and you're welcome " he answered.

She opened the door and got out.

"Excuse me " he stopped her. She turned to see him standing out of his car.

"Yes," he asked up to her, "May I ask your name?"

Without thinking, she said her name, "Alex, ..Alex White"

"Alex.." he said her name tenderly with a smile on his face.

"Okay then, have a good night," she said.

"Have a good night, Alex " he answered.

She walked up to her place without looking back, her head hurt from all the alcohol and something was still lingering at her chest, something heavy and cold that she forgot about the stranger still watching her.