
Umm… Is This A Fanfic?

One day at the dinner table, Leon found himself recalling memories from his previous life. His previous self had died from some terrible luck. What terrible luck? Well… A random heart attack. Like…really? The old him who’d died still had many, many years left of his life. Did he have any regrets? Who knows? But there was one thing Leon did know. The previous him probably regretted never finishing his book series. Yes, he was an author. But little did Leon know he was in the world of “Cries & Echoes.” And when he found out. Things were not quite the same. Why was that? He wondered. Will Leon find out that this was a fanfiction? Or try to change the storyline for a better outcome following the original plot? Let’s find out, shall we? Note: This will be a new story and something I've always wanted to try, so... here we go!

Seseal · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 16: The Shellheart Region: Part 1

 It has been a few days since we last departed from the capital. Snow and mountains came into view. Rachel has been getting noticeably colder, and she shivered while tightly hugging me.

 Well…I used to freeze, too, when I was a little younger. But that feeling eventually faded, I suppose.

 "Geez… I've lived here for more than ten years. It's still cold as always," Mother commented. She glanced at Rachel, asking, "Rachel, are you okay?"

 "…I'm fine, thank you for asking…M-Mother…" Rachel shyly replied. She still quivered and hugged me some more. "…Brother, don't you feel cold…?" Rachel asked while snuggling closer.

 "I'm used to it," I replied.

 Rachel puffed her cheeks and pouted. "It's unfair. You don't even need to wear a jacket…" She then turned her attention to Mother. "Is it this cold in the estate as well…M-Mother?"

 Seeing how Rachel still wasn't used to calling her Mother, she gently smiled and moved over to our side of the carriage.

 "Hmm, it's like a cold summer day in the capital!" Mother excitedly exclaimed while hugging Rachel and me.

 "…that's still a little chilly…though," Rachel replied.

 "Ehehe~ you'll get used to it~ the weather there rarely changes. Besides, you'll soon turn seven. Lady Frigel will surely bless you as well!" 

 Rachel tilted her head. "…Lady Frigel?" she asked.

 "It's a family secret, got it~" Mother playfully replied while sticking out her pinkie. 

 "…okay," Rachel reluctantly agreed to the pinkie promise.

 "Lady Frigel is a very kind relative. She lives on top of the mountains and is the great, great…etc. Grandmother."

 "…isn't it lonely up there…?" Rachel asked.

 She had a lonely look on her face as if remembering something.

 …the book didn't say too much about her character, only some parts. But I do know she was very lonely.

 Mother smiled. "I don't believe so at all. After all, everyone who lives here is family to her, including you too, Rachel." 


— :::: —


 A few hours later, after we entered the frozen region, Father knocked on the carriage door. Rachel and Mother peacefully slept while I quietly read.

 "Leon… I'm sorry, but can you take over for Mark? He's starting to get frostbite… and the other servants are getting pretty cold as well… so… pretty, please? Only until we stop for rest at the nearby village." 

"…why didn't you tell me sooner?" I asked.

—am I not reliable…? 

 "Leon, it isn't what you think… You know Mark and the other servants got their pride as well, you know?" Father said with a big sigh.

 "But… both Father and I are almost immune to the cold, so…I thought…"

 "I know how you feel, but they're meant to protect us, aren't they? How would they feel being protected by the ones they're supposed to protect?"

 "…I understand."

 I put the book down and got up. Rachel woke up.

 "Brother…?" she sleepily asked.

 "I'm going out for a while. Wait for me, okay?" I calmly replied while stroking her hair. 

 "Ehehe…! B-But…what about a coat?" Rachel asked.

 "…I'm fine. I want to feel a little refreshed after being seated for so long."


 Seeing her worried expression, I quietly put a coat on. "…I'll head out then."

 Rachel gently smiled. "…okay, be safe," she said before nodding off again.

 When I got out, I saw the other servants warmly smile. They probably heard the conversation between me and Rachel.

 Father was gently smiling. "You two sure get along," he commented.

 "I sure hope we do…" I replied.

 Father tossed me a short sword and said, "Here, just in case."

 Catching the sword, I looked at the engravings and the blade itself.

—this is…

 I shot a surprised look in Father's direction, and he was grinning. "It's made from electro gems. It's superconductive but not all that durable. But I believe that you're careful and can coat it in steeled mana, correct?" 

 "…yes, I've learned all that from Mark."

 "Then, if you don't break it, it's yours."

