
Unalike: can’t you tell

Luna Sky Seong was adopted by a Korean family when she was young, ever since she has been living with them and love them like her real family and vice versa. She has never met her biological parents or anyone from her biological family so it doesn’t bother her much but she does get bullied for it in school. Her family then decided to move houses, so she now attends a new high school full of drama..........

NiagarapopoOT7 · Others
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31 Chs

Ch.20 ‘what’s wrong with today?’

"My mother doesn't like visitors on weekdays…thats a strict rule of hers" there's no pint of telling her the full reason…

"but your mam just randomly came to my house and had breakfast…..is that not worse?" I ask while looking at the drawing…now that i look at them properly, they all have the same colours and painting style as if they all share a backstory

"ok…ill tell her not to do that but if she finds out your here….it wont be good." It wont end well for the three of us

"so, lets say i will escape here but not by the front door….what do you think i am?…a ninja?" I then turn to look at him to see his eyes at the window

before he can talk i open the door and walk down the stairs quietly, i hear Jong walking behind me so quietly as if he was invisible

i stop when i hear someone walking in the other room, then i think they must've sat down. As im about to resume walking down the stairs i hear Jong's breath beside my ear then he says

"if you get caught you'll be dead and so will all your true friends"

i whisper back

"well then it would only be me" as i dont have any true friends

"wrong….and you know who they are" he whispers to me and i can feel the sharpness in his voice

i try to ignore it and continue to walk to the door

as i finally reach the door i open it quietly and leave without saying bye

"whew….finally out of that"

as im walking and nearly reaching my house i realised i forgot my bag


I turn around and run back to his house as i want to get home before dad comes. Lucky me that i remember his house and that its not far from where i live

as im about to knock i get pulled back by someone grabbing my arm…as im about to scream i see a familiar face, it was Hwan. He pulled me onto a isolated corner and lets go of me then says while breathing heavily

"what in the world are you doing there?" He was practically shouting at me

i just stare back at him blankly

"what in the world is going on today, from the accident in the classroom to the lunch incident and now this!?. Am i in hell or something?"

he looks at me and then gives me the weirdest smile as if, if he was trying to smile while being cut in halve…thats how i see it

"look, im just asking…why were you there?"

My head starts to hurt, i think today was just too much.

i n'ignore him and walk off…as soon as i turned around i saw Jong holding my bag and staring at Hwan with the most most dangourous gaze I've ever seen…

"i dont think i should be here" i take my bag and run off back to my house


I'm really sorry that I haven't posted for a while cause i had a few exams and my grandmother passed away, i couldn't really think straight as i was really close to her...but here i am back and I'm happy to be. And I just wanted to thank you for reading my work and I hope you'll like every new chapter. Love u

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