

Telling the story of an half dog, half human in a fantasy world. Also on Wattpad with the same novel name. I apologize for the book-cover, I do not have one yet.

ryuhidetaka · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Until Next Time

The two powerful fighters begin their battle. As Yagami throws a left jab, Katsuragi is able to avoid it by shifting his body weight to the left and using his right hand to catch Yagami's left fist. He then uses the momentum to spin Yagami around and tries to land a spinning kick to his chest. Yagami is able to react quickly and dodges the spinning kick by ducking and stepping back a few steps. He then unleashes a flurry of punches followed by a roundhouse kick towards Katsuragi's face. Katsuragi is able to parry each hit with his arms and spin his body to avoid the roundhouse kick. He then grabs onto Yagami's leg and tries to use his strength to throw Yagami onto the ground. Yagami is able to resist the throw and quickly backflips onto his feet, putting himself back at an equal distance to Katsuragi once again. He then takes a deep breath and concentrates his life-force energy, channeling it into his right arm and throwing a powerful cursed energy punch towards Katsuragi's chest. Katsuragi is able to sense the amount of cursed energy being charged by Yagami and dodges to the side just before the punch lands, avoiding the blow with ease. Yagami and Katsuragi continue their intense battle, neither of them willing to give an inch. Each exchange powerful blows, with each one trying to gain the upper hand. At one point, Yagami lands a hit to Katsuragi's stomach, causing him to double over in pain. However, Katsuragi is able to recover quickly and retaliates with a series of punches and kicks, each one aimed at the pressure points in Yagami's body. Yagami ducks below and is able to catch Katsuragi's ankle. He then uses his leg strength to throw Katsuragi down onto the ground. As Katsuragi hits the ground, he rolls in the direction he was thrown in, avoiding any major damage. He then leaps off the ground with incredible speed and aims a series of punches at Yagami's face and chest. Yagami is able to react quickly and counter each punch with his hands, using his body to avoid each hit. The two continue their intense battle, neither one gaining the upper hand. Katsuragi then unleashes a powerful kick towards Yagami's side. Yagami is able to dodge the hit by leaping back a few steps before charging forward and throwing a punch towards Katsuragi's head. Katsuragi is able to block the punch by catching Yagami's hand with his own arm and using the momentum to spin Yagami's body around. He then aims consecutive kicks to Yagami's chest and abdomen, attempting to weaken his enemy's movements. Yagami is able to react quickly and block the kicks with his forearms, using his elbows to try and hit Katsuragi in the face. However, Katsuragi is able to anticipate this move and dodges the elbows. As the two continue their intense battle, sweat and dirt from their intense fighting begin to cover their bodies and faces. The air is filled with the sound of fists and kicks colliding, as well as the heavy breathing of the two fighters. Eventually, both fighters are forced to take a break, stepping back a few steps to catch their breath."It's been fun. However, I cannot stay inside Naraka for too long you know~" Yagami states. Katsuragi responds, "I was wondering how you were able to stay for so long but even the strongest has limits huh?" "Uh huh, I bet you are so happy about this." Yagami scratches the back of his head and sighs. "You didn't have to hold back against me." Katsuragi says. "I felt like doing so, no special reasons for it." Yagami responds with a grin. He turns around to see that the gate to the real world already started to form. The two fighters stare each other down one last time. Yagami then looks over to see the gate opening back up. He takes one last look back to Katsuragi and smiles, "Become stronger, don't let me kill you again." Yagami says with genuine sincerity before stepping back through the gate, leaving Katsuragi and his group behind. Katsuragi smiles to himself and turns around, hoping to help his friends that are lying on the ground.- Approximately 2 hours later, Inside a Morgue -"What is the meaning of this, Hideo?" Yagami asks while gritting his teeth with anger. One of the first years died during the mission while you were away...

"I can fucking see that with my eyes, Hideo. Who the hell ordered first years to go fight a unique grade? Are you guys out of your minds?" He then decides to ask after thinking for a second, "This was intentional wasn't it?" Hideo gets surprised and asks, "What do you mean intentional?" 

Not a single person with logical thinking would send first years to go fight a unique grade. It is suicide." He continues, "Grimorth and I had to pull strings just for Yose to be not sealed. Those fucking higher ups backstabbed not only me but also Grimorth. Those fuckers with their beliefs can go fuck themselves. I don't even care about finding who ordered this. Maybe I should kill them all while I am already angry enough."

"Oh? Is the Mr. Strongest being emotional after all these years?" the woman asks. The woman is the doctor of Entera High, Kaoru Tsuji. She has long black hair with brown eyes. She has a pretty face with freckles on it. She is quite tall for a woman and she likes to wear her lab coat. "I go away on a mission for a few hours and I come back to the reality of one of my students being killed and the other critically injured. You expected me to sit down and do nothing about it?" "Of course not, you are completely right about this but don't get angry at Hideo too much. He is forced to do what he is told after all. He is right in the middle of us and the higher ups." she says.

"I don't care about how tough his situation is. My student literally died." "Right, right." She moves inside the morgue and goes to where Yose's lifeless body is placed. "So this is the supposed undead I kept hearing about huh?" She asks, "Can I examine his body however I want?" "Sure, not like it matters too much anymore unless you find out something useful."

"Of course I will find something useful, who do you think I am?"

"Don't be so angry you waste of space, you look funny when you are fuming from rage." Asura says mockingly. "Of fucking course I am angry. I got killed by you of all the people. You good for nothing fucker!" Yose responds while clenching his fists. They seem to be inside a consciousness realm but this time...

Yagami finds out the truth about what happened while he was away. What happens next?

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