
ULTRA AI - (Moved to a New Link)

ULTRA ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, also known as UAI, is an adaptive technology from an unknown universe called XENDA. XENDA is a life force that exists within and outside the universe, beyond time and space itself. The people of XENDA saw that the multiverse could no longer be secured from powerful threats that endangered the multiverse itself. Pi-minus, the most intelligent being in the entire Maniverse, created a life force that exceeds the cosmos itself, which protects the multiverse from an omega destruction. The omega destruction is the end of every universe that exists within and outside the cosmos. It is the source of life, ideas, inspirations, imaginations, and everything else that exists. Every writer, artist, audience, and creator views their perspectives from this source. If it were destroyed, everything that you know of would cease to exist. In short, it is the LIFE SOURCE of the fabric of existence. There are two types of destruction: the Alpha destruction and the Omega destruction. The Alpha destruction was the first big bang that rewrote reality itself, making changes to every continuity that unbalanced existence. This affected every continuity you know of and every timeline that exists, recreating, destroying, and altering the cosmos itself. It was the yin-yang of reality. Pi-minus foresaw this coming, that the only thing that could produce an omega destruction is when the Alpha destruction is no more. Pi-minus saw the end of each world's destruction right from the 144,000 universes, and the only way he could save all existence was with the XENTORIUM CORE. A XENTORIUM CORE is the creation and birth of each universe. From the highest beings and points to the lowest beings and points, the XENTORIUM CORE holds the key to balancing the cosmos and saving all that exists. Author's note: The XENTORIUM CORE is a powerful source that is incomparable to anything else. Its capabilities are incomprehensible to most top tiers of supreme intelligence within and outside the cosmos. Not many are capable of its unique and limitless potential, which can change the fabric of existence with a mere thought of limitless capacity, be it conscious or unconscious. This book is just for fun and not meant to criticize any other works of authors. References will be made to keep the storyline consistent. This is just a fictional write-up.

richard_rick · Sci-fi
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134 Chs

Jessica's Adventure: The power of SUV Unleashed - Episode 2

As the story unfolds, delve into the intricate characters of ElastaTitan, also known as Elena Helen Trisha Barbara, and Ralph Acidius, The Alchemical Alchemist, whose true identity is Ralph Flynn Lauren.

Biography: ElastaTitan (Elena Helen Trisha Barbara)

Elena Helen Trisha Barbara, code-named ElastaTitan, once held a prominent role as a chemical factory worker, surpassing even her coworker Ralph Flynn Lauren.

Now in her late eighties, Elena's life took an irreversible turn due to a workplace incident. Hovering on the brink of death, she desperately sought rescue from Ultra Sunny Snow Jessica amid a fierce battle with Vamzom, who had already claimed Ralph in a perilous encounter with hazardous chemicals.

Elena's fate twisted further as Ultra Sunny Snow Jessica transitioned into Ultra Orange Jessica, extending her body to save Elena from the imminent fall. In a cruel twist, Vamzom resurfaced, relentlessly assaulting Ultra Orange Jessica, who fought to protect Elena.

Despite Jessica's valiant efforts, she succumbed to the infection. SUV droplets dripped from her neck to her armored body, exposing both her xentorium core energy and ultra virus energy. This concoction found its way into Elena's mouth, transforming her as she plunged into the hazardous acid, shedding decades and gaining unprecedented abilities.

Over time, both Elena and Ralph grappled with their evolving powers, engaging in fierce combat before choosing divergent paths as heroes or villains. Elena, once an anti-hero, played dangerous games with Ultra AI Jessica before forging an unexpected friendship. She joined the Hero Association League to safeguard lives, eventually becoming Bruno's lover and an integral part of Jessica's BFF group.

Initially awkward, their relationships evolved as they collectively navigated the complexities of their transformed lives.

ElastaTitan's extraordinary abilities create a narrative of power and adaptability:

1. **Biological Rejuvenation and Limitless Shape Shifting:** Seamlessly transitions between youthful and elderly forms, mastering control over her biological age while assuming an array of limitless shapes.

