
Umbra 1 - Camellia

Matilda's life had turned into a nightmare when she realized that no one else had seen the handsome boy, usually dressed in black, whom she had seen every day for years. His family, school, friends were not the people he thought he was. The world in which he lived did not belong to him. And the person whose name he learned was Raven had come to take him to the world that belonged to him. Raven was at a very different point in her life when she left everything behind and made a fresh start. 26.02.2023

okyanustakisone · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Part 3

I had realized years ago that it didn't bother me at all, as the water was pouring over my head at a high temperature.  My resistance to the cold was weak, but to the heat it was quite resistant.  For a while, I massaged my scalp, which was dry from the heat.  I squeezed the shampoo the size of a walnut into my palm and looked at its pink color strangely.  I lathered up the fragrant shampoo, which only blends pink flowers, into my hair.  I didn't mind the bubbles landing in my eyes.  Because every time I close my eyes before my eyes;  a murderer and a corpse appeared.  These were the worst times in my life.

After I was completely cleansed of my foams, I stood a little longer under the hot water.  When I covered my naked body with a purple towel, I wrapped a small hair towel in my hair.  It was also purple in color.  Just like most of my own things in my life are purple.

I didn't stand in front of the mirror and watch myself as I always do.  I even became afraid of mirrors.  I put on my black slippers and quickly exited the bathroom without lingering any longer.  When I entered my room with the light on, I looked around.  The square was a small room.  The walls of my room were the color of white champagne and I hated it.  My furniture was all white.  My wardrobe, my desk, even my headboard were all white leather.  Next to my bed, which was leaning against the wall, was a white nightstand with a small one-eyed drawer.  I glanced at the family photos on the nightstand and the purple alarm clock and made my way over to the bed.  Since I haven't taken my winter coats out from under my base yet, I lifted the base and took off my thick cotton nightgowns and set them aside.

While I was going to lie on my bed without drying my hair, I was startled by the message tone on my phone.  When I glanced nervously into my room, I saw that I was alone.  When my gaze shifted to my window, I made sure it was closed.  When I took one last look at the room and didn't see any movement, I approached and picked up my phone.  When I entered the knock code and looked at the message from the notification, I frowned.  It was a message from Whatsapp and the number was definitely not attached to me.

Person X: "Are you asleep?"

I picked up my phone and clicked on the photo of the person sending the message.  But there were only a lot of ravens in the photo.

October: "Who?"

October: "Who are you?"

He went online and immediately started typing.  In the meantime, I was lying on my bed, but I had not turned off the light.  I did not think that I would easily get over the fear of what I experienced yesterday.  I was sure I would be impressed for a long time.

Person X: "I saw what happened yesterday and I was there wondering how it was?"

October: "I remember saying who are you?"

October: "Where did you get my number?"

Person X: "That's easy, how are you?"

October: "Fuck you if you're not going to tell me who you are"

Person X: "Those words don't suit a sweet girl like you."

October: "Really. Fuck it. GO!"

Person X: "MATILDA?"

October: "Sir?"

Person X: "How are you?"

October: "Fuck off?"

Person X: "OK :("

Saying I'm sure I want to block this person, I threw the block without waiting.  I was in no mood to deal with anyone.  I didn't want to talk to anyone, I didn't want to see anyone.  I hated everyone.  From everyone!

Sighing, I got up from my cozy bed and walked to my library.  While I was looking at my books, which I divided into chapters, I had no idea what to read.  On the top shelf were detective books, most of them unread.  Fantasy genres were on the bottom shelf of detective fiction, and there was no unread book.  On a lower shelf, there were those on the theme of love, which were untouched.  I sighed and picked up the book I always read when I was bored again, again and again.

Breaking Dawn

  This is the last book of the famous series.  I opened the Blood Passion section that I knew by heart and walked towards the bed.  I think it was the only book I would never tire of reading.  I blew away the pages that had turned yellow over the years and the tiny yellow bugs that were crawling on them.  Then I started reading.

