
Unbreakable Bond Of Us

He is bold ! She is Shy ! He is Strong ! She is sweet! All her falut is she wears a hijab , She got bully easily and people thought of her as IsI agent . She was kicked out of her orphanage when she turned 18 , She lives on her own now . She never stand for herself until he showed up , He likes her , respect her and be there for her . This is a story of Hafsa and Arsh . All copyrights of this books are reserved. A resemblance with alive or dead is just a coincidence. No bad comments please.

AuthorRose · Urban
Not enough ratings
17 Chs



I was looking outside of the window .

" My name is Arsh "

He said all at once out of nowhere. I look at him and replied " My name is Hafsa. "

He nods and took his handout to shake with me

" Nice to meet you hafsa " I look at his hand and then his face . He realized I am not going to shake hands with him so he moved his hand away and said " Sorry "

A smile came up at my lips and I asked " Where do you study ?"

He said looking ahead. " Oxford college of arts . "

I look at him and said " That's where I study , In which grade are you " I asked getting exited.

" Second " He said with a small smile . He probably noticed the excitement in my voice .

" Oh you are my senior " I said with a smile . He look at my hands and said " Why are you holding that teddy bear so tightly ?"

I look down and said " This is wovie , my best friend, When my mom abandoned me he stayed with me , He lived with me , He is like a best friend to me "

He smile looking at me. I look down and said " Sorry for saying nonsense " He shake his head and said

" Well , I am glad you have someone to cling on and cry , You are better than me "

I look at him and his face serious again. He has a nice bold sexy face with strict looks. I control my mind and look outsode. Soon we reached a place which he calls his house but it was not a house , It was a mansion a big one , With so many security guards.

My mouth drop open looking at it and I asked " Hoe many people lives here ?" He said with a smile " Only me "

We get off and while going inside , I saw the guards give him a deep bow. He took me to sensor of door . And put his fingers on sensor then open the menu then he said " Put your hand here. "

I did as he told me to do , After a minute he said

" You hands print is saved in it now , You can come and go whenever you want "

I smile again and he said " Ok let's go inside now "

I did so. And when I came insode . My eyes wide in shock , It was so beautiful house .