
Unbound Familiar

An avid gamer nerd's dreams come true in another brutal yet lucky? fashion. Follow him as he does his best not to die in laughably humiliating ways, all while trying to escape his abrupt and unwanted servitude. Will his knowledge of the world he finds himself help him succeed? Will he return home? Will evolve past his title of 'Dog'? Read and find out! This will be another multiversal world-hopping story, similar to my other one, EBW. I'll not spoil the surprise of the first world, but Skyrim will eventually be involved... And no, I'll not be adhering to plot, instead destroying it and hopefully not butchering the original story in the process. Feel free to join my Discord : https://discord.gg/EJxRKkwtDm Also, if you enjoy my stories, want to read ahead, and or support me. Take a look at my Patreon : https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross Also, I've 'borrowed' the picture from : greenmapple17, on Deviant Art.

Niggross · Video Games
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713 Chs

Just Kunkka

The reinforcements from the Summerset Isles were confirmed from the Thalmor files, but there wasn't any information on how big said fleet would be, nor the time they would arrive.

Lastly, the thing that brought a vicious grin to Michael's face was... A list of people in the Thalmor's pocket. Nobles, thanes, merchants, there were even some beggers included in this. He was more interested in the big names however... While his dislike of nobles had faded somewhat, he wouldn't miss the chance to punish those who abused their positions.

Michael glances to Saeko and nods at the gathered papers, "Nice haul... Take what you want before I burn everything, gotta stick with the dragon attack story."

Saeko shoves some papers into her pouch, these detailing the names of high-level Thalmor officials that were apparently leading the fleet to Skyrim. They'd been at the head of the invasion in Hammerfell, but had been reassigned it seemed.

"Let's go."


Not long after the destruction of Northwatch Keep, Saeko received a letter from Aela the Huntress, a Companion who she was apparently good friends with. She left to go attend to whatever that was, and Michael took the chance to rest and check out his status.


Name : Michael Tahlin

Rank : Demigod

Stats :

Strength : 166 > 178

Agility : 335.1 > 356.2

Intelligence : 230 > 245.7

Birthsign : The Mage

Bloodline : Human/Winter Wyvern Hybrid

Familiar : Darth, Dark Monolith Parasite

Abilities :

[Dead God...?] (142) : Allows user to Respawn when killed, suppresses emotions based on number of deaths, makes dead things more receptive to user. Grants more powers and abilities the more deaths the user experiences.

[Spirit Summoner] (Rank 1) : User is able to summon his Spirits, number and duration of summons is determined by Intelligence, Death Affinity, and strength of the summoned Spirit. Can only Summon Spirits a Rank lower than the user.

[Spark of Divinity] (Rank 0.0004 > 0.0008) : On the cusp of greatness.

[The Mage] : Enables user to learn all magic-based skills 20% faster.

[Gandalfr] : Enables user to utilise any weapon at two ranks above their current proficiency while granting them the knowledge necessary to use them. While wielding a weapon, temporarily gain +100% in all stats.

[Vanntalfdir] : Enables user to walk on liquids as if they were solid surfaces, can be activated at will but continuously drains mana to function.

[Wynningbaldr] : Allows user to detect break-points and use mana to exploit them.

[Gift-Blood of Auroth] : The Life-Blood of Auroth the Winter Wyvern inhabits the user granting them the abilities she possessed. Massively increased Ice Affinity, increased Strength and Durability, improved Eye-sight, Ice Breath Attack, and the Will of Auroth.

[Language Comprehension] : Enables user to understand all spoken tongues, and increase the rate of which they learn reading and writing.

[Adept Mana Manipulation] > [Expert Mana Manipulation] : Allows user more control over his magic, spells, and some abilities. Mana efficiency and control of power is increased.

[Pain Immunity] : Allows user to shut off or mute his sense of pain at will.

[Expert basic Swordsmanship(Two handed swords/One handed swords)] : Determines how skilful the user is when handling swords.

[Adept basic Dagger techniques(Single edge, curved, straight, double edge.)] : Determines how skilful the user is when handling daggers.

[Desensitized] : Things of a violent or shocking nature fail to draw a reaction like they used to. Emotions are dulled somewhat and user is more easily able to think and rationalize in high stress situations.

