
Unaccountable Role

Lee Son your average worker was asked by his friend to read a certain novel titled 'THE CONQUEST OF ZERO' in the world of the novel the male protagonist is your ordinary university student who got transported to another world where magic, monsters, wars, and other races exist. Shockingly after reading only 3 out of 15 Volumes of the novel, Lee Son our reader after an unexpected tragedy was mysteriously transferred inside the world of the novel as "Xarth Barrows" who was not even introduced or mentioned in the 3 volumes parts of the novel. How will he live his life as a background character!? Is he even a background character? Do you think he can go back? Find out and set forth on an incredible journey along with Xarth (Lee Son) to unravel the mystery behind his purpose for being transferred into this magical world. Updated twice a week. (Book Cover by yours truly.) Warning: This novel may contain grammatical errors as I am new to this. Chapters may be edited at certain times and are still in progress. Read at your own risk... Criticism is always welcome. And have fun reading.

Decree_Woods · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Now that's dealt with let's continue on to the Capital (1)

Zero looks at Amoth with a keen gaze while standing still in his position. Amoth began to snarls at him, the demon prepared itself to charge at the human in front of him with his terrifyingly large body.


Amoth started to move at a rapid pace towards Zero with three of its head focus only on him. The speed of the demon startled Zero, he thought that with Amoth's large body he would easily avoid any attacks coming at him.

He quickly shifted his body and quickly rushed off to the side to dodge the demon's advance. Zero looked back at Amoth and started focusing his gaze on the monster's movements. He quickly used his Red Aura as he was prepared to attack it.

The people inside the high-grade barrier were shocked at how fast the large monster's movements were. Xarth didn't react much as he had already known about it from reading the novel. They were nervous for Zero as they can observe him fighting alone with that kind of monster.

Everyone inside Lex's high-grade barrier hoped that Zero will be safe and that he can successfully kill Amoth. So they can rest assured that the destruction and chaos that this Demon can bring will never befall the Southern Continent again.

Zero quickly moved his body while holding the Drunken blade with his calloused hand from all the sword training he had done. He rushed at Amoth with a plan to deal some damage before he unleashes the technique he learned when he was suffering alone in that dark and cold place.

As he was rushing at Amoth he remembered the time when he escaped the underground cave. It was when he noticed some changes in his body while interacting with the people of the Brook village.

"Park Min Ah!, Help us move these wild boars." he requested.

"Coming! Chief Ralk." Park Min Ah yelled as he ran towards the man who had let him stay there with them.

(A/N: During this time Zero carelessly told his real name as he did not know that in this world his name may sound strange or unique.)

"Where do you want me to move these chief?" He asked as he proceeds to grab 10 of the large wild boars leaving him the only one to carry them when there were 5 grown men with them.

Everyone's eyes widen at that moment.

Ralk then pointed at the house near his. "There! At the Storage house." he happily instructed as he was amazed by the young man's strength.

Park Min Ah quickly helped the chief carry 10 large wild boars to the storage house where they store food for all the inhabitants of the Brook Village to partake.

Ralk started patting Park Min Ah's back "As expected of Park Min Ah! You're so strong! How could you carry 5 large wild boars in each hand that weighs more than a grown old man!?" Ralk wondered as he was quite impressed at the young man that is the same age as his grandson to have this kind of strength.

Park Min Ah lightly chuckles at the chief's flattering words. "Chief, You flatter me much. I don't really know how could I have this kind of strength? maybe it has something to do with all the training I've been doing these past years." he smiled as he answered the chief's question.

The Chief grinned back at him and continued patting his back as they crept their way to the Storage house.

Zero shuts and opened his eyes as he remembers those bittersweet memories of the past before bursting his way to jump Amoth.

Even with Amoth's dragon body, its scales are inferior to that of a real Dragon that has completed all of its evolution phases. As he flawlessly jumped towards Amoth.


