

ULTRA ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, also known as UAI, is an adaptive technology from an unknown universe called XENDA. XENDA is a life force that exists within and outside the universe, beyond time and space itself. The people of XENDA saw that the multiverse could no longer be secured from powerful threats that endangered the multiverse itself. Pi-minus, the most intelligent being in the entire Maniverse, created a life force that exceeds the cosmos itself, which protects the multiverse from an omega destruction. The omega destruction is the end of every universe that exists within and outside the cosmos. It is the source of life, ideas, inspirations, imaginations, and everything else that exists. Every writer, artist, audience, and creator views their perspectives from this source. If it were destroyed, everything that you know of would cease to exist. In short, it is the LIFE SOURCE of the fabric of existence. There are two types of destruction: the Alpha destruction and the Omega destruction. The Alpha destruction was the first big bang that rewrote reality itself, making changes to every continuity that unbalanced existence. This affected every continuity you know of and every timeline that exists, recreating, destroying, and altering the cosmos itself. It was the yin-yang of reality. Pi-minus foresaw this coming, that the only thing that could produce an omega destruction is when the Alpha destruction is no more. Pi-minus saw the end of each world's destruction right from the 144,000 universes, and the only way he could save all existence was with the XENTORIUM CORE. A XENTORIUM CORE is the creation and birth of each universe. From the highest beings and points to the lowest beings and points, the XENTORIUM CORE holds the key to balancing the cosmos and saving all that exists. Author's note: The XENTORIUM CORE is a powerful source that is incomparable to anything else. Its capabilities are incomprehensible to most top tiers of supreme intelligence within and outside the cosmos. Not many are capable of its unique and limitless potential, which can change the fabric of existence with a mere thought of limitless capacity, be it conscious or unconscious. This book is just for fun and not meant to criticize any other works of authors. References will be made to keep the storyline consistent. This is just a fictional write-up.

richard_rick · Sci-fi
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The Only Ones - Part 3: It's About Debbie

Debbie Rich found herself in Kepler-69c, a parallel universe known as Multiverse - Universe 3389, where everything operated under different principles. In this reality, Debbie Rich and her father, Mr. Lyrecius Rich, held the positions of ultra AI, governing the entire universe. They had earned fame for themselves, with Mr. Lyrecius having retired as a defender of the universe to focus on political leadership, ensuring peace, unity, and harmony in their country. Debbie, on the other hand, had established the Guardians of the Universe, a hero association dedicated to safeguarding Earth from extraterrestrial cosmic threats. Her association included members from diverse races and species, both on Earth and in space.

In this unique universe, humans had surpassed their limitations, gaining superpowers, cosmic abilities, and advanced weaponry. It was a futuristic world where humans and aliens coexisted harmoniously.

Debbie Rich, originally from Earth1A in Multiverse - Universe X24, arrived on Kepler-69c in her Ultra Rose transformation, just in time to witness a colossal battle involving various forms of Ultra AI united against a common enemy. Each transformation possessed unique abilities, different from what she had witnessed in her own world. Debbie Rich observed the following transformations, along with their respective abilities:

Ultra Pale: Possessed energy repulsor and missile projection abilities, flight, super strength, enhanced speed, computer interfacing, and nano-regeneration capabilities.

Ultra Gray: Demonstrated energy repulsor and missile projection skills, shield projection, shape-shifting into various forms of electronic animals with realistic projections, computer interfacing, super strength, enhanced speed, flight, durability, and regenerative life support.

Ultra White: Equipped with advanced sensor and weapon systems, capable of FTL (faster-than-light) flight, immense speed, super-advanced computer interfacing, nano-regenerative life support, durability, invisibility, stamina, immunity to hacking and jailbreak attempts, superior hacking systems and jailbreak abilities, technopathy, multilingualism, high intelligence, and near-invulnerability.

