
Umm… Is This A Fanfic?

One day at the dinner table, Leon found himself recalling memories from his previous life. His previous self had died from some terrible luck. What terrible luck? Well… A random heart attack. Like…really? The old him who’d died still had many, many years left of his life. Did he have any regrets? Who knows? But there was one thing Leon did know. The previous him probably regretted never finishing his book series. Yes, he was an author. But little did Leon know he was in the world of “Cries & Echoes.” And when he found out. Things were not quite the same. Why was that? He wondered. Will Leon find out that this was a fanfiction? Or try to change the storyline for a better outcome following the original plot? Let’s find out, shall we? Note: This will be a new story and something I've always wanted to try, so... here we go!

Seseal · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Chapter 25: It’s always fun when I’m with you!

 Later that day, when I was taking care of the blue crystal roses, Lottie watched from behind with great interest. I wonder, do girls, in general, like flowers? Mother likes flowers, well, Father as well. Hence the vast and beautiful garden. Perhaps we humans like pretty things in general? 

 "Leon, do you always take care of these flowers yourself?" Lottie curiously asked. Her head was somewhat tilted while her eyes sparkly, anticipating my reply. 

 Recently, Lottie has been more talkative; she used to be so meek and quiet. I suppose that's the influence of Rachel—who is quite assertive. 

 "Not always, but I try to take care of them myself as much as possible." 

 "They are blue crystal roses, right?" Lottie inquired. 

 Surprised that she knew what they were, I peered into her eyes, which somewhat resembled the flowers. Her blue and crystal-clear eyes are as beautiful as these flowers… Much like them, they seem pure and innocent. 

 "…Lottie, your eyes are similar to these flowers," I abruptly commented. 

 Flustered, she averted her eyes, saying, "Thank you," and as if gathering some courage, she turned to me again, now peering deep into my eyes instead. "Leon…you also have beautiful eyes… They are like the clear blue sky. And your hair is like the pure white snow…" 

—that's unexpected…a compliment from Lottie. 

 "Thank you…" 

 I felt somewhat hot in my face. I knew this feeling, probably. I neither knew if it was embarrassment or shyness, perhaps both? Still, shouldn't I feel happy that she complimented me? I am, aren't I? Whether it differed from other flattery. Coming from her, I felt strangely happy, even though I'd heard similar words many times. 

—I suppose it depends on whoever says it…

 "Lottie, do you want to help me take care of them?" 

 Surprised, Lottie asked, "Wh-What!? I-Is that fine?" 

 Confused by her reaction, I unconsciously tilted my head. "Why so surprised?" I inquired. 

 Lottie fidgeted and blushed a little while twirling. "…don't the flowers take about seven years to bloom fully?" she asked. "…Daddy told me we'd return home before my birthday…" 

—I suppose one could interpret it that way, too…

 "Hm, what I meant was… If you wanted to try to care for them." 

 "O-Oh…" Lottie gasped. "But…I wouldn't mind helping you fully…" Her ears turned red for some reason, and she began to point and poke her index fingers against each other. 

—she gets flustered too easily… while I find the trait endearing, many people in high society won't. 

 "In that case, why don't we plan new seeds?" I suggested. I grabbed her hand and pulled her along. Lottie, still red as an apple, complied and followed along while uttering something inaudible. "We'll first have to get them from Mister Rex—"

 "I'm sorry, Master Leon, we…don't have any more seeds," Mister Rex said. 

 "…what do you mean?" 

 "The blue crystal rose only produces seeds once they start to wither…and we've already planted all the seeds. As for the ones in the garden, it would take them about two years to wither…" 

 Feeling disheartened, I sighed. "…I see." 

 Mister Rex had an apologetic look on his face, too. But there was nothing to be done if there were no more seeds. These flowers originally blossomed in the harshest of cold places and were hard to come by, even if the conditions were right. However, once they fully blossom, they become less sensitive. This allows us to have them in the garden without the ground being permafrost. 

 Suddenly, Lottie tugged my sleeve. "Leon? It doesn't have to be a blue crystal rose… If I'm with you, doing anything is fun…" 


 It was a strange feeling as if my heart was being tugged. But I didn't mind since it wasn't unpleasant. I glanced at Mister Rex, who, for some reason, smirked… I don't understand. At times, adults smile or smirk at us like this. 

—well, whatever…

 "In that case, can I suggest something?" Mister Rex remarked. Both Lottie and I looked at him, confused. "You see, instead of blue crystal roses, how about some tulips? It doesn't take too long for them to bloom if they take good care of them. How about it, Master Leon, Lady Charlotte?" 

 Lottie and I looked at each other, and the answer was clear. 

 "We'd love to." 

 "We would love to!" 


 — :::: — 


 It's been a few years since Leon and I met. I wonder how he's doing? Would he be surprised? I've gotten taller and… If I do say so myself, I've gotten prettier! Or so Vinz tells me... Truth be told, I knew he'd never look my way. I wouldn't even be surprised if he had a pretty fiancé already, as I found out it was commonplace in high society. Suddenly, I got hugged from behind. 

