
Unbound Wrath

Emadeu · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

The Execution

In the intricate world of global power plays, Benjamin Blackwood (the alien) harnessed his shape-shifting abilities for manipulation. With a steadfast sense of purpose, he orchestrated a complex symphony of chaos.

In the corridors of political influence, he assumed the appearances of significant figures. He subtly sowed seeds of disagreement, stoking rivalries and undermining trust among leaders. Diplomacy crumbled, replaced by bitter enmity.

Across media platforms, his discreet interventions skewed narratives. False stories stoked public outrage, further dividing societies. Unity faded as misinformation clouded perspectives.

Within military circles, he exploited hierarchies and rivalries. Fabricated communications fueled suspicion and confusion among commanding officers. The bonds holding the armed forces together began to fray.

His grip on Earth's destiny tightened as chaos reigned. Driven by memories of Raema's suffering, he suppressed the real Benjamin's memories, focusing solely on his mission.

Amidst rising social unrest, Benjamin observed with an eerie detachment. Societies crumbled under the weight of internal conflict, their attention diverted from the impending danger above.

As the storm of his design subsided, Benjamin surveyed the aftermath. Earth's leaders were ensnared in their own discord, the planet's defenses weakened. The impending invasion grew nearer.

Amidst the turmoil he had unleashed, Benjamin remained resolute. The burden of Raema's salvation weighed heavily on him, propelling him forward on a perilous path. Unwavering, he pressed on, determined to see his mission through, whatever the cost.