2. **Enhanced Physiological Capabilities:** Surpasses human limits with superhuman strength, speed, stamina, agility, durability, reflexes, endurance, and hyper motility, establishing her as a formidable force.

3. **Regenerative Healing:** Rapidly heals fatal injuries, showcasing a remarkable regenerative prowess beyond ordinary human limits.

4. **Enhanced Senses:** Heightened senses provide an extraordinary awareness, enabling precise perception of sounds, smells, and sights.

5. **Energy Absorption:** Absorbs and manipulates diverse energy forms for both offensive attacks and enhancing physical abilities.

6. **Telepathic Connection with SUV Entities:** Develops a telepathic link with SUV-related entities, sensing their presence and communicating subconsciously.

7. **Resistance to SUV Influence:** Exposed to SUV drops, her resistance, fueled by xentorium core energy and ultra virus, prevents complete succumbing, maintaining self-control amidst transformative powers.

8. **Elasticity and Malleability:** Can stretch and contort her body at will, assuming any shape or form with uncanny flexibility.

9. **Rubberized Surroundings:** Transforms surroundings into rubber or plastic, creating unpredictable, bouncy terrains for both defense and offense.

10. **Size Alteration:** Capable of changing her size at will.

11. **Morphing:** Can alter her appearance to mimic other individuals.

12. **Intelligence & Versatile Problem-Solving:** Adapts creatively to tackle diverse challenges, showcasing intelligence and ingenuity.

13. **Absolute Immortality, Indestructibility, Absolute Invulnerability, Absolute Immunity:** Possesses unparalleled protection against various threats.

14. **Adaptability:** Swiftly adapts to changing environments and circumstances, showcasing flexibility in her approach.

15. **Nigh Meta Erasure Immunity:** Possesses absolute immunity to erasure, ensuring her existence remains intact.

16. **Fourth Wall Awareness:** Aware of the narrative boundaries, adding a unique layer to her character as she navigates her super-powered existence.

Biography: Ralph Acidius, The Alchemical Alchemist (Ralph Flynn Lauren)

In his early twenties, Ralph Flynn Lauren, known colloquially as Ralph Acidius, earned his keep as a part-time college student working in a chemical factory. His coworkers affectionately dubbed him "The Alchemical Alchemist" due to his profound grasp of chemical substances.

One fateful day, chaos erupted at the factory as the renowned Ultra Hero, Jessica, clashed with the monstrous Vamzom. Amid the frantic evacuation, Ralph and his female colleague found themselves hostages on a narrow metal bridge, ensnared by Vamzom.

The menacing creature sank its teeth into Ralph's neck, injecting him with SUV before hurling him into hazardous substances. Despite Jessica's valiant efforts, both workers met their demise. However, Ralph's rebirth defied expectations – he emerged not as a Vamzom but as a living acid, a result of the SUV fusing with his DNA during disintegration.

Initially grappling with his newfound powers, Ralph inadvertently dissolved everything he touched. Accidental casualties marked his path until he adapted to controlling his acidic touch and even struggled to wear clothes. Consumed by a thirst for revenge against Ultra AI Jessica for failing to save him, Ralph's life took a dark turn.

Enter Dr. Virginia, recognizing Ralph's potential, and crafting a suit to enhance and stabilize his abilities. Thus, Acidius, The Alchemical Alchemist, was reborn.

In the ongoing conflict with Ultra AI Jessica, who amusingly referred to him as Acid Man or Solvent, Ralph faced not only physical challenges but also a moral reckoning as he navigated the thin line between justice and vengeance.

Ultimate Fusion: Ralph Acidius, The Alchemical Alchemist 

Living Acid Manipulation: Ralph Acidius possesses an advanced form of living acid manipulation inspired by Acid Man's solvent control. He can not only dissolve objects but also manipulate the chemical properties of the substances he interacts with, turning them into potent alchemical solutions.

Reconstructive Regeneration: Ralph Acidius's regenerative abilities are further enhanced, allowing him not only to reconstruct himself but also to assimilate the dissolved substances into his body, gaining temporary enhancements based on their properties.

