
3 "Your imagination doesn't hurt you, you just try to be happy in this cruel reality"

-wake up very early- I'm so excited about what Luna asked me yesterday, but I think more than nervous -he said aloud while taking his medicines- I think today I feel very good, very happy with much desire -he yawned and shuddered- Oh it's very cold.

-I went to her parents' room to tell her what Luna had told her and only her father came out-

DAD: What happened Andrws, it's very early, -looking inquiring- will you come out? -He feels stupefied-

Andrws: if dad will go out with the moon, -they felt uncomfortable- you don't have to be flabbergasted, she told me that today I am the one who will see her at her house very early and then we would go for a walk

DAD: of course I just want to ask you something -releases air that he had in his lungs letting it out through his mouth-

Andrws: uh yes dad, of course - frowns-

DAD: you are taking medicine for your depression, -smile- although now you are in love, you look very happy

Andrws: it's not funny -he raised his voice while blushing-

DAD: go, as soon as your mom wakes up I'll let her know.

Andrws: Thanks dad, see you later


I am very nervous, it seems that it is a dream, it is very cold and I did not opt ​​for a coat, it is such a freezing day that the fog makes it impossible to see it, but well in a few steps I will be in front of the door of the moon

Andrws: -Is she asleep? Thought- -Ring the bell- -he waited while rubbing his hands against the cold-

Laguna: -opens the door blocking the passage- I was more than sure that you were still sleeping and that you would be late

Andrws: Hello, he says very good morning at the beginning, then he asks himself -he smiles-

Laguna: -sad bags- esque I was wishing you would come -with a soft dejected voice-

Andrws: you're very good at acting as a pretty girl -he laughs-

Laguna: do you like my sweetness? -with voice and fickle gaze- note that Andrws says- I just realized how cold it is and you are still out there, would you like to come in?

Andrws: your expressions are tender and sometimes I just get lost in your sweet gaze and I am fascinated by the sweetness of your voice moon, of course I want to pass -he says while rubbing his hands-

Laguna: my parents are busy, do you want to eat a little, have breakfast with me? -Put on again-

Andrws: yes, moon, but stop sobbing -he blushes and keeps talking-

Laguna: -flush- just say it, I love it when they tell me, surely it is your weakness to see me and hear me moan

Andrws: you seem manipulative -stuttering-

Laguna: losing, thank you, there is nothing wrong with practicing, to be able to tame a certain little person

Andrws: and who do you want to rule?

-Curious question-

Laguna: to my boyfriend -while I spread the gelatin on the loaves-


Evening came and since the morning that Luna and I spent watching movies while we ate and laughed, I had never felt so good in my entire life since I met her. -Sighs-

Laguna: Andrws Andrwsss -she runs her hand over her face, interrupting Andrws's deep thoughts-, do you want to go for a walk?

Andrws: yes, I have places to go

Laguna: well-he made a little jump- I'm going to change, in five minutes I'll be out


Fifteen minutes have passed and Luna does not leave her room, she probably took a shower

Laguna: -Get out of your room with a nice dress and a nice hairstyle- Do you wait?

Andrws -it's just beautiful- It was worth it, you look like a princess, you look like a seraph, a total charm -said without being able to take his eyes off her beautiful trembling smile-

Laguna: -ashamed she ran towards Andrws and then hid her face on Andrws's chest- Shut up!

Andrws: I didn't know you could change color -he joked-

Laguna: yaaaa -he gave him a docile push in the chest-

Andrws: -he hugged her and gave her a kiss on the forehead to calm her down-

Luna looked up and collided with my gaze making eye contact without blinking, it was so romantic ................. .

Luna, after the gesture she had made, went to tell her parents that we would go for a walk and they both agreed, we left the house and everything between the two was strange, Luna did not speak to me, it was as if she was avoiding me, preventing him from looking at her.