 "…Huh? T-Thank you…" I scratched my cheek and looked down. It felt a little hot as well…

—perhaps I should've left the coat…

 I would usually get anything I ask for, but… I've they refused to give me a personal sword all this time… I felt surprised, but… Happy at the same time.


 Father cleared his throat and ordered everyone to go inside a carriage. Thus leaving us alone outside. The Nuks knew the way home and dragged the carriages even if no one watched over them.

 Now that it was only Father and I, we jumped up on the carriages to get a better view of the surroundings.

 Since we'll arrive at the first village before dawn, we could let everyone rest a little until we reach there.

—besides…we don't want necrosis to kick in and slowly eat everyone away. 

 "Hey, Leon," Father suddenly called out.

 "What is it, Papa?" I replied while keeping watch.

 "Was it fun in the capital?"

 "…it was very fun. I made friends and…experienced many new things." 

 "I see," Father softly replied.

 I glanced at Father and asked, "Why are you asking?"

 Father seemed a little troubled, as if not wanting to give me a reply.

 "…The Leshina family wanted you to marry their daughter, Princess Aurela. We've turned them down since you're going to study in the capital. But… as it turns out, Princess Aurela will also study there." 

 "…I see."

 "However… They've probably changed their target to Prince Vincent now that it's publicly known he'd miraculously recovered." 

 "…that's quite troubling."

 "Yes… It seems like conflict is unavoidable whether we like it or not." 

 "Is there something I can do to help?" I reluctantly queried.

 "Well…we've turned down the marriage proposal many times now. So that route may not be possible anymore. But I want you to keep an eye out when you're there."

 "I see…"

 Father smirked, "Or what if you tried seducing her? Princess Aurela, I mean. That way, you can always keep an eye on them and make them change targets again. I mean, the Shellheart region is rather advantageous in many ways."

 "…..what?" I blankly stared at Father.

 He shrugged in response. "It's also much more difficult to invade. So, seducing her should be easy for our little Leon, right?"

 Hearing that made me feel a little murky inside, but if that's how… "I…don't know about that, but I could try?"

 Father froze and sighed. "…it was a joke," he said.


 "Yes, really. *Sigh*. Leon, you shouldn't play with girls' hearts, okay?"

 "…but you were the one that—"

 "Alright, alright! It was a joke, but it didn't seem like it came across. Anyhow… This is an adult matter; don't think too deeply about it, okay?" 

—then why did you bring it up?

 "…how can I not now that Father has planted the seeds?"

 "Right… Just think of it as an old man's rambling." Father said. He then murmured something under his breath. 'So even our genius Leon has no solution for this…'

 "…Papa, is only twenty-five, though?"

 Father didn't respond. He cleared his throat. "Well, I received a letter before we left. It appears that Lord Atlas will stop by. What do you think?"

 "…I've heard he's one of the Flame Sages… I doubt he'll find this place cold." 


 "That's not what I meant… Do you think he'll bring your beloved Charlotte along? Aren't you excited for that possibility?"


 "I don't want her to come… It's a bit cold here. After all." 

 "Leon… For anyone not born here, this place isn't just a little cold. So? Aren't you a little harsh? If a lady made her way up here to the cold north just to see you, are you going to chase her away?" 

 I pouted a little. "That's…not what I meant—wait, she's coming?"

 Father chuckled at my surprised reaction and pointed toward something as if to avoid answering.

—a boar…?

 "Leon, do you want to hunt it?" Father inquired.

 "…got it," I replied.

 I strengthened my body, steeled my sword and…


 In an instant, I was in front of the boar and sliced its head off in a single slash. But at the same time, an arrow approached, which I incinerated with lighting.

 My eyes met with the man who'd fired the arrow. He had a look of horror, but I didn't mind.

 "I-I'm so sorry, kiddo!" the man exclaimed and ran toward me. "I was trying to hunt the boar…"

 "Don't be. I basically jumped in front of the arrow," I replied.

 At the same time, the man approached me; Father was also by my side.

 "Geez, Leon, you're way too fast," Father remarked. He looked at the man and said, "Oh? Isn't it Len?"

 "Huh? Lord Oliver? Then…that must be Lord Leon…?" Len shuddered as he took a better look at my face. He then profusely apologised. "I-I'm truly sorry, Lord Leon, it's a little stormy and difficult to see…"

 "As I said. No need to be sorry. I jumped in on my own accord, isn't that correct, Papa?"

 Father sighed. "I'm sorry for scarring you. My son was a bit reckless…"

 After the whole ordeal, the hunter joined us on the way to the village. We found more boars, and some of the servants helped us carry them inside a carriage.

 And soon enough, we arrived at the village and had a small feast.