Acidic Projectiles: His acidic projectiles, inspired by both Acid Man and Ralph's original abilities, have evolved to carry the transformative properties of the living acid. This means that upon contact, they not only dissolve materials but can also induce temporary alterations in the affected targets.

Corrosive Touch: Ralph Acidius's corrosive touch has been refined, allowing him not just to dissolve objects but to selectively manipulate the chemical composition of living organisms. This enables him to incapacitate adversaries with precision.

Acidic Defense: Ralph Acidius can now create dynamic and adaptive defensive barriers, integrating the solvent manipulation of Acid Man. These barriers can neutralize specific types of attacks by altering the chemical nature of incoming projectiles.

Environmental Manipulation: Inspired by both characters, Ralph Acidius has unparalleled control over his surroundings. He can not only dissolve obstacles and reshape the environment but also induce localized changes in temperature, pressure, or chemical reactions for strategic advantages.

Selective Acidic Resistance: Ralph Acidius's resistance to his own living acid is refined to the point where he can selectively choose which parts of his body are resistant or susceptible, providing him with tactical flexibility during transformations.

Enhanced Physical Alchemy: The exposure to Vamzom's bit and chemical substances not only grants Ralph Acidius enhanced physical attributes but also a deeper understanding of alchemical principles. This knowledge allows him to exploit the weaknesses of substances, concoct specialized solutions on the fly, and utilize his powers with unprecedented finesse.

Ralph Acidius emerges as a character with a harmonious fusion of Acid Man's solvent mastery and the transformative living acid abilities he gained from xentorium and Vamzom's bite (SUV). 

His alchemical prowess makes him a force to be reckoned with, wielding versatile and potent abilities that blur the lines between science and mysticism.

The following day, news outlets dissected the aftermath of the chemical factory's destruction, highlighting the extensive collateral damage and the mysterious disappearance of two coworkers. In a televised interview, President Isabella Rich addressed the concerned citizens, reassuring them as the factory underwent reconstruction.

However, a curveball emerged when the focus shifted to the rising Ultra Hero, overshadowing the legendary figures. A probing question hinted at the apparent volatility in the hero's reputation, prompting President Isabella Rich to respond with sagacity, assuaging the public's concerns.

Meanwhile, Jessica Maya, in her living room, joined a video call with Bruno and Samantha, who urged her to tune in to the news. Witnessing the report shattered her spirit, triggering memories of the previous incident. Despite attempts at comfort, Jessica grappled with guilt over the lives lost.

During their video chat, Bruno suggested revisiting her mentor's message, hinting at a potential hidden message within. Initially reluctant, Jessica dismissed it as a mundane lesson on AI. Bruno, drawing inspiration from various comics and superhero franchises, lightened the mood and persuaded Jessica to consider the message as a subtle trial of faith.

Expressing gratitude to her friends, Jessica ended the video call. On the flip side, Ralph Flynn Lauren, the unfortunate worker bitten by Vamzom and exposed to the hazardous chemicals, found himself trudging home that fateful day.

Upon reaching his apartment, the surreal ordeal continued. As he extended his hand to grasp the doorknob, it instantly liquefied at his touch. Bewilderment gripped him, questioning the reality of what he had just witnessed. Tentatively, he brushed his hand against the door, and it yielded with a crackling dissolve, granting him access.

Stunned, Ralph cautiously stepped into his apartment, a palpable fear coursing through him. Every item became a potential trigger for dissolution, urging him to move with delicate precision, guarding against the possibility of his belongings fading into nothingness. The weight of the unknown hung heavily in the air as Ralph navigated this bizarre twist in his reality.

In a moment of anxiety, Ralph mistakenly touched the only clothes he wore, inadvertently dissolving his meal. Frustrated, he sought refuge in a cold shower, only to be disappointed by the instant melting of the shower handle. Emerging angrily, he attempted to touch anything that wouldn't dissolve, but all efforts proved futile. Screaming in fury, he fell to his knees, and a flash of memory revealed the incident that had transformed him.