He succeeds in slashing one of its dragon legs causing one big injury to the demon. Amoth shriek as he had felt the damage caused by both the Drunken blade and his Red Aura.


Someone laughed at that moment...

'Kekekekek!! That felt good!! Use my skills you dumb number!!' The Druken Balde interrupted as it was getting excited with the pain it had inflicted on Amoth.

Zero sharply lands and dashed his way at the very corner of the room to reply to the Drunken blade's suggestion. "And how could I do that?" he asked as he focuses his eyes on the monster looking at him ferociously with 6 of its eyes.

'Just say the skill names and I'll do it! You better be grateful that I'll let you use me today!! KEKEKEKEKE!!' The Drunken Blade yelled while laughing wickedly as he was eager to inflict more pain on Amoth.

Amoth started to inhale a large amount of air. It was about to use his crazy firepower to counter Zero's strike. 'Dragon Breath' another characteristic it got as it has the body of a Dragon but this skill is still inferior to the Real thing.

Zero furrowed his brows "Idiot! Do you think I know your skills? Hurry up and tell me the details!" he shouted as he was preparing himself to dodge this massive attack.

'BLOOD WAVE' ITS A SHOCK WAVE MADE OF BLOOD THAT CAN SLICE SH*T AND 'BLOOD FIELD' ITS A CC SKILL!!' The Drunken blade screamed to engrave those words to Zero's head.

"Got it! 'Blood Field'' Zero pointed the Druken Blade at Amoth, Red light started to come out of the Druken blade it swiftly flew towards Amoth engulfing him in a red blood dome that stunned him. Making Amoth unable to cast 'Dragon Breath' at Zero.


As Zero successfully stopped Amoth, The others watching this were very pleased with Zero's quick decision to cast a Red dome around It. They were also surprised as to how did he cast that Red Dome that stopped Amoth from destroying Lancaster's Underground System.

Duke Jidek's eyes widen "W-What!?" he stuttered. "How did he cast that Red Dome!? Is he also a magician!?" He mumbled to himself as he was completely astonished by the scene his witnessing before him.

He quickly hovers his gaze towards Xarth to ask him about that matter. "Young Master Xarth, Is Sir Zero also a magician? How did he cast that Red dome? He's so amazing!" he exclaimed with his Wisteria-like eyes shaking ever so slightly.

Xarth began to examine the Duke's facial expression. 'He's really liking him...That's good news to me.' he thought this to himself as he was observing the Duke.

Xarth began to form a crinkle on his eyes and nose implying he was quite happy with the Duke's initial reaction. "No Duke Jidek, He's only using his other artifact," he commented while still having a smile on his face.

'I'm not technically lying. It's his~'

"Really! Then what artifact is it? Is it that Red Blade that he's currently holding?" Duke Jidek asked once more as his eyes started to sparkle completely captivated with Zero.

Xarth chuckled at the Duke's eyes that were currently sparkling with a bright glow. "Yes. Duke, that artifact is called the Drunken Blade you might have heard about since it's pretty famous here in the Southern Continent," he stated to make the Duke more fascinated with the Zero.

The Duke's eyes momentarily closed while his hands were on his chin. He seems to be thinking about something. At that moment his eyes slowly opened and wondered back to Xarth. "Your right! I've heard about it. It's from your territory, right? The Sword of the famous SwordMaster 'Rowel' of the Mappa Kingdom."

Xarth's eyes started to widen at the words that Duke Jidek had said. "You know the owner's name?" he blurted out informally.

Someone then suddenly joined in.

Lex placed his arms on the Duke's shoulder while smiling brightly at Xarth "Yes!!, He's pretty famous! A commoner Swordmaster like Sir Zero, He was said to be a man of many words...No Cross that!! What I meant is that he has a very sharp tongue! Hahaha." he chuckled as he explained what he knows about him to Xarth while still resting his arms on his liege.

Duke Jidek leered at Lex. Lex noticing this quickly retracted his arms to where they were naturally are.

