Sheldon, a weak, aspiring teenager, lives his life in the slums; but one day, he decides to take a change his life, for the better or the worse. He begins his ascent to divinity, battling the tyrants of this world, and finding love in his pursuit of wealth, fame and power.
Far away stood the silhouette of a burdened citadel, stuck in ancient times. The Bestowed Name of this citadel, given by the gods, is Plagued Stone, originally called City County. This citadel, although cursed, stands proud as the only congregation in the country of Maryland to house the most prestigious Royal Family.
Step. Step. Another Step.
The loud, repetitive noise of footsteps echoed through the ancient citadel. These annoying footsteps, coming from an obnoxious teenager named Sheldon, portrayed a clear picture of his poverty. The citizens of City County were flabbergasted by his words. After all, the young teen claimed to have the guts to survive the harrowing ascent to divinity.
"One day, I will become a Zodiac, and you will root for me in my battles!"
He then added:
"All I need to begin my perilous journey is a weapon of any kind!"
No one seemed to care about his lousy dreams. If he wanted anything from them, he had to pay them.
Sheldon's futile efforts came to a hast as a result of him giving up. Nobody would give a damn if he didn't have any money on him. Not only that but his ruined reputation made him the last person to gift such a precious item.
However, running around while begging wasn't his only option.
Tss. Tss. Tss.
The relaxing sound of culinary arts surged the area around his house. The enchanting aroma attracted customers to his house.
"Who wouldn't want to buy an apple pie?"
He sharpened his knife like never before. He then cut his pie into several slices and wrapped them in clear bags.
After two hours of constant trade, he made at least 100 notes, which was enough to buy a shotgun and several bullets.
The sun, dipping low on the horizon, enchanted the sky with a rich, golden hue. With only a few minutes left of sunlight, Sheldon made his way to the local weaponry. He bought a brass shotgun and 64 of its bullets. After the recent trip to the store, Sheldon walked back to his vintage home.
Laying on his bed, he thought of all the downsides to carrying a firearm across the low-income streets of the outskirts. Out of all the downsides, being captured by the Grand Navy was the worst outcome.
The Grand Navy was an international organization made of cruel people. Rather than killing a criminal, they would torture the deviant -- both mental and physical torture. To them, criminals were just victims to their overwhelming lust for blood. Which is one of the main reasons Sheldon wants to avoid them.
Dawn broke out, as Sheldon awakened from deep slumber. He wore his usual outfit, consisting of black leather leather boots, a sweater, black leather gloves and pants. He then proceeded to hang his new, brass gun and its bullets on his fastened belt.
Navigating through the Plagued Stone, Sheldon found himself on the verge of giving up. Time Rifts, the main catalyst of power, were nowhere to be found!
He exclaimed:
"In a city like this, it should be easy to spot a Time Rift!"
"You need help, young man?" asked a cloaked figure with a defined feminine silhouette.
Sheldon answered:
"Yes, but who are you?"
She lingered for a bit... then said:
"Tenisha, but I prefer being addressed as Teni."
As if letting his instincts take control, Sheldon said:
"You have a golden voice."
Teni as flattered under the hood of her cloak.
He then added:
"Well, I need assistance in locating a Time Rift."
Teni handed him an item.
"A Time Rift, huh? Here, have this. It's a radar from the Cotl Estate of Maryland. It could be a huge help in such dilemmas."
Sheldon tried to thank her, but she wasn't done talking.
"Also, may I join you on your trip?"
"Sure! The more the merrier!" Sheldon exclaimed as if he attempted to make a joke, failing in the process.
Tenisha took her cloak off, revealing her overwhelming beauty, but Sheldon didn't mind. Truly, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
She seemed to be wearing a well-tailored maid-dress. Instead of black, she wore the rich color of violet. Teni had black leather boots and gloves on. Buckled to her belt was a large grimoire, portraying her stature as a mage. She was a sight to behold.
With only a few minutes before dusk reigned across the sky, Sheldon and Tenisha made their final preparations for the Time Rift ahead of them.