Regaining composure, Ralph boldly stepped out onto the street naked, attracting stares from passersby. Unfazed, he tried to avoid eye contact, but his peculiar state drew the attention of the police. Questioned about his nudity, Ralph explained his unusual powers, attempting to dodge their touch. Disbelieving, the police considered him a madman. In the struggle, one officer attempted to handcuff him, resulting in a gruesome dissolution and explosion of organs.

Shocked by the unintended consequence, Ralph pleaded with the police, but they opened fire, their bullets proving futile as they dissolved upon contact with him. Onlookers captured the chaotic scene on video, making it viral. Evading the police, Ralph collided with an oncoming vehicle, causing a violent dissolution of innocent bystanders and the vehicle itself.

As the police closed in on him, Ralph inadvertently melted them with his acid powers. The escalating chaos caught the attention of the top hero association league. Arriving at the scene, they surveyed the dire situation before encountering Ralph, covered in blood and guts.

"It's a bloody mess out here," remarked Stormbringer.

"What could have caused this? SUV or another Vamzom?" inquired Dr. Quasar.

"No! It was something else; I could feel his presence here," Lady Luck responded, utilizing her Omni-Empathy and Omni-Pathy to pinpoint Ralph's location as she led the way.

Upon seeing them, Ralph was gripped with terror. Lady Luck reassured him, urging a deep breath and relaxation. The Prime Minister, on the verge of touching Ralph, was halted by Lady Luck, who emphasized avoiding contact. She revealed that Ralph, a victim of the chemical factory incident, had gained unparalleled abilities through a unique process, becoming a living acid rather than succumbing to the Vamzom virus.

"This power is beyond even you, Prime Minister. It's not just a standard superhuman ability; it's a result of Vamzom's infection altering his process, bonding with the chemicals he fell upon to gain powers," Lady Luck explained.

Amid Ralph's desperate plea for help, Lady Luck comforted him, "It's okay, Ralph. We're here to help."

They escorted Ralph to their headquarters, where a thorough scan and analysis of his abilities took place. The revelation was stark: Ralph could not be cured by earthly science; only the elusive xentorium core could offer a potential solution, though using it posed a threat to Ralph's well-being.

In a secret private room, President Isabella Rich consulted the xentorium core of the legendary ultra heroes. It disclosed that only Jessica Starr possessed the means to cure Ralph, suggesting a containment strategy to protect against unintended consequences. President Rich, concerned for Jessica's readiness, attempted to negotiate assistance from the xentorium core.

However, the core warned of potential risks, stating that any aid could be fatal or temporary, with the added risk of boosting Ralph's powers after neutralization wore off. Reluctantly, President Isabella Rich concurred with the notion of containing Ralph from the outside world.

Returning to the group, President Isabella Rich conveyed the difficult truth to Ralph. While a cure was possible using Ultra AI Jessica's xentorium core, the stark possibility of not surviving the process prompted the decision to keep Ralph isolated. The weight of this somber choice hung heavily in the air.

Disagreeing vehemently with the imposed options, Ralph insisted on living his life freely, rejecting the notion of permanent confinement. Frustrated, he lashed out at the hero association, demanding a resolution that wouldn't harm him. Lady Luck attempted to pacify Ralph without resorting to her powers, but he grew increasingly enraged by the association's control.

In a sudden outburst, Ralph turned violent against the heroes who stood against him. Lady Luck swiftly guided President Isabella to safety as the remaining heroes engaged in a battle, skillfully avoiding Ralph's touch. The confrontation spilled outside the headquarters, where Ralph found himself overpowered by the collective might of the hero association.

Stormbringer delivered a decisive blow with his lightning, shattering Ralph's body and draining him into a nearby sewer. Astonishingly, Ralph reemerged, reconstructing his body from the depths below. Focused on a giant billboard displaying the famous ultra hero Jessica, Ralph seethed with hatred, vowing revenge for what he perceived as her role in ruining his life.

"You ruined my life, you took away my freedom. You will pay for what you did, Ultra Hero, I promise you that," Ralph muttered to himself. His soliloquy was interrupted when a familiar voice called out to him. Turning to see who it was, he was stunned to find a beautiful young lady.

"Ralph Flynn Lauren," said the mysterious lady. "Is that really you?"

