

Telling the story of an half dog, half human in a fantasy world. Also on Wattpad with the same novel name. I apologize for the book-cover, I do not have one yet.

ryuhidetaka · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Life-Force Energy

"Is it really fine that they don't know I am alive?" Yose asks. "It's better for now. I know you feel bad about Enfoure and others knowing you as deceased but don't worry about that for now." Yagami adds, "I want you to focus on your education from now on. You will get to reunite with your beloved classmates sooner or later." "Okay, Teacher Yagami! I will do my best." He states with a smile. "That's the spirit, Yose!" Yagami matches his energy then goes on to sit down. Yose also takes a seat and continues speaking, "I want to become stronger, I don't want to rely on Asura's life-force. I want to do things my way. Please teach me how to become the strongest, Teacher Yagami." "You are asking the right person to say the least..." He grins and then looks at the objects on the table. "Look over there at the pencils on the desk, Yose" he says. Yose glances at the pencils on the desk, his curiosity piqued. "Yes, Teacher?" he nods, eager to follow Yagami's instructions. Yagami gives him a slight nod and gestures towards the pencils. "Take one of the pencils and bend it with your hands. Make it snap in half." Yose reaches out and picks up a pencil from the pile. He grips it firmly in his hands and braces himself, preparing to exert as much force as he can. "Go ahead," Yagami prompts, "Try to bend and break the pencil." As Yose braces himself, he focuses all of his strength into his grip, trying to bend the pencil with all his might. But no matter how much effort he expends, the pencil remains unaffected, refusing to bend or break no matter how hard he squeezes it. "I can't break it," Yose states matter-of-factly, "These pencils must be sturdy." "Yes, they certainly seem strong," Yagami admits. He gives the pencil a brief inspection, eyeing it carefully before turning back to Yose. "But that's not the point," he says, "The pencil isn't supposed to break." "The reason you're unable to bend or snap the pencil is because those objects aren't ordinary pencils," Yagami explains, "They are a condensed form of life force energy. They may look like simple, mundane items, but don't let their appearance fool you." "Life force energy can take any shape," He continues, "It can form and manifest in seemingly ordinary objects. Anything can essentially serve as a container for life force energy, including people and even the air itself." "So what you're attempting to do right now is bend and snap a condensed form of this life force energy, which is why it seems impossible. The pencil isn't an ordinary object, but rather a physical manifestation of life force energy. Your hands and feet can exert as much physical force as they want, and it won't be enough to make the pencil bend or break.""Instead, you'll need to use a different approach to manipulating this life force energy," Yagami adds, "I'll explain it to you." He continues, "Life force energy has two main components," Yagami explains, "The first, essence, is a core element that binds energy together. The second, flow, is a form of energy that allows the essence to move and transform.""Essence is like a vessel, while flow is like the water or liquid that fills the vessel," He continues, "You can't create one without the other, and they must be balanced in order to use life force energy properly." "So, how does one manipulate or interact with essence and flow?" Yagami asks, turning back to Yose. "Life force energy can only be controlled if you know how to manipulate essence and flow," He explains, "You'll need to learn to control the flow of energy throughout your body in order to interact with and shape essence." He then continues, "You told me you learned how to heal yourself while battling the unique rank demon. You didn't know how to do it. However, your brain and your body forced you to learn because it was a life-or-death situation. Not like your brain would be able to know that you are unable to die. My point is that, you learned how to do it at the spot but not the essence of it. That is why you aren't able to recreate it at the moment." He smiles and asks a question, "So how will you recreate it? It's simple." "Simple?" Yose echoes, his brows furrowed in confusion. "Yes, simple," Yagami affirms with a slight smile, "You just need to focus on the flow aspect of life force energy. You already had the instinct to heal yourself during the fight with the demon, which means you know how to channel essence to various parts of your body." "Now all you need to learn is how to properly control that flow and channel the right amount of essence to the right place, which is what will allow you to not only recreate your healing ability but also allow you to use your life-force energy for techniques." Yagami takes a brief pause, eyeing the boy carefully, "I'll show you how to do it." 

"First, focus on your entire body," Yagami begins, "Feel the flow of life force energy through every part of yourself." Yose nods and slowly closes his eyes, centering himself and focusing completely on the flow of life force energy throughout his body. "Alright..." he murmurs, "I feel it. I feel the flow throughout my entire body." "Perfect," Yagami affirms, "Now start concentrating on one of your hands, focus on the flow of life force energy just in that hand. Don't try to redirect the flow, just focus on the flow in that hand." "Okay..." Yose nods, focusing on his right hand, which immediately starts to tingle and shake slightly. The flow of life force energy in that one hand suddenly intensifies, growing stronger and more prominent as Yose focuses solely on that one hand. "Now, redirect that stronger flow of energy towards your other hand," Yagami directs, "Try to funnel that concentrated and amplified flow of energy from one hand into the other." Yose nods and focuses on his left hand, instantly redirecting the flow of energy towards that hand. As the flow of energy moves towards his left hand, Yose almost immediately feels the same tingling and shaking sensation in that hand, the flow of energy now flowing just as fiercely in his left hand as it did in his right. "Good," Yagami affirms with a satisfied grin, "Just like that, just keep redirecting the flow of energy back and forth between your two hands. This is to get you familiar with the feeling of channeling the flow of life force energy throughout your body. Now keep doing it until you can control the flow at will." He adds, "And don't worry about failing, I didn't learn to control life-force energy in 1 minute after all." Yose nods and continues redirecting the flow of energy back and forth, growing more comfortable with the feeling of controlling the flow of life force energy through his body as he continues doing it. "Good," Yagami affirmed, "Now you need to try something more complicated." Yose nodded and waited for whatever the next step was going to be.

"Now try to redirect the flow of life force energy into other parts of your body", Yagami instructed, "Not just your hands, but also all over. Just like you were doing with your hands, but now expand your focus to include all these other areas." He starts to do it so effortlessly and efficiently that he could do it without even focusing on it, channeling energy between his hands like second nature, with the flow growing and intensifying at each cycle. "Now, focus on expanding the flow of life force energy to various vital areas in your body", Yagami continues, "Focus on your heart, lungs, and all the internal organs. Your brain, spinal cord, and all your muscles too." He adds, "This is crucial for protecting your vital areas from harm." "Now that's enough," Yagami finally says, seeing the boy's body completely flooded with life force energy. Yose nods and opens his eyes, taking a deep breath. "Good job, that was remarkable," Yagami praises, clearly impressed by how easily and effectively the boy was able to channel and control the flow of life force energy through his body. "I am thoroughly surprised, Yose. Being Asura's vessel sure does wonders." Yose then decides to ask a question, "From what Enfoure told me, everyone gets their own life-force technique at some point. Will I be able to get my own?" Yagami smiles and responds, "I think that you would most likely learn Asura's life-force technique first. The thing is that, I didn't get to see what he has either. He is most likely intentionally not showing it. Enfoure told me that Asura didn't use his life-force technique against him too. A complete mystery for now." "Aww man...I thought I would be able to get my own super cool technique!" Yose says. Yagami responds with a chuckle, "You are already cool, Yose. A first-year not only fighting a unique level entity but also exorcising it is unheard of." Yose gets really happy after hearing this and responds, "I bet Asura is hating hearing your compliments, Teacher Yagami." "This is just the basic stuff, Yose. You have a whole lot to learn."

Life-Force Energy explained! Yose proves himself to be a worthy methodologist!

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