But why was he like this? I thought that what he had done was a nice gesture of admiration, I tried to apologize but he did not answer me, I feel bad for sure that I already lost his friendship, we went through the institute where I attended in education time, and everything I told him that He seemed to ignore me, I was about to cry because my crystallized eyes could not contain more tears and suddenly the moon began to speak.

Laguna: don't even think about crying Andrws, the one who is going to cry will be me for you, you are a very cute boy with feelings and you make me feel good, you attract me a lot with your expressions and occurrences, your mysteries and your way of seeing the world I'm also bad at making myself understood, very bad at expressing myself, but what I'm going to ask you is something I imagined one night, but in these last few minutes I've been thinking about it and I want to ask you if you want to be my boyfriend. -he finished saying, while a tear ran down his cheek-

Andrws: yes, I don't believe it, yes, yes, yes, yes, I don't know what else to say, just yes, yes, yes, Luna, she also cried-

Laguna: calm down -he smiles as he runs his hand over his cheek to wipe away that tear that escaped him when he asked the most sincere question that his heart screamed at him-

Andrws: because you asked me and you didn't let me ask - sobs trying to calm down - moon stops having hiccups my soul breaks when you look like this

Laguna: I don't know why he cried, maybe he was just ashamed and when I asked you that question and when I saw you I got sentimental -he smiles- and then you never had the courage to have asked me that question or am I wrong?

Andrws: If I had said it, smiles and fakes, actually, I was about to

Laguna: aha yeah -Hugs him while he smiles and whispers in Andrws's ear- now it's your turn to give him the first kiss

I heard how the moon whispered in my ear, daring me to give her the first kiss, she says that I don't dare and actually she's right I don't dare, I feel bad if I want to but I don't know how to do it

Andrws: I look at the ground, I have never kissed the moon

Laguna: it's easy, close your eyes -Andrws close both eyes- okay, Now imagine that you are going to lose me -Andrws hugs her- well, now you will feel my lips and you will not do anything, until you have more desire to kiss me

When Luna finished speaking, she already had her lips on mine in a hungry way.

It felt really good, it was like Luna needed my lips to live, and I felt ready and started to imitate Luna, it was a fierce kiss and it seemed like it would never end, until Luna broke away for a few seconds to take a breath.

He stared at me, his mouth ajar, panting and a little agitated, before I could react, his mouth was already on mine again and the desire between them began to grow, I felt Luna hug me tighter and automatically I chose her above, He hugged me with his legs and pulled away a little to say stop and seconds later he bit my lower lip and without letting go he looked into my eyes and said, and Andrws.

The place where we were was desolate and we saw a restaurant where we decided to go to eat, I felt very happy and Luna and more conceited than usual, when we left the restaurant we headed home.

Laguna: Andrws, can I tell you honey?

Andrws: yes darling, see you tomorrow -he kisses her very softly on the mouth-

Laguna: -she blushes- give me another kiss like the one you just gave me and I promise I'll let you go -He says while grabbing Andrés's hand-

Andrws: -he kisses her again- see you tomorrow darling

Laguna: see you tomorrow sweetie


It's amazing since the moon came into my life. I feel like now, if I'm really living, I hope this never ends.

-Turn on the mobile and then write to Luna-

* Since you came into my life you have given me the best days of my life, you make me the happiest boy in the world. I don't know what I'd do without you now that I've met you.

Pdt: I will dream of your kisses, rest honey *

* Do you think we're going to the park tomorrow? *

Laguna: -feels that his mobile vibrates for the messages from Andrws, he reads and responds-

* Uyyy you are sweet, you know that I can no longer sleep, without first reading your good night messages *

* I will also sound with your kisses darling *

* no baby I won't be able to go to the park tomorrow I'll be busy all afternoon, but if you want, we'll go out when I'm done, I'll write to you, okay? *

Andrws: -read and answer- * of course darling see you tomorrow thank you very much for coming into my life *

Laguna: -read and answer-

* Sleep baby *

Andrws: -when he sees the answer, he smiles for a second after falling into a deep sleep, in which he wakes up in a white room and a figure injecting something in a serum that had adhered to his arm-