It was one of those moments when I was between sleep and wakefulness, and the light from the white bulb was hitting my eyes right.  I opened my eyes, which had been as wide as the line, with the darkness I saw.  Just staring without any reaction, I saw that he was holding the book I had fallen asleep reading between his fingers.  He didn't realize I was watching him as he read the book with a smile on his face.  As I admired the dimple on his cheeks, I could not understand why a genie could be so handsome.  It was definitely not wise.  His eyebrows shot up in surprise as his black eyes found mine as he turned another page.  Then he laid my book on the nightstand with a relaxed expression.  While my eyes were watching him intently, he sat on one of my purple poufs and stared at me.  I looked at his black socks, his black sweater, his black jeans, and his black eyes.  We just looked at each other for a long time without saying anything.  I didn't want to attach meaning to the expressions I saw in his eyes.  But the only thing I'm sure of is that he didn't look like he was going to hurt me.  He continued to stare at me with a questioning expression as I slowly threw the duvet off me.  A chill and coldness licked my feet as my bare feet touched my white and purple flowered carpet.  I lazily walked over to him and sat on the other purple pouf and looked at him.  A shiver ran through my body as I had switched from hot to cold.  I pulled my knees to myself and wrapped them in my hands, and laying my head on my knee, I just looked more closely into his eyes.

"You're the most handsome ghost I've ever seen in my life."  I said sleepily.

His eyebrows slowly lifted upwards, and his full lips curved into an arrogant smile.  He looked at me with a little excitement in his eyes.  His long white fingers slipped into his thick black hair and gently ruffled it.  Turning her face to her right, I saw her biting her lips to suppress her smile.

"What, didn't he tell you that he was handsome?"  When I asked him, his eyes immediately turned to me.  His eyes seemed to understand what I was saying.  This time he couldn't suppress his smile.  He laughed.  He showed his white teeth in front of me and made me just stare for a while.  As my eyes slid to the dimple on her cheek, I had to restrain myself not to touch the tiny dimple that had formed.

"Hmm, why don't you give an answer?"

"I seem to be talking to myself, but I'm used to it."  As I continued, a wide grin spread across his face and looked down at me. He suddenly stood up without saying anything.  I still couldn't understand what he was doing as his legs moved towards the door.  When it suddenly dawned on me, I quickly stood up.

"Are you going?"  When I asked him, he looked over his shoulder and nodded.

"I can't sleep because of you! Do you realize that?"  When I asked irrelevantly, he frowned and shook his head heavily again.

"You can't just walk away like that!"  When I spoke for no reason, he looked at me as if to say come on out of there.  "So you can at least tell me what you want from me?"  I continued, trying to be sweet.  It was also a likely result that this seemed to match his facial expressions more often while eating lemons.

When I said, "Aren't you going to make an explanation, ghost sir? Look, I'm scared anyway." He laughed again.

I jumped, screaming with fear, when the door to my room suddenly creaked open.  I placed my hand on my heart as my heartbeat quickened.  When I looked at my brother, who was staring at me at the door with a strange expression, he also had a strange expression on his face.  He looked like I was crazy.

"Who are you talking to, girl?"  he asked, in a voice that reflected his heavy sleep.

"None!"  I shouted and looked at the man standing there in panic.  He was watching us with an amused expression on his face.

"What are you yelling at? You're crazy, I swear. If you can't sleep, I'll call my mom."

"No, no. I'm going to sleep."

"Sleep well."  said my brother, and with one last glance at me, he left.  When he came out after her, I was alone again.  As I sighed into my room, I wondered how long this would last.


North's walking straight towards me down the school hallway caused all eyes to turn from him to me.  Besides, he wasn't alone, he had a boy named Mike with him.

"Hi?"  When he said that, he was standing right in front of me.  His big dark brown eyes were examining my face inch by inch.