"Who wants to know?" Ralph questioned, wary of her intentions. The lady stepped out of the shadows, approaching Ralph despite his warnings. To his astonishment, she touched him without consequence.

Ralph couldn't believe his eyes as the young lady transformed into his female superior colleague, Elena, who was also involved in the chemical factory incident.

"Elena!" Ralph exclaimed in amazement.

"How?" he questioned.

As they walked to her apartment late at night, Elena explained that she had seen Ralph's viral video and had been following the discussions about his perceived danger. She disclosed remarkable changes within herself and, upon reaching her home, opened the door for Ralph to enter, marking the beginning of a mysterious revelation.

She offered Ralph a seat, but he refused, choosing to stand as he recounted his story to Elena, leaving her stunned. Demonstrating his dissolving abilities, Ralph touched a flower vase, which promptly dissolved with the flower inside.

Curious about Elena's ability to locate him while standing, Ralph questioned her. Elena revealed her extraordinary experience, explaining that her abilities allowed her to understand others on a rare level. She could also feel connections among individuals, whether superhuman or ordinary.

In turn, Elena showcased her shape-shifting and other special gifts, leaving Ralph in awe. Despite his ability to dissolve anything he touched, Ralph viewed Elena as fortunate to possess such unique powers.

As Ralph disclosed his encounter with the hero association, Elena proposed a daring idea. Since she was immune to Ralph's touch, she suggested breaking rules to draw out the famous ultra hero who had impacted their lives. Elena, content with her powers, expressed her desire to experience life in various ways, both good and bad.

"You'll need a new outfit," Elena stated, transforming back into her youthful self.

"Clothes melt when I touch them. What are you suggesting, Elena?" Ralph questioned, understanding the implications.

Elena, giving him a mischievous look, wrapped herself around Ralph, morphing into a well-designed, badass crime-fighting suit.

"Oh boy! You've got to be kidding me," Ralph exclaimed, looking at his new attire in the mirror, with Elena's eyes and mouth visible.

"So, what do you say? Are you in or out?" asked Elena, now the talking dress of Ralph. Despite initial reluctance, Ralph agreed to Elena's unconventional plan.

"Now you can touch and feel things without melting them, with me as your dress," Elena remarked, setting the stage for a partnership that blended Ralph's unique abilities with Elena's transformative gifts.

The following day, Ralph and Elena plunged into a spree of crime, effortlessly robbing banks and outmaneuvering the top hero association. They toyed with military forces, rendering them powerless. The media broadcasted their unstoppable duo, demanding a showdown with the famous ultra hero.

Their viral displays, battles against the top hero association, and escapes from captivity became the city's ongoing spectacle. Sometimes, they released super criminals from their cells, escalating chaos for sheer enjoyment. In just a week, they earned the moniker "Super Partners in Crime."

Dr. Virginia monitored their deeds, impressed by their remarkable abilities. Two weeks later, Bruno and Samantha visited Jessica's apartment, meeting Mrs. Maya and exchanging greetings. Mrs. Maya informed them Jessica was upstairs.

Entering Jessica's room, they found her on her bed. They informed her about the mischievous super criminals causing havoc, demanding a challenge against the ultra hero. They showed her the viral video, highlighting the challenge even the hero association struggled to contain.

Taking a deep breath, Jessica briefly diverted the conversation to the concert. Later, they left for the "Experience Concert," informing Mrs. Maya of their plans.

Arriving in the early evening, they joined the diverse crowd, ready for a life-changing musical experience. Artists from around the world participated, granting fans opportunities for photos and autographs.

As the concert unfolded, the atmosphere buzzed with excitement. The crowd witnessed their favorite artists, creating memorable moments that transcended the chaos brewing in the city.

As the concert unfolded, musicians took turns, performing famous and new songs. Music Man and Harmonica Girl graced the stage three times, captivating the audience. Artists spanning genres, from Lagbaja to Michael Jackson, Rascal Flatts to Skillet, and classical legends like Mozart and Beethoven, brought a diverse musical experience. Icons like Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, The Beatles, and contemporary stars like Beyoncé, Adele, and Drake, added to the eclectic lineup. The crowd, ranging from gospel enthusiasts to hip-hop lovers, reveled in the magical night.