The Duke let out a sigh and continued chatting with Xarth on that matter. "Right...As described by Lex." he took a glance at his companion, Lex made eye contact with his master and immediately bowed apologizing for his idiotic action. Duke quickly went back to Xarth's direction. " Sir Rowel has a very sharp tongue he was also an alcoholic. But still, he was a well-respected individual. I've first met him when I was only 16 years old when I studied at the Mappa's Kingdom Capital to learn more about Swords Arts.

"Yeah...I have pretty much seen those qualities." Xarth quietly mumbled to himself.

At that moment...


A large explosion echoed inside the wide room that they were currently in. The room quickly was shrouded with smoke making the people inside the barrier frantic and worried for the man in the middle of it, As they can't properly see what was currently happening in that thick smokescreen caused by the loud explosion.

Small pebbles of rocks started shooting off at every corner of the room even hitting the High-grade barrier that was high above the ground. Though it just bounced right off as this was a pretty sturdy barrier cast by the Quintuple Magician Lex.

"Did you see what happened!" Duke anxiously asked as he didn't see what happened because they were busy talking about the Druken Blade.

Harold spoke at that moment. "Amoth broke free out of the Red dome and manage to make his attack connect!! Resulting in that." he pointed at Zero crouches down leaning against the stoned wall while holding the Drunken Blade weakly.

Amoth was still lurking around the smokescreen he created finding Zero's whereabouts. Contrary to having 6 eyes Amoth is still weak as he had not yet consumed anything for 35 years so he cannot fully use his physical traits to find Zero's exact location.

'That dumbass! Can't even fight properly.' Xarth started scratching his head.

"Sir Zero! We have to help him! he's definitely injured from the impact!" Ezekiel worriedly suggested amongst the people inside the Barrier.

'Ha...Do I have to interfere again?' Xarth anxiously thought as he sees himself again solving this troublesome problem again.

Everyone was silent as they were quite lost for words at the current situation they're facing.

Xarth watches everyone's expression one by one. They were drifting into a daze while thinking hard to get out of this situation.

'I guess, That's the natural reaction. Considering Amoth a creature that took out 100,000 trained men. Compare to us 6 we'd definitely get destroyed, but that doesn't mean we'll never have the chance to defeat him.' Xarth thought this to himself as he observes others.

He was now observing Ezekiel while his eyes were closed. Then suddenly as his eyes open they immediately made eye contact. Ezekiel's mouth started to curl up while staring intently at Xarth.

This made Xarth stiff 'Why the hell is this bastard smiling!? for some reason, he was kind of scared of Ezekiel's unordinary actions.

Ezekiel started to move his mouth.

"I have a plan...Would you care to listen? We'll save Sir Zero and also destroy Amoth in the process." loudly announced to gain everyone's attention

'As expected of Zero's ally...And the soon to be king of the Messiah Kingdom" Xarth just stayed quiet and focused on Ezekiel's suggestion. Although he already had thought of a plan himself as he already knows Amoth's patterns and how they could end him completely.

Everyone's started to focus solely on one person.

Ezekiel smiled at everyone as he sees that they were clearly looking in his direction.

"So, This is something that we need to have full cooperation and concentration so listen carefully. I need someone that can cast Wind magic to fly and distract Amoth. Anyone?" Ezekiel raised his hand waiting for a volunteer.

Lex slowly raises his hand stating that he'll do it. "I'll do it! Though I'd probably only last for 10 mins in the air," he mentioned as he sees his role important to Ezekiel's plan.

Ezekiel smiled and replied. "That's all the time we need."

To be continued...


Thank you for reading Chapter 25 of Unaccountable Role hehe Update on the Book Cover and Characters illustration (It's still working in progress as I've just recently received my package. It took so long LOL.) Please leave a Like and Comments to encourage me on continuing this work. We still have a long way to go! Please enjoy the journey with Xarth. I'll post the next chap this Saturday hehe see ya! (Decree_Woods)

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