"Hi."  I replied with a small smile.  My eyes were directly on his dark brown eyes, which were looking at me with great interest.  Straight tufts of yellow, resembling corn tassels, draped messily across his forehead.  His lips were like those of a woman.  Extremely plump and pinkish.

"How are you?"  asked.  It was impossible not to admire the softness of her voice and her neat British accent.

"I am good."  I said, hoping I didn't sound like a seal.  As you know, I was in the sweet crisis of puberty, and most of what I thought was right was actually wrong.

"Me too."  said Stella, smiling.

"Did you hear what happened to one of those men?"  I couldn't help but shudder with Mike interrupting.  When North realized I was scared, he elbowed Mike's stomach gently.  He looked up, furrowing his thick dark eyebrows.

"You didn't need to speak up."

"Brother, how was it not necessary? What if the police come and ask tomorrow?"

"What? What happened to that man?"  ' Stella interrupted quickly.  There was fear and panic on his face.

"She was found dead. According to the autopsy, she was tortured after she died, and it took a long time."  When he said that, I felt my blood draw.

What kind of creature was I facing?

While I was bouncing back and forth, I lost my balance for a moment and backed up and slammed into the classroom door.  North's fingers wrap around my wrist and gently pull me towards him.  "Are you ok?"  When he asked, I blinked my eyes well.  His gaze turned sharply to his friend standing next to him.

"See what you're doing? They don't look at it as coldly as we do, you idiot, why are you acting without thinking?"

"I... Brother, how do I know it will happen like this? Matilda, I'm so sorry. I didn't think you'd be affected like that. Betin poured gas, shall I bring you water? Do you want it?"

"Exactly, go get water and come."  said North, pushing Mike away from us.  "Shall we go out to the garden or something?"  he asked, turning to me.

"No."  I said, trying to ignore the face that appeared before my eyes.  I pluck my eyebrows harshly as the man's face hangs before my eyes.

"What do you want us to do?"  ' asked North.

"None."  I said shaking my head no.

"Okay, you go, I'll take care of him."  said Stella and took my arm.

"Matilda, can you give me your number? I'll be out of my mind if you don't."  I forced myself not to glare at North who said.  I had to warn myself several times that 'he didn't say anything bad', and nodded my head and quickly said my number.

"Don't worry," he said, looking at the tense expression on my face.  "I have no intention of disturbing you."

"See you later."  I said, looking into his eyes for the last time and entering my classroom.

* * *

I gripped the bread knife I held between my fingers tightly and continued to listen carefully.  I quickly put the knife under my pillow as I heard footsteps on the stairs.  The light in my room was not on, but I had left the nightlight on my bedside table on.  I watched without blinking, as the door slowly opened and a dark body entered.  His big black eyes grew larger in surprise when he saw my face.  He walked over to my bed as he frowned at me.  His steps were confident.  As he sat on the edge of my bed, his eyes slid across my bare legs, and from there to my bare arms.  He frowned at this image as my messy hair completely covered the left side of my face.  I tilt my head back as his fingers run into my hair.  He stared at me with irrational eyes.  His fingers, which remained in the air, quickly touched my hair.  I turned my eyes, widening with anger, to his finger in my hair, and slammed my hand into his fingers.

I stared at my fingers in horror as I quickly pulled them back as if they had touched fire.  I saw my fingers begin to blister, the skin peeling off and gradually leaving the flesh to the bone.  It didn't hurt, but within seconds, there was nothing left of meat on my fingers.  When I turned my horrified eyes to the man, I saw him clutching his phone with a sigh.

