
Un... Desired love

A loving mother who always get questioned by her daughter about her Birth father, she would always find ways to ignore all questions... until one day... her daughter brought a friend for her birthday party... she never knew but he found out and wants his daughter... what will this loving mother do??.. will she tell her daughter everything, will she go back to him and live together or will she forbid her daughter from seeing him?!?.. if you'd like to know.... don't waste any more time and start reading

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8 Chs

Fake daddy

While Hope was getting ready for school...

"mummy!!.. don't forget to bring my daddy before I come back from school" hope reminded..

"yeah yeah.. we'll both come to pick you up from school" Emma said...

When Emma got home.. she immediately called Gideon (her old friend)...

"hey.. it's been a while since I last heard from u" Gideon said...

"yeah!!.. I've been busy lately... anyways.. I need your help" Emma said...

"what for?!!" he asked...

"I need you to pretend to be hope's father" Emma said...

"Okay but what for.." he asked...

"she keeps asking of her father and I thought you could play to be her father" she explained...

"why can't you just call her father and explain to him" he asked...

"he doesn't even know he has a daughter and if he finds out... I'm afraid he might take her away.. but that would never happen" she said..

"but what if she finds out.." he asked...

"can you stop asking questions and just come over" she yelled...

"okay fine.. where are you now.." he asked...

"home.." she answered...


Soon, Gideon walked into the restaurant..

"oh good you're here... we need to change your look, and you have to know some things about her" ... she said...

"okay but.. why my look" he asked..

"because you look nothing like her..".. Emma said..

"I already look great" 🤨🤔🙄 he said...

"you still haven't change have you" she said...


when Emma got into Gideon's car.. her phone began to ring... she looked at it and saw it was Merlin (Alex mother).. she immediately picked up..

"hey auntie??!.. what's wrong?" she asked..

"I was going to come over to you but I couldn't leave Daniel (her husband) alone..

"okay what do you need?" Emma asked...

"can you please bring me two plates of Chinese rice with dumplings" she said..



"who was that" Gideon asked...

"why do you like asking so many questions" Emma said...

"oh I'm sorry... I thought I was supposed to be your fiance" Gideon teased her..

"correction... not my fiance.. but Hope's father.." she corrected..

Then they turned back to the restaurant to gat the order and zoomed immediately to Hope's school...

when they got there.. Emma saw hope sitting alone on the bench and went to her immediately...

"darling.. what's wrong??" Emma asked...

"jade and the others said I wrote a lie on my homework" hope Said...

"like I said yesterday.. just ignore them" Emma said..

"I tried but I couldn't... why did you come late to pick me up" hope asked...

"I had to go back to work to get a few things and guess what" ..

"wha..!?" before she could finish Gideon came out from the car and then came to her..

"who's this mummy" hope asked...

"remember I said I'll come to pick you up with your..." before Emma could finish.. hope ran to hug Gideon...

then Gideon carried her...

"where have you been all this time" hope asked as they all went into the car...

hope wouldn't stop asking questions...

"hope!?.. you know your father is driving... you'll ask questions later" Emma said..

Soon the car stopped...

"mummy... where are we!?" hope asked...

"don't get out of the car... I just want to drop some things and check on someone okay.." Emma said..

"can I come along.." she asked...

"okay fine.... but no playing rough okay!!?" Emma warned...

hope followed her mum into the house, then Gideon came out to wait for them...

Meanwhile, Alex was getting ready to leave the house to go out.. then he opened his curtain and saw some who looked familiar... it was EMMA!!.. then saw a little girl following...

"so that was Emma's daughter I saved yesterday no wonder she looked familiar... Emma can't even keep an eye on her daughter and she calls herself a mother... well well.. Emma found herself a rich guy.. it's definitely just a matter of time... wait!!.. what is she doing here.. I can't let her see me" Alex thought then covered his curtains...


"thanks.." Merlin said as Emma dropped the bags on the dinning...

"mummy?!.. is this your mummy" hope asked...

"um... yeah... you call her.. grandma" Emma said...

"okay.." then hope went to Merlin.. "grandma... why don't you visit me and mummy" hope asked...

"oh dear.. I'm sorry... I'll visit on Sunday.. okay?!" Merlin said..

"Great" hope said..

"can I check on father?!..." Emma asked..

"sure!?.. he's been asking if you" Merlin said..

"okay!?" Emma nodded...

....Alex peeped from the stairs....

when he saw Emma coming up with his mum and hope.. he immediately went to his room...

In Daniel's room,

when he saw Emma... he immediately sat up...

"oh darling... you're here!!.." he said...

"yeah.. I came to drop a few things and thought of checking on you... how are you feeling now?!" Emma asked...

"I was a little tired but now that you're here.. I feel a lot better... who's this adorable candy here" he said..

"hope!??... this is grandpa.." Emma said as she carried hope on her lap..

"grandpa... why are you happy to see mummy?" hope asked...

"because she's a gift from the almighty" he answered...

"you are very correct... whenever I don't see mummy.. I always get sad and really judgy but whenever I see her... I always feel like I'm on top of the world" hope said...

"exactly" Merlin said...

Emma looked sad...

"mummy what's wrong??!" hope asked...

"I'm just happy to be with you all" Emma said then hugged Daniel, hope and Merlin...

...Alex peeped from the door and then left...

Soon... Emma and hope left...

Before Alex went out.. he went to check on his father... when he entered, he saw his just sitting and watching TV.. then his father turned the TV off and slept back...

"common dad!??.. you can't keep avoiding me... I'm your son and you don't give me enough attention" he said...

Daniel didn't answer...

"so you won't talk to your son but would talk to Emma who doesn't even deserve your attention" he said getting pissed...

"she deserves my attention because she's like a daughter to me... and I don't care what you think... cause all these years your family needed you... you were busy working... you missed your sisters wedding😠" he said without looking at him...

"I didn't know.. okay fine.. what do you want me to do... quit my job!!?" he asked...

"Yes!!" his father answered...

"Okay fine!!?.. I will.." Alex said about to leave....

"One more thing!" his father said and he stopped on his tracks...

"you have to bring Emma back into this house" Daniel said...

"what's the use... she already comes here to visit so why do I have to bring her here" he said...

"fine but you have to apologize to her" he said...

"for what!?.." Alex said...

"you abandoned her when she needed you the most..." he said...

"because she was always asking for things... who knows what her target was" Alex said in anger...

"she just wanted to be happy... she lost her grandmother... she suffered a lot... we tried to help her but she didn't want any of our help... when your mum and I found out that she was now living a better life... she came to thank us.. even when we did nothing..." Alex's father explained...

"but seriously guys... her grandmother is already old and can't even walk.. it was just a matter of time anyway" Alex said...

his father sighed and look straight up at him... "when your family needed you the most.. where were you.. saving other people other than your own family... but Emma... she comes here most of the time to check on everyone... but... she doesn't know you're back.. cause if she finds out... she won't want to come over" his father said...

"then what's the point of apologizing when she doesn't even want to see me?!" Alex said....

"she has her reasons..." he said..

"what ever reasons she has... I don't care.. can I leave now?!" Alex said then left...


when Gideon dropped both Emma and hope at home...

"mummy.. since my daddy is back, let's stay with him" hope suggested...

"okay then.." Emma agreed...

Then Gideon took them over to his place...

while Hope was in the living room watching TV... Emma confronted Gideon..

"thank you so much... now that hope is Happy to see her father.. she won't question me again" Emma thanked...

"hmmm 😊" Gideon nodded...