
Un daunted

DaoistgMASc6 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Episode one.

Salma woke up very early in the morning to get ready for school when she heard her step mother shouting at her at the top of her lungs. She quickly put on her dress and she ran down the stairs dreading to meet her angry step mother.

Salma i have been calling you but you didn't answer my calls. What have you been doing? She said through gritted teeth.

I was just t-tidying up Salma answered just when her step sister Safiyya came down.

Or you were sleeping? Asked Safiyya

Safiyya hated Salma so much because she was pretty. She had a small face with big beautiful eyes and a pointed nose. She was also very intelligent which made Safiyya more jealous as she was not that intelligent.

Salma's mother died the day she gave birth to her while her father died two years ago when she was in 23. She was so hurt and depressed to the extent that she had to see a therapist. She stopped therapy not long ago and she continued her studies after a hard time of persuading her step mother to allow her to finish her studies.

Her father married her step mother after two years of her mother's death. After which Safiyya was born. Her father's main purpose of marrying Zakiyya,her step mother was so she could be taken care of but then unfortunately she wasn't a good person.

Sorry Ammu I slept in… but I didn't mean to. I was tired. She said the last sentence in a whisper.

ARE YOU CRAZY? her step mother shouted.

You were supposed to have finished washing these dirty clothes but you slept off. I can't believe this. Your father is not here to cover for you anymore so don't you ever repeat this again or you'll have to deal with me. By the time she finished scolding her,tears were already running down her beautiful face. She misses her father so much that it teared her apart so much. She quickly finished washing the clothes after which she took a very nice shower as she got ready to go and meet up with the one and only person she finds peace being with. Jiddah.

Jiddah i miss my father so much. Said Salma as she sighed. They were sitting on a bench in a park that she used to visit with her father when he was alive.

Don't worry he's still with you.just pray for him and trust Allah. He will never abandon you Salma. I know it's hard living with your step mother but you will have to endure every little thing for the time being and just focus on your studies and we will be medical doctors in two years insha Allah. I have to go now, mumma is waiting for me. We are going shopping before we resume school. Wish me luck. And with that, Jiddah left Salma alone in her thoughts.Salma was left to herself as she remembered the good times she spent with her late father. He loved her so much and when ever her step mother,zakiyya tortures her,he would bring her to the park and comfort her he tells her about her late mother and how much the looked alike.

Baba I'm tired of this. Why would zakiyya Ammu be rude like this? I didn't get home early due to my studies and she just…

I don't even want to talk about it. It is just too much. I just wish mama was alive then none of these would have been happening.

i'm sorry salma. i have talked to her but she would not listen. I don't know what to do about it again. But have faith in Allah and everything will be alright insha Allah.life is never perfect but whatever hardships you are going through right now, will be history later on in life. Allah won't leave you just like that. He will reward you in the most beautiful way insha Allah.and who so ever cheated you will have to face his wrath.

Let me give you an advice. As soon as you get home,read the holy Quran and you will feel better insha Allah. I love you so much my daughter.

She stood up and started heading home so she could rest and eat. It was a tiresome day but at least she has poured her heart out in the park.


Muhammad opened the glass door quietly as he entered the living room. He was being careful so he won't wake his parents and siblings.Muhammad is as architect and also the CEO of his father's architectural firm.

Muhammad loved a lady named Kamila.

Kamila is a very intelligent girl. She is chubby but short. Unfortunately Kamila is a leukemia patient and is under medication.

Muhammad wanted to marry Kamila but his parents disapproved of her because of her condition and he is trying his best to persuade them into letting him marry her because he loves her so dearly and he didn't want to live a life with out her.

He entered his room and he took a comforting shower before he went to bed.As he climbed his comfy bed,he remembered his conversation with his beloved,kamila.

Muhammad I think it's high time we end this. Let's pray to Allah for the best. Your parents are not into this and I'm bound to die anytime.I don't want to hurt you Muhammad. Kamila said as she exhaled out.

Don't say that please. I can't loose you. I will be so depressed if that happens. He looked at her and it broke him to see the woman he loves so vulnerable and knowing he couldn't do anything about it ripping him apart. What would he do if he was to loose her.

She makes him so happy at all times,she preaches to him when he's angry. It pains him so bad seeing her that way but he couldn't help it.

Have faith in Allah. I know that we can surely put through with this.you know i wish i could transfer what you are going through back to me. I will do anything for your sake kamila. Anything that is halal as long as I can be with you. So don't be depressed and chill out.

He tried consoling her even though he knew she won't live long but he just couldn't break down in front of her.

He sent a silent prayer to Allah to cure her even though he knew that there was only a very slight chance for that.

He wondered why people like her with different illnesses were stigmatized in the society and he wished he could change that. He slept thinking of the activities of the day after all it was a long hectic day.

But what he didn't understand was why his mother doesn't want their marriage. Kamila is a kind,lovely and masha Allah a beautiful woman. She would definitely be a wonderful daughter in law.

AN;This is the first chapter of this book and i hope you will enjoy it. The chapter maybe short but pardon me I'm a new writer. Please vote and share your comments.

Thank you❤️