
Unbreakable love: Only one I love

Alex had one goal in life to make enough money so she could give her mother a comfortable life. But her efforts always seemed less fruitful even with her adoptive father and step-sister by her side. "Am not crying, just got something in my eye " Alex sniffed. "Am sorry, here is something that might help" the stranger said passing his handkerchief. "Thank you," she said taking it. After wiping the falling tears she turned to look at the stranger. His long brown hair was moving with the breeze around him as his dark orbs stared down at her. He bent down took his hankie and gently wiped the still falling tears from her eyes, "you missed a spot" he smiled. She smiled remembering that night, it was the day she had met him. Nathan Livingston. The man who claimed to only have eyes for her and soon had proved it.

jandralitto · Urban
Not enough ratings
132 Chs


Alex served her last plate before she shifted ends and left for the backroom so she could change.

She moaned feeling her back hurt, being up and down all day with sitting was hurting her waist and back so much she had been forced to go to the pharmacy for some painkillers.

"Hi, Alex"

"Yes "

"Boss needs you in his office"

She nodded and after getting changed headed to the boss's office. Knocking she said, "you called for me"

Instantly the door opened and she saw Nathan standing in the doorway. She stood still and they gazed at each other.


Cynthia walked out of the company, since her father's death, her mother had taken over everything. Disposing of her father's old workers and threatening those who she couldn't. Alex was gone so everything else fell on her shoulders and for the first time in her life she knew how Alex must have invested in her work whenever she disappeared.

Deep in her thoughts she almost fell in front of a speeding car, someone pulled her away. Feeling her body tremble and freeze at the same time from the force of the pull and shock. Cynthia looked up to see a familiar face.

"Thank you" she muttered but was too weak to stand. The strong arms didn't hesitate to carry her up. "Am sorry I just feel lightheaded" she murmured before her eyes closed.

Roy frowned as he walked to the car. Gently he placed Cynthia in the back seat and grabbed the bottle of water he always kept for Nathan and helped her take some.

Cynthia slowly blinked, "Thank you, Roy"

He smiled slightly and gave her more, "Should I take you home, you don't seem fit to drive?" he said.

She sighed, "It's okay, I haven't been home in a while"

"Then where?" he asked.

"At your boss's hotel, "Roy frowned

"They are a couple of them so which one exactly," he asked.

Cynthia chuckled, "The one named after his mother, I think"

"Oh, okay. You can rest. I will wake you up when we get there" he said laying her down.

"Mmm, thanks so much Roy" Cynthia closes her eyes and went silent.

Roy drove them to the hotel and turned to Cynthia in the back. She had fallen asleep, so he gently carried her out and walked into the hotel.

"Her room number," he asked at the reception. Since he was known they didn't ask and directed him to her room.

He placed her into bed, removed her shoes and covered her.

Sitting down beside the bed he watched her silently.