 "Lia, what's with that sullen face?" Vinz asked while brightly smiling. 

 "Vinz, you really should stop hugging me like this…" I complained. 

 "Whaaat? Why?" Vinz asked while poking my cheek. 

 I could feel the heat rise to my face up to my ears. It felt like I was a boiling kettle, and steam was about to come out of my head. 

—geez! This guy is so dense! 

 'A-Anyways, we aren't children anymore. Besides, you're a prince; act as one, will you…?' I whispered. 

 "Ehh… I'm doing that all the time. lemme just replenish some energy…" Vinz retorted with puppy eyes. 


—that's unfair…

 "Fine…as long as nobody finds out that you're too clingy to me…" 


 "…what was that, "Ah" for?" I queried. 

 "Father and Mother do…" 

 'It's not a problem since they've known for a while, no? Besides, His and Her Majesty probably assume we'd stop after becoming older…' 



—they know you're still like this!? 

 "Look, Vinz…" 

 "Yes? Lia?" 

 "…you're a boy. Right…?" 

 "Well…do you see me as anything else?" 

 "Right…and I'm a girl, correct?" 


 "Don't you see any issues with this? A girl and a boy, our age, being intimate… Besides, you're a prince…" 

 "No worries! Beeecauseee! I like you! There are no issues there!" 

 I sometimes can't tell if he's stupid or just an airhead…is it both? Then again, it would be rude to call a prince that…

 "…if you say so…" 

 Even with that said, he looked at me, full of anticipation… "I-I like you too~" I playfully replied to try and hide my embarrassment. 

 I know that his life differed from mine; he's a prince, after all…there's no way he'd fall for a girl like me, and he's only like this because I'm the only girl he's close to. Besides, he's too childish to understand my feelings. Or am I perhaps too mature for my age? 

—I'm often told that, after all…

 "By the way, has Leon told you when he'll arrive? The ceremony is being held very soon…" 

 Vinz chuckled and nonchalantly replied, "He'll be here in a few days with his fiancé." 

 "…fiancé?" I asked curiously. It was the first time since we'd parted I'd heard anything about him having a fiancé. "…hey, Vinz…for how long have you known…?" 

 Vinz froze on the spot. "…I…didn't tell you?" he nervously asked. 

 I let out an audible sigh, "Vinz, I'd really love it if you could tell me more about her~." 

 Vinz gulped, and his eyes started to drift around. "W-Well… Now that I think about it, I did forget to tell you…" 

 "That much I've figured out~" I replied with a sulk. 

 "O-Oh… Um…her name is Charlotte Sunshield. The only daughter of Atlas Sunshield, The Flame Sage…" 

 "The Flame Sage's daughter!?" I exclaimed. 

 "Shhh! Keep it down, keep it down!" 

 Both Vinz and I looked around, but it seemed like there wasn't anyone paying us any mind. We decided to head over to my room instead and chat. 

 "The fruity kind of tea as usual?" I asked Vinz. 

 He nodded. "Always," he said while grinning. 

 I went into the kitchen and saw that Mister Sylvester and Uncle spoke casually while laughing. 

—thankfully… Uncle seems to be doing fine. 

 I can't thank Vinz and Mister Sylvester enough for what they've done for us. Three years ago, when Uncle became deathly sick, we received support from them. Thanks to that, Uncle was saved and back on his feet again. 

—really, I can't thank Vinz enough…

 As I made my way upstairs again, I saw Vinz quietly read a book. It wasn't a sight I was familiar with, but he looked like a different person. He was calm and collected. His eyes were sharp and focused. The air around him changed, and he seemed more mature—but that was probably my imagination. When our eyes met, his would spark, and he acted childishly as he always did. 

 "Oh? Lia? Where did you get this book? It's quite interesting, but it doesn't have an author…" 

 "That one? Hmm, if I remember correctly, it was at a flea market?" 

 "Then, wanna—"

 "Sure, but before that…" 

 "Ah… Charlotte, right?" 

 I nodded. "Yeah, what kind of girl is she? Do you know her? Oh, except for the things you've told me." 

 "Ohoho? Do you still like Leon by chance?" Vinz smugly asked. 

 "I-It's not like that! Geez!" 

 "Haha, haa…before that, why don't you take a seat instead of standing by the door?" 

 "Oh, right…" 

 With that said, Vinz and I had a conversation over tea. He told me they'd met, and Leon seemed to have a soft spot for her. However, he was uncertain if Leon knew how she felt about him. He also told me that they called her Lottie. 

 "!!? I'd love to be her friend!" I exclaimed after he told me everything. Perhaps not everything, since I feel like he hid some details, but I wasn't going to ask why. 

 Vinz rested on his palm while looking out the window. "Well… We'll meet them soon," he gently said. 

 "I can't wait!" I eagerly exclaimed. 

 I don't know what kind of girl she is, but… if she's Leon's fiancé, then she must be amazing, right? Perhaps similar? Mature and intelligent? I can't wait to get along with her!