As the concert reached its zenith, with Music Man and Harmonica Girl closing with a powerful song, the unexpected struck. Jessica's ultra AI warned her of imminent danger heading towards the concert. Swiftly, she informed her friends, rushing to transform in a secluded spot. The looming threat was Dragnos, intent on wreaking havoc during the finale.

Dragnos took to the air, spitting fire that sent the entire crowd scrambling for safety. Amid the chaos, Jessica, transformed into Ultra White, engaged Dragnos in a midair battle. Intense exchanges unfolded as Ultra White Jessica valiantly withstood Dragnos's fiery onslaught. The crowd watched in awe as the two powerful beings clashed in a spectacular display.

Ultra White Jessica skillfully seized Dragnos from midair, bringing her crashing down to the ground. However, Dragnos recovered swiftly, expressing an impressed acknowledgment of Ultra White Jessica's ability to hold her own.

In a surprising turn, Dragnos used her mighty wings to create a tremendous wind, sending Ultra White Jessica crashing into the stage, shattering instruments. Despite the setback, the battle between the forces of good and chaos continued to unfold, leaving the crowd in suspense, torn between fear and fascination.

In the midst of the heated battle between Dragnos and Ultra White Jessica, Bruno and Samantha took on the crucial task of assisting people, guiding them to find shelter amidst the chaos.

Dragnos, levitating in midair, confronted Ultra White Jessica, who had sought refuge in the presence of Music Man and Harmonica Girl. As Ultra White Jessica recovered, her Ultra AI scanned Dragnos, revealing enhancements that raised the stakes of the confrontation.

Expressing disdain for the term "hideous," Dragnos proudly declared her lineage as the daughter of the great immortal Dracula and an immortal dragon. Offended by Ultra White Jessica's words, Dragnos proclaimed her intention to put an end to the legacy of legendary ultra heroes.

Engaging in conversation, Ultra White Jessica questioned Dragnos about her parents, learning that they were killed by the legendary ultra heroes. Expressing sympathy, Ultra White Jessica acknowledged the dangerous nature of Dragnos's parents but asserted her determination to prevent further harm.

As Dragnos prepared to unleash a massive flame, Ultra White Jessica realized the critical situation and sought assistance from her Ultra AI. It revealed a solution – harnessing xentorium core energy within her arc reactor as an omega blast.

Ultra White Jessica received instructions to secure the area and evacuate Music Man and Harmonica Girl from the stage before countering Dragnos's flames. However, before she could act, Dragnos unleashed a massive flame, forcing Jessica to swiftly channel the xentorium core energy into an omega blast. The resulting explosion and shockwave disintegrated Dragnos, marking the climax of the supernatural battle that resonated through the surroundings.

Fused with Xentorium core particles after being tossed aside by the impact shockwave, Music Man and Harmonica Girl found themselves changed. Despite the injuries suffered by civilians, the crowd resurfaced in the deserted place, cheering for Ultra White Jessica's heroic actions.

Spotting her friends, Ultra White Jessica took to the skies after ensuring the situation was under control. Videos recorded on phones quickly went viral, showcasing Jessica's life-saving efforts.

Returning in her human form a minute later, Jessica joined her friends amidst the police force and ambulance attending to the injured victims. The media interviewed witnesses, capturing firsthand accounts of Jessica's courageous act.

Impressed by Jessica's handling of the situation, President Isabella Rich observed from the Hero Association League headquarters. Meanwhile, in Dr. Virginia's villainous lair, she reprimanded Dragnos for disobeying orders and warned the other supervillains about the consequences of acting independently.

Despite most villains swearing allegiance, SUV Eddie lurked in the shadows, biding his time to strike against Ultra AI Jessica. Dr. Virginia, contemplating her next moves, set her sights on recruiting the Super Partners in Crime.

In the hospital, a report reached the manager that Music Man and Harmonica Girl were in a coma. Music Man lost his ability to speak, and Harmonica Girl, her voice to sing, marking a somber aftermath to the chaotic events.