Ultra Black: Utilized advanced tech gear, possessed superior marksmanship skills, proficient in computer interfacing, invisibility, nano-regeneration, wielded unbreakable katanas and shield, showcased skilled acrobatics, flexibility, stamina, agility, immunity, super strength, enhanced speed, near-invulnerability, advanced hand-to-hand combat skills, expertise in tactics, and the ability to activate stealth mode.

Please note that these abilities are specific to the transformations witnessed by Debbie Rich in Multiverse - Universe 3389 on Kepler-69c.

Ultra Red: Possessed pyrokinesis, FTL flight, super speed, stamina, durability, agility, reflexes, endurance, immunity, energy absorption, nano-regenerative life support, computer interfacing, and intelligence.

Ultra Gold: Exhibited limitless strength, durability, the ability to grow immensely and shrink down to microscopic and submicroscopic levels, the ability to see atomic and subatomic particles, microscopic and submicroscopic vision, nano-regenerative life support, FTL flight, speed, stamina, endurance, immunity, agility, and computer interfacing.

Ultra Violet: Demonstrated super strength, speed, stamina, flight, computer interfacing, endurance, nano-regeneration, teleportation, the ability to control the ultraviolet spectrum, electromagnetic spectrum vision, infrared and night vision, photokinesis, light manipulation, invisibility, agility, near-invulnerability, and light projection.

Ultra Pink: Displayed super strength, speed, stamina, agility, reflexes, endurance, durability, computer interfacing, nano-regeneration, possessed advanced high-tech arrows and a bow capable of creating black and white holes, and immunity.

Ultra Yellow: Showcased super strength, speed, stamina, flight, endurance, agility, computer interfacing, possessed an unbreakable high-tech staff for combat that expands and contracts, nano-regeneration, and near-invulnerability.

Ultra Green: Exerted super strength, FTL flight, super speed, invisibility, near-invulnerability, nano-regeneration, computer interfacing, stamina, endurance, agility, force field generation, and the ability to generate hard green nano-alloy constructs, alongside an indomitable will.

Ultra Rose: Demonstrated super strength, speed, FTL flight, stamina, durability, endurance, shield projection, reflexes, teleportation, immunity, nano-regeneration, computer interfacing, electrokinesis, electromagnetism, possessed advanced lasso tech, near-invulnerability, technopathy, multilingualism, intelligence, and electro-blast abilities.

Ultrasound Indigo: Exhibited super strength, speed, flight, stamina, endurance, intelligence, computer interfacing, nano-regeneration, and the ability to generate a plasmasonic scream.

Although each form of transformation in Debbie's world possesses the same abilities regardless of their color, in this universe, abilities differ across the various Ultra AI transformations. It was intriguing and surprising for Debbie to witness this distinction, from the colors of the transformations to the unique abilities they possessed. However, despite their differences, they all worked together in unity against powerful entities that threatened their universe.

And as the battle concluded with the Ultra AIs emerging victorious and saving their universe, the Ultra Rose of that universe noticed something strange yet familiar. She alerted her teammates, who were equally intrigued. Ultra White, with his advanced scanning abilities, confirmed their suspicion, causing a collective shock among the team. It was none other than Debbie Rich from Earth1A in Multiverse - Universe X24. As they all removed their masks, the Ultra AI heroes were astonished to see their superior standing before them. They made their way back to their hero headquarters, a magnificent place that offered ample space and all imaginable amenities.

Everyone was astounded by the presence of their general, yet none could fathom the reason behind her visit. Speculations arose among the heroes, ranging from a routine inspection of their planet's safety to an emergency meeting or even a surprise visit. Some remained clueless, unsure about the purpose of her arrival.

Meanwhile, four more Ultra AIs entered the headquarters, only to discover their superior in the midst of their team. They had just finished saving their own city, unaware of the events unfolding at the headquarters. Their abilities were as follows:

Ultra Orange: Possessed super strength, speed, flight, stamina, endurance, reflexes, elasticity, metastasis, malleability, shape-shifting, multilingualism, computer interfacing, nano disintegration and regeneration, density control, mimicry, energy repulsor and missile projection.

Ultra Brown: Exhibited super strength, speed, stamina, endurance, durability, computer interfacing, nano regeneration, near-invulnerability, and geokinesis.

