
Unbreakable love: Only one I love

Alex had one goal in life to make enough money so she could give her mother a comfortable life. But her efforts always seemed less fruitful even with her adoptive father and step-sister by her side. "Am not crying, just got something in my eye " Alex sniffed. "Am sorry, here is something that might help" the stranger said passing his handkerchief. "Thank you," she said taking it. After wiping the falling tears she turned to look at the stranger. His long brown hair was moving with the breeze around him as his dark orbs stared down at her. He bent down took his hankie and gently wiped the still falling tears from her eyes, "you missed a spot" he smiled. She smiled remembering that night, it was the day she had met him. Nathan Livingston. The man who claimed to only have eyes for her and soon had proved it.

jandralitto · Urban
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132 Chs

A Hand to Steady Me.

"Is there a problem, Dad?" Alex asked her father who had called her into his office.

"No problem, we have a dinner meeting with a business partner this weekend and they requested you to be there with us," he said.

"ME? why me? Cynthia and mother always attend such meetings with you but not me " she said.

"I know you hate such functions but you were listed so you need to be present during the dinner," her father said.

"There must be a mistake, Dad. Are you sure they added my name, maybe you read it wrong " Alex said?

Her father chuckled, "Alex White was the name they stated right after your sister's, so I assure you dear there is no mistake. So make sure to be ready this weekend "

Alex sighed, "Alright Dad, excuse me then "

Alex kept wondering why an important business partner would request for the whole family, most of them didn't even know her since she kept a low profile, was it another scheme created by Mrs. White she had never ceased to make her feel miserable?

She got home early and rushed to Cynthia's room.

"Your back, I heard you're joining us for an important meeting this weekend," she said.

"Yes, but I have attire for such stuff. I never bothered with such events but Dad insisted I go" she said.

Cynthia laughed, "Of Course, you have to, and don't worry I have your back. We will go shop for something tomorrow after work "


Nathan arrived with Becca.

"Did you make sure to add her name to the list of guests?" he asked.

Becca smiled, "Nathan I don't know who she is but you need to calm down. I did as you requested and her father promised to bring her along," she said.

The other guest soon arrived including the Whites.

Becca looked up to see Mr.White with his wife walk up to them.

"Here they are," she said, pointing at the family.

Nathan turned to see Mr. White and his wife. Cynthia walked beside him. He got up gazing in their direction.

"Nathan, so good to see you " Mr. White greeted.

"Same here, Mr. White," he said looking in the direction they came from.

"Thank you again for inviting us, Mr. Livingstone " Mr. White smiled

He gave her a nod and then asked, "And your daughters?"

Mr.White turned to see Cynthia walk in, "Here they are, "

Nathan's face got colder not seeing Alex next to her sister who walked up to them.

She smiled as her father introduced her. She announced that she knew him from somewhere.

Her father smiled, "That's good that you both know each other, it's good for the company when you know our important partners"

"I was told you had two daughters but only see one?" asked Nathan.

Before her father could answer Cynthia did.

"Alex will be here soon, she was just having a little trouble with something "

Becca lead the Whites to their table and walked back to the anxious Nathan.

"She's not here yet?" she asked.

Nathan buttoned his coat, "take care of the guests, I will be back " he said walking away.

"Ah, why did I have to listen to Cynthia I can't walk in these " grumbled Alex.

"Do you need help?" a voice asked behind her.

She turned to see Nathan standing behind her, dressed in a perfectly fitted tuxedo. His long black hair was combed to the back.

He walked closer, his dark eyes not leaving hers.

"Oh, it's you " Alex let go of her dress hiding the unsettling heels.

He smiled, she was dressed in a black strapless dress with an open back and long slit. Her long blonde hair parted in the front and fell on one side of her shoulder, exposing the beautiful jewelry she was wearing.

"You look different " he found himself saying.

Alex looked up, "Should I take it as a compliment, Mr. Livingstone"

He chuckled rephrasing his statement, "You look stunning, Miss White"

"Thank you," he noticed the smile on her face while she answered. "And why are you here, invited too " she pointed at his attire.

He nodded, "Yes, I was going in and noticed you "

"Heading in too, just fixing my shoes," she said.

"Something wrong with them?" he asked

"No, just me having trouble walking in them, I don't usually wear such high heels " she admitted.

"Can I be of assistance " he offered.

Alex turned back to him and he stared back. His gentle smile played at his lips.

"If you can't properly move then I can offer you a hand to steady you " he added.

Alex breathed watching his face as the silence grew between them. Ever since they met, all he did was offer help to her, she thought they would never meet again, but here he was again still willing to help a woman he only met twice. But she needed to get in or Cynthia's mother would get another chance to taunt her about her late behavior.

"If you could just help me walk steadily to my family," she said. "that would be great "

"Okay, I can do that " he moved closer offering his arm and unhurriedly Alex took it, "Shall we head in?" he looked down beside him. She nodded and he lead them inside.