With my healthy hand, this time without thinking, I took the knife under my pillow.  The man with his eyes still on his phone was not looking at me.  The moment I lifted the blade, his eyes noticed the blade, but I had already stabbed the blade into his broad shoulder.  He cried out in anger as the place where the knife had been began to bleed.  But only a cackling sound came out of his mouth.  As she stared at him in horror, she pulled the knife out with her good hand and gave me the worst look I've ever seen.  There was a clear 'you're dead' expression in his eyes.  He quickly pulled the pillow under my head and threw it hard in my face.  Fearfully pushing the pillow, the man placed the knife on the nightstand and pulled off his sweater.  Glancing at the muscles in his body, he turned his back on me and walked towards the door of my room.  Wondering what to do, she locked the door and turned on the light.  He stared at his own reflection in my full-length mirror as the white light made me squint.  As the blood dripped from the place where I stabbed the knife, my eyes fell back to my hands.  As I stared at my clearly visible bone, I felt my eyes darken.  As I continued to stare at my fingers in horror, my consciousness weakened.

* * *

As my fingers began to ache and watered, the spots where they had melted were turning into skin again.  As the skin wrapped around my fingers again, it hurt even more.  The way my fingers healed so quickly was nothing short of magic.  There wasn't even any bleeding, it just melted.  It was as if my fingers had not touched the skin of a man, but of a man whose skin was made of fire.  I was pretty sure now that he wasn't human, though.  I felt the recognition of blood in my mouth as I sighed in distress and bit the inside of my cheek again.

"Let's put some ointment on that wrist," said the man standing over me.  When I came to, I found this man muttering something to my fingers in my room.  Whatever he did, my fingers were back to normal within minutes.

The man I had been seeing and mistaking for two years was sitting on the gray ottoman in my room, staring at me with his black eyes that locked in the night.  He was still naked and his muscles were screaming "I'm here".  He was breathing regularly, his eyes crippled as he looked at me.  He had a feeling inside of me that he was trying to calm down.

"Are you a wizard?" I asked, staring at him with my curious eyes.  When I heard a small laugh, my eyes turned to the man sitting on the ottoman.  He was looking at me with an arrogant smile on his lips.  My eyes narrowed as his smile made my heart beat faster.  What was happening to my heart?

"What is funny?"  I stood.

In as little as a second, his eyes showed a response of surprise, returning to their normal state again.  He just turned his head towards the window as he looked at me.  My brows furrowed, and I turned to the auburn man.

"Is he mute?"  I asked, referring to the man.

"He's just not supposed to talk to you. And, no, I'm not a witch. It's a kind of healing."  he said looking at me.

"Is that so? Ah, great!"  I shouted.  I was looking at the man with brown skin and brown hair, whose name I didn't even know, with my eyes wide open, a mixture of anger and surprise.

"I think this is going to be a little difficult."  he muttered, as if talking to himself.  Then he took the orange cream on my vanity table.  He waved my sunscreen at me and said: "Is that cream?"  asked.  As I looked at him to see if he was joking, I noticed that he was serious.

"Don't you read?"  ' I asked, in a tone that shook the last ashes of anger.  Well, even if I calmed down immediately, my anger could have returned within seconds.  And, again, it would quickly go out.  My anger has been like this for as long as I can remember.

"No, I only know how to speak English."  she said as she sat next to me.  He opened the sweet-looking cap of the sunscreen, which was embroidered with a star pattern of white and orange colors, and squirted some of the cream onto his hand.

"What is your name?"  I asked, applying the cream to my regenerated fingers.

"Goat."  he said in a flat, dissatisfied voice.

"Goat? Goat, meaning goat?"  ' I asked, glaring.

"Yes, Goat, which means goat."  said Goat, shrugging.

"Very interesting. Are you British?"  I asked through my teeth.  I felt it hurt, but I was ignoring my pain.  I would cry if I saw my pain, and crying in front of others was not my principles.

"I am not."  she said as she continued to apply the cream.  "Now you have to be quiet so I can get my work done. We'll continue with your questions later."  he added, turning his patient eyes to mine.