Affinities :

[Death Affinity], [Water Affinity], [Fire Affinity], [Lesser Space Affinity], [Lesser Darkness Affinity], [Supreme Ice Affinity]

Spirits :

Commoner Tier :

Shadow Shaman : Lvl MAX

Slark : Lvl MAX

Riki : Lvl MAX

Hero Tier :

Anti-Mage : Lvl MAX

Lina : Lvl MAX

Winter Wyvern : Lvl MAX

Legend Tier :

Rubick : Lvl MAX

Silencer : Lvl MAX

Kunkka : Lvl MAX

Demigod Tier :

Shadow Fiend Lvl 3 > 9

Magic :



Spirit : Shadow Fiend

Level : 3 > 9

Abilities :

Subsume Soul (Rank 2) : Allows user to devour a soul in his possession, granting some attributes it originally possessed. The chance of gaining anything from a soul is determined by the soul's strength and the ability's Rank.

Shadow Raze (Rank 1) : Calls forth a blast of demonic energy to harm targets in an area, can be cast thrice in quick succession but only at varying distances. Enemies hit by multiple Shadow Raze's will take bonus damage.

Necromastery (Rank 4) : Allows user to steal the souls of those he kills, stored souls grant an increase in Strength when held up to a limit determined by user's intelligence and ability rank. User loses all stored souls when killed.

Presence of the Dark Lord (Rank 1) : User's presence now causes enemies' armour and defences to be weaker, the enemies themselves will find themselves less durable than before.

Requiem of Souls (Rank 1) : User utilises his stored souls to cast a demonic explosion that damages, slows, reduces magical resistance, and terrorizes enemies when struck. Requiem of Souls will automatically be cast when user dies.

Souls :

Mortal Souls : 127


The rank of [Spark of Divinity] increased upon the absorption of the Dragon Soul, it'd be higher if he hadn't given one Dragon Soul Shard to Derflinger but, having a Thu'um-using sword was way cooler in his opinion.

He was keeping a bunch of Mortal Souls to use on Requiem of Souls in the future, they wouldn't give much of a stat boost if he 'Subsumed' them anyway, so the Strength increased would have to suffice right now.

Other than that, he wanted to get to know a Spirit that he'd been holding off until now... Kunkka. Since he'd become able to summon his Spirits, he'd been occasionally summoning the 'freindlier' ones. People like Lina, Rhasta, Riki, and Rubick... He wanted to summon Wei, but that'd probably pull her teacher, Anti-Mage along with her... He didn't want to fight hat guy inside of the book, let alone outside of it.

Obviously, he refused to summon some Spirits, Slark being one of them, and Shadow Fiend being another once he was able to summon them. Bringing a stupidly powerful, soul-devouring demon to Tamriel felt like a dumb idea...

Regardless, he pushes his consciousness into Kunkka's world, his vision flashing as he appears on a cliff overlooking the sea... On Michael's right, was Kunkka.

The Admiral was a large, broad-shouldered man wearing a colourful blue navy attire, with every belt and buckle filled with something, be it weaponry, pipeweed, sailing tools, or even a flask of rum that Michael could smell from where he was standing. Kunkka had slightly receding black hair with wisps of white declaring his age, wrinkles, a large unkempt beard, and a big cross-shaped scar on his forehead.

Most notably was the large glowing sabre on Kunkka's hip, Tidebringer.

"Hello?" Michael asks the forlorn-looking Admiral who was staring down at the crashing waves. His voice brings Kunkka out of his trance, causing the man to turn towards him.

"Greetings, I am Kunkka, Admiral of the Claddish Navy. Of whom do I greet?" he asks, planting Tidebringer into the ground and calmly resting his weight on it.

"Michael Tahlin, er, Creator of the Eye of the World, I guess?" he replies.

"Hmm, 'Eye of the World' you say? Never heard of it!" he says with an out-of-place jolly tone.

Michael shrugs, "Well, it's not from around here... Whever 'here' is." he says, not recognising Kunkka's world. Riki had shown him many maps and paintings of locations, but this didn't match anywhere he knew.

Kunkka lets out a sigh, lighting his pipe and taking a few puffs, "This is where my fleet fell of course, the Trembling Isle!"


Kunkka puffs some smoke rings at Michael's sympathetic expression, "Don't look at me like that, while I still stand, the Claddish Navy lives on!"

"Ah, you mean your Ghost Ship?" Michael asks.

"Hoh? You know of it? Strange, no one alive has ever seen it!... Have you been spying on me, lad? Some would want you hung for spying on ancestral magic youknow!"

Michael shrugs, "Well, it doesn't really matter when you consider this." he says, gesturing at the ocean and casting Torrent, causing Kunkka's eyes to widen.

"How...? Are you one of mine, lad?... You look nothing like me!"

Michael shakes his head, "Let me explain this fucked up situation..." he says, going on to give the basic information he'd had to give to every other Spirit he'd chosen.

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :



Faruk Ereng

Niggrosscreators' thoughts