
ULTRA AI - (Moved to a New Link)

ULTRA ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, also known as UAI, is an adaptive technology from an unknown universe called XENDA. XENDA is a life force that exists within and outside the universe, beyond time and space itself. The people of XENDA saw that the multiverse could no longer be secured from powerful threats that endangered the multiverse itself. Pi-minus, the most intelligent being in the entire Maniverse, created a life force that exceeds the cosmos itself, which protects the multiverse from an omega destruction. The omega destruction is the end of every universe that exists within and outside the cosmos. It is the source of life, ideas, inspirations, imaginations, and everything else that exists. Every writer, artist, audience, and creator views their perspectives from this source. If it were destroyed, everything that you know of would cease to exist. In short, it is the LIFE SOURCE of the fabric of existence. There are two types of destruction: the Alpha destruction and the Omega destruction. The Alpha destruction was the first big bang that rewrote reality itself, making changes to every continuity that unbalanced existence. This affected every continuity you know of and every timeline that exists, recreating, destroying, and altering the cosmos itself. It was the yin-yang of reality. Pi-minus foresaw this coming, that the only thing that could produce an omega destruction is when the Alpha destruction is no more. Pi-minus saw the end of each world's destruction right from the 144,000 universes, and the only way he could save all existence was with the XENTORIUM CORE. A XENTORIUM CORE is the creation and birth of each universe. From the highest beings and points to the lowest beings and points, the XENTORIUM CORE holds the key to balancing the cosmos and saving all that exists. Author's note: The XENTORIUM CORE is a powerful source that is incomparable to anything else. Its capabilities are incomprehensible to most top tiers of supreme intelligence within and outside the cosmos. Not many are capable of its unique and limitless potential, which can change the fabric of existence with a mere thought of limitless capacity, be it conscious or unconscious. This book is just for fun and not meant to criticize any other works of authors. References will be made to keep the storyline consistent. This is just a fictional write-up.

richard_rick · Sci-fi
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134 Chs

Jessica's Adventure - Part 8

Dr. Emma Hartman's Bio 

Dr. Emma Hartman, the fastest woman alive. Driven by her passion for scientific exploration, she made groundbreaking discoveries in the field of quantum physics, leading to her extraordinary speedster abilities. Let's delve into the scientific basis for her powers and explore their limits.

Origin of Dr. Emma Hartman's Abilities:

Dr. Hartman's abilities are rooted in the principles of quantum entanglement and the manipulation of space-time. During an experiment at her advanced research facility, she inadvertently exposed herself to an intense burst of quantum energy. This energy triggered a fundamental change within her body, unlocking the latent potential of her genetic makeup.

Enhanced Physiology:

Dr. Hartman's body underwent several transformations, granting her a unique set of speedster abilities. Her enhanced physiology allows her to achieve incredible speed, agility, and reflexes. These changes include:

1. Enhanced Metabolism: Dr. Hartman's metabolism operates at an accelerated rate, providing her cells with an abundance of energy, enabling her to achieve superhuman speed.

2. Enhanced Musculature: Her muscles have undergone modifications, becoming denser and more efficient. This alteration allows her to generate greater force and propel herself at incredible velocities.

3. Improved Reaction Time: Dr. Hartman's nervous system has been optimized to process sensory input at an accelerated pace. This heightened reaction time enables her to navigate complex environments while moving at extreme speeds.

4. Rapid Cellular Regeneration: To withstand the physical stress caused by high-speed movement, Dr. Hartman's body possesses an enhanced ability to repair damaged cells, ensuring her long-term survival as a speedster.


With her newfound speedster powers, Dr. Hartman can accomplish remarkable feats:

1. Superhuman Speed: Dr. Hartman can move at velocities exceeding the speed of sound, enabling her to traverse great distances in mere seconds.

2. Accelerated Perception: As a result of her enhanced nervous system, Dr. Hartman perceives time at a significantly slower rate than ordinary individuals. This heightened perception allows her to react swiftly to her surroundings, granting her an advantage in combat and decision-making.

3. Vibrational Intangibility: By attuning her vibrational frequency to match the intermolecular spacing of solid objects, Dr. Hartman can pass through them as if they were not present. This ability allows her to phase through obstacles and avoid physical harm.

4. Speed Aura: Dr. Hartman generates an energy field around her while in motion, protecting her from air friction and the harmful effects of high-speed travel.

Time Travel Limitations:

Based on real-life science, time travel is a challenging concept to achieve. As there are no known scientific mechanisms that allow for practical time travel. The laws of physics, as currently understood, present significant obstacles to traversing time.

While Dr. Hartman possesses remarkable speedster abilities, enabling her to manipulate space-time, she cannot engage in time travel due to the limitations imposed by our current understanding of science. However, her ability to manipulate time perception gives her the illusion of interacting with time on a different scale, allowing her to perform extraordinary feats within her own timeline.

Dr. Emma Hartman's speedster powers showcase the fascinating possibilities of scientific exploration. Although time travel remains a speculative concept, her abilities demonstrate the potential for humans to push the boundaries of our understanding and achieve superhuman feats through scientific advancements.


Let's explore a science fiction scenario that combines elements of real-life science and speculative concepts to explain the possibilities of time travel for Dr. Emma Hartman.

In this scenario, Dr. Hartman's exposure to the burst of quantum energy not only granted her incredible speedster abilities but also unlocked her potential to manipulate spacetime in extraordinary ways. This unique combination of powers enables her to explore the concept of time travel. Here's how it could work:

1. Manipulation of Spacetime:

Dr. Hartman's speedster abilities already involve manipulating spacetime to achieve superhuman speed. Building on this foundation, she discovers that by pushing her powers to the limits, she can extend her control over the temporal dimension as well.

2. Quantum Entanglement:

Drawing on her background in quantum physics, Dr. Hartman discovers that her altered physiology allows her to harness the power of quantum entanglement. Quantum entanglement is a real-life phