
Unbreakable love: Only one I love

Alex had one goal in life to make enough money so she could give her mother a comfortable life. But her efforts always seemed less fruitful even with her adoptive father and step-sister by her side. "Am not crying, just got something in my eye " Alex sniffed. "Am sorry, here is something that might help" the stranger said passing his handkerchief. "Thank you," she said taking it. After wiping the falling tears she turned to look at the stranger. His long brown hair was moving with the breeze around him as his dark orbs stared down at her. He bent down took his hankie and gently wiped the still falling tears from her eyes, "you missed a spot" he smiled. She smiled remembering that night, it was the day she had met him. Nathan Livingston. The man who claimed to only have eyes for her and soon had proved it.

jandralitto · Urban
Not enough ratings
132 Chs


Finally arriving Nathan helped Alex out of the car.

"Where are we going, isn't this the entrance," she asked. He was leading her in the opposite direction of the house entrance.

"You're a special guest you use a different door" he smiled and she frowned.

"Where are you taking me, Nathan," she asked.

They walked through the back door and walked through a hallway they arrived at a wide door.

"We are here," he said knocking on it.

"Come in," a voice said.

Alex seemed to find it familiar. He led them in and she stopped to see his father sitting down.

"Finally your both here" he got up with a smile.

"Dad," Alex said.

"Alex, come here," he said opening his arms. She walked to him and fell into them. "we finally meet in person "

She pulled away, "You look handsome tonight, Dad"

"Am the birthday boy" he chuckled. "And you are more beautiful in person, especially for tonight"

Her cheeks turned pink, "Thank you, Dad"

"So has he made things official or his still playing around?" his father said

Alex glanced at Nathan who frowned, "Who said I was playing around, I have only her in my eyes. You know that father...and don't worry Alex is now officially girlfriend"

His father smiled, "That's good cause I was going to introduce her as one tonight. I can't wait for your sleepy brain to think for you" he let go of Alex's hand and walked to his desk getting out a red box.

"This will complete your dress, it's a present from me," he said giving her the box.

"But Dad, this is your birthday, I can't be the one getting gifts," she said.

"Take it Alex or Dad will feel bad," Nathan said.

She slowly took it, "Thank you so much Dad, now I feel bad cause I didn't bring anything"

He laughed looking more like the mature version of his son.

"Your making my son act like a human being again that is already the best gift I could ever receive, so thank you, Alex," he said. "now go ahead and open it and see if you like it".

Nathan moved closer to see what was in the little box.

It was a set of jewellery, a diamond necklace and earrings, they were so beautiful she held her breath.

"Didn't those belong to mother" Nathan smiled.

"Mmm, they did and now I want Alex to have them"

Alex looked up with tears in her eyes, "I can't take them, they are precious to both of you"

"If you don't take them I will feel really offended" his father smiled.

"Come on let me help you put it on," Nathan said taking the box.

Alex moved to hug his father, "I don't know what to say, you are both so good to me. Thank you so much" she cried.

He pulled her away gently wiping her tears, "Don't cry dear or your face will be ruined for tonight" he sniffed hiding his tears.

She chuckled, nodding.

Nathan helped her put on the necklace and moved back while she put on the earrings.

"Dad I love you and appreciate the gift but it's getting in the way of my necklace" he frowned.

"Don't be selfish, it's only for tonight" his father said.

Alex laughed and pulled his necklace on top of the new jewellery.

"See, we both fit now stop yelling and get ready to leave," his father said.