As Goat's thin pink lips began to move, he got up from the ottoman and slid right behind her, stinging my naked body.  When my eyes met with his black ones, I felt like a girl trapped at the bottom of a well.  The long curved black eyelashes that adorned her eyes were the source of life that both warmed and reassured the girl trapped in the well.  A few stars deep in her black eyes were her hope for light.

I kept my eyes on hers as the coolness of the sunscreen melted gently on my less damaged-looking fingers.  I couldn't separate.

Goat moved his lips, continuing his prayer.  After a while he looked at my fingers and after making sure he turned back to the one standing behind him.  His wound still hadn't been cleaned, and he didn't seem bothered at all.  I had a feeling he was used to it.  Goat stared at half of it for a few seconds, then turned back to me.

"Do you have a bandage?"  ' asked Goat.

"Yes, downstairs in the medicine cabinet."  When I said that, he turned around again.

"Raven, assuming you know the house better than I do, it's better for you to bring the diaper."  When she said that, the man whose name I learned was Raven nodded and left the room.

"Why are my fingers like this?" I asked.

"You'll find out when the time comes," said Goat, without looking at me.  He stood up, scratching his chin with his right hand.

"When will the time come?"  When I asked, I realized that I was dealing with an annoying person again.

"Soon Matilda."  Suffice it to say, I grit my teeth.

"Soon, okay. That's okay too, but what exactly are you?"  Raven had come back to my room when I asked.  She laid the tincture diode and bandage between her fingers on my bed.  Kneeling in front of Goat, Goat began to clean the wound, slowly dipping the tincture into the cotton ball.  At the same time, he continued to speak.

"We are sons of fire. We are descendants of Eden and Neva."

"What the hell are you talking about?"  ' I asked, turning his gaze back to me.  Glancing at me over his shoulder, he slowly began to wrap the bandage around the wound.

"I think we need to retell the story to you," he said thoughtfully.  "Let's start at the beginning then," he continued.

"Yeah that would be fine," I muttered.  When she had completely healed Raven's wound, she turned to me.  He stared at me with his dark brown eyes and began to speak.  His tone sounded like he was talking about something he admired.

"When God created Adam and Eve, he also created Eden and Neva. Adam and Eve were created from earth, and Eden and Neva from fire. While God united Adam and Eve to advance the human race, he also created Eden and Neva. He united the son of fire to advance their lineage. While the sons of fire ruled water, air, earth and fire and many other elements, the son of man had no special power. While the sons of fire tried to live in peace with the sons of man, the son of man could not accept that the son of fire had special powers. Sons of fire created their own weapons over time and attacked the sons of fire when they least expected it. The war was bloody and full of death. The sons of fire took advantage of air, earth, water, fire, and ended this bloody war full of hatred in a short time. They erased everything about them and left the place they lived in. They founded a new country for themselves and began to live in peace.

Unfortunately, this peaceful life was quickly destroyed by the death of Aden and Neva.  Arthur, who was responsible for the sons of fire after Eden, began to mingle with the sons of man and start new families with the daughters of Eve.  People mistook Arthur for one of their own and trusted him.  Thus, Arthur had millions of human children.  Ninety percent of the kids got Arthur's special powers." Then he stopped and looked into my eyes as if he was waiting for something. I thought about what he said for a while and the fact that he kept talking again confused me.

"These hybrid children, whose numbers are increasing day by day, were one day collected by Arthur and brought to our newly established world. Arthur had a training center built for these hybrids, who were unsure of what to do with their special powers. As the children continued to become conscious, their numbers were increasing day by day. Bringing their own greed with them, these hybrids began to disrupt the fire sons living in the Shadow. Finally, a decision was made and Arthur was forbidden from going to Earth. But we were able to speak as much as a King can be. He has come again."  When he said that, he was looking me in the eyes as if he expected me to understand something.  "He was with a human woman again."  I looked at him blankly as he continued.

"And then?"

"I know it won't be easy to understand, but you are the last hybrid child Arthur has."
