
Unbreakable Bond.

"Ms Charlotte" Sebastian begins, his voice measured. "This contract outlines the terms of our arrangement. After two years of companionship with a clear understanding that our bond is temporary and in its conclusion, we part ways amicably." Charlotte, the woman with five lives intertwined in hers, nodded in acknowledgment. The weight of financial necessity, heavily resting on her shoulders. This contract offers a lifeline to stability.

Laurina_Eri · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 14: You Can't Be My Dad

"Hello, Mia I'm in a difficult situation, please come and speak with Daniel for me, he has refused to open the door, he locked himself inside, I'm scared." Charlotte said over the phone.

"Calm down Charlotte, where are the other kids? Mia asked.

"They are at my neighbor's house please come and speak with him, I don't want him to harm himself in any way please," Charlotte asked.

"I'll be right there, just stay calm, please. Nothing will happen to him okay." Mia said.

She hung up, she was just moving up and down till Mia came.

"He's upstairs," Charlotte said as soon as Mia stepped in.

"Daniel, it's me."

"Go away, I don't want to speak to you," Daniel yelled out from the room.

Mia looked at Charlotte, she knocked again.

"It's me, Mia, please open the door for me."

"Are you sure you're all alone? Cause I don't want to see my mom."

Mia looked at Charlotte again, who was giving her a sign.

"Em yeah, I'm alone." She replied. As soon as Daniel opened the door, she entered the room, Charlotte at her back.

"I thought you said you are alone. I don't want to see her, she's a liar."

"Daniel this is not the right way to talk to your mom, she loves you a lot and I'm sure she has a good reason for this.."

"Honey, you know mom loves you…" Charlotte cuts in moving close to him. "You don't understand, it's not what you are thinking."

"Leave me alone, what's with you people." Daniel pushed her from him. "I hate you, you've been lying to us." He angrily storms out.

Charlotte held her head, for some time and then fell.

"Charlotte!" Mia screams "Daniel come here. Charlotte please don't do this. Wake up." Mia said her tone filled with fear.

Daniel ran to her to see his mother on the floor.

"Mom please wake up. Mom!"

They quickly took her to a nearby hospital. She was placed in the intensive care unit.

"Doctor, what's wrong with her," Mia asked panicking.

"She's fine for now, but I'll need to speak with her husband." The doctor said.

"My mom doesn't have a husband," Daniel replied.

"Keep quiet Daniel, I'm coming doctor, I'll just call him," Mia said to the doctor.

He nodded his head. "I'll check back." The doctor replied.

"Okay sir," Mia forced a smile on her face.

She took Daniel by his hand to a corner. "Don't make a scene here. I'll be right back let me make a phone call." She moved to a secluded corner.

"Hello, please am I speaking with Sebastian Smith?"

"Yes, who's this," Sebastian asked his tone cold as ever.

"This is Charlotte's friend, she's in the hospital."

"What! Which hospital?"

"National medical hospital," Mia replied.

"What happened, hope she's fine.?"

Before she could reply, her phone was off, because her battery was low.

It wasn't up to thirty minutes before Sebastian's car came to a halt at the front of the hospital.

He stormed into the hospital and made his way to Charlotte's ward.

"What happened to Charlotte?" Sebastian asked Mia, his eyes gazing at Charlotte.

"This is the man that always drops my Mom, late at night. What is he doing here? Was he the one Aunty Mia called? Is he the man she's calling my dad? No way, I won't let that happen." Daniel mumbled to himself, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Mia what happened to her." He asked her again, this time more serious.

Mia was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say, with a finger in her mouth she just stared at Sebastian. Finally, they were interrupted by the doctor.

"Hello sir, are you her husband, the doctor asked.

"Yes," Sebastian smiled.

Before Daniel could say anything, Mia stopped him. "I've warned you not to make a scene here, your mom is in this condition because of you. Please keep quiet."

He folded his bands angrily where he sat.

"Mr. Sebastian if you don't mind, I'd like to speak with you in my office," the doctor said his tone serious and a little grim.

"Sure, after you," Sebastian replied.

"Mr. Sebastian, are you aware that your wife has preeclampsia?"

"Yes, I do." Sebastian replied.

"Are you aware of the risk she's putting herself through, it might take her life.

"It won't, please don't say that doctor." Sebastian said his voice trembling.

"You saying it, won't stop the preeclampsia. Excessive stress and overthinking worsens her condition the more. She needs adequate rest and less stress.

"I'll see to that sir, I'll take good care of her," Sebastian said.

"Alright, get her these drugs for her and this is her bill." The doctor reached out a piece of paper to him.

"Okay sir, I'll do just that," Sebastian said as he turned to leave.

"Wait, Mr. Sebastian, is she aware of her condition?

"Huh, em not yet, I'll tell her later I don't want her to be worried."

"I think she should know…

"I'll tell her soon." Sebastian cuts in. "Please I'll take my leave now." He stormed out of the office.

"Who's that man? Aunty Mia, is he the man that has been dropping my Mom at night."

"Daniel this isn't the time for all these questions," Mia replied.

"Why did you say he's my dad, I can't remember him getting married to my Mom."

"Daniel!" Mia's voice rising in anger. "I said it's not the right time, look at your Mom." She said pointing at Charlotte who was lying helplessly on the bed.

Look at the state she is in right now. Had it been you didn't tell her all those hurtful words I don't think we would have been here. So if you know what's best for you. Just shut it."

Daniel was swelling up in anger as he sat there, his questions unanswered.

"You know what," Mia continues. "I'll take you home, your siblings must be worried."

"No, please Aunt Mia, I don't want to go, please I won't ask any more questions I promise."

"Alright, I'll bring them here then. Stay here and don't go out."

"Okay, Ma'am," Daniel said.

It wasn't long before she came with the kids.

"Mom, I brought candy for you," Julius said, tapping Charlotte.

"No, honey don't disturb Mom," Mia drew him to herself. "The doctor said she need rest."

"Aunty Mia, what happened to Mom, will she be fine?" Julius asked.

"She'll be fine honey," Mia said.

Charlotte's eyes fluttered open, and for a moment, everything was blurry. She blinked a few times, her vision slowly coming into focus. The first thing she saw was her children's faces, filled with worry and relief. Her head ached, and she couldn't quite remember what had happened. She looked around the room, and slowly, it all came back to her.

"Mummy, we're so glad you're okay!" Daniella said, her eyes shining with tears.

"I brought you some candies." Julius said stretching the candies to her.

"Thank you, honey, Mummy is sorry for making you guys worry, I'm okay now.

Sebastian opened the door, his face glowing to see Charlotte awake. "Hi Charlotte how are you doing?" Sebastian said with a smile.

"Umm, you're here," she said nervously. "Mia please can you take the kids home?"

"Yeah sure, come on kids let's go, Mom, will be right behind us."

Daniel dragged back a bit and moved to Sebastian, "I don't know what made you think you can be our dad. You can't be my dad, did you hear me? You can never and will never be our dad, you get it."

He strutted off.