Ultra Purple: Demonstrated strength, speed, stamina, the ability to create infinite clones, technopathy, computer interfacing, nano regeneration, and intelligence.

Ultra Blue: Showcased super strength, speed, FTL flight, stamina, endurance, durability, reflexes, cryokinesis, hydrokinesis, nano regeneration, immunity, agility, intelligence, and computer interfacing.

A few Ultra AI members accompanied Debbie into the council chamber, while the rest continued with their duties, even as the need arose. Ultra White, as the leader on Earth, addressed their general first, not solely due to his abilities or power level, but because of his zeal and natural leadership qualities.

"We assure you, General, that everything is under control," stated Ultra White.

Debbie's Ultra AI provided her with a brief overview of the situation in this universe. Her Ultra AI also informed her that the heroes on Earth had no knowledge of the multiverse, as that information was reserved for their superiors in the space-based Guardians of the Universe. Furthermore, Ultra AI explained that the transportation of some heroes to space served as an invitation to gain insight and experience, which was then shared among their peers to prepare them for future challenges, albeit with limited knowledge of the multiverse.

Debbie Rich then requested a status update from Ultra White, who displayed it in holographic form after touching the edge of the round table, generating visual information.

"A few months ago, we successfully defeated a planetary threat known as Mighty Hawk and Mighty Eagle, specifically a mad scientist and his son who transformed themselves into powerful birds," explained Ultra White. "Years later, they evolved into a cosmic singularity fusion called Eagahawk, posing a threat not just to our planet but to the entire universe. With the help of Ultra Diamond's experience gained from the Guardians of the Universe in space, under the guidance of his mentor Ultra Black Diamond, we were able to emerge victorious."

"Eagahawk, the fusion of Mighty Hawk (father) and Mighty Eagle (son), possesses the ability to merge and harness the power of multiple quantum singularities simultaneously. This fusion amplifies their control over space, time, and reality to a level surpassing that of their adversaries. They can manipulate the very fabric of existence effortlessly," added Ultra White.

After the discussion, Debbie expressed her desire to explore the entire headquarters. Ultra Rose, thrilled to give the tour to her superior, accompanied Debbie. During the tour, Ultra Rose shared her childhood admiration for Debbie and the stories she had heard about her and her father saving the universe and bringing peace to the cosmos. Debbie was moved as she saw beautiful portraits of herself and her father, commemorating their accomplishments. When she inquired about the McCoys, Ultra Rose informed her that they were currently engaged in saving other parts of the world, inspired by Debbie to become heroes in the hero association.

Debbie was then taken to the firepower storage, where she marveled at the array of advanced technologies and weapons, including Soviet PKM machine guns, LAWS rocket launchers, M18 claymore mines, ultra cars, jets, planes, aircraft, submarines, rockets, and massive ultra bots. One particular ultra bot, named by Mark, always desired to join the battle for action, even when unnecessary, and he even playfully referred to the team as the "Ultra Rangers" with air quotes. Ultra Rose shared how Mark and Peter loved to make explosive entrances with colorful styles and visual effects whenever they transformed to confront their enemies. Both Ultra Rose and Debbie Rich smiled at the memory.

Before departing, Debbie Rich commended the team for their exemplary work and encouraged them to continue their efforts. She obtained the current address of the team in this universe from her Ultra AI and headed there. To her surprise, she encountered her doppelganger from that universe along with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Unfazed by the revelation, Debbie's counterpart and her parents were familiar with the concept of the multiverse, including time travel. The Debbie of Kepler-69c - Multiverse - Universe 3389 expressed her admiration for the differences she learned about Debbie Rich of Earth1A-multiverse-universeX24. Delighted to see her family, including her mother, Debbie Rich engaged in heartfelt discussions with them, fostering a remarkable bond. The gathering culminated in a warm and passionate family hug before Debbie of Earth1A-multiverse-universeX24 vanished, having gained enlightenment from her family in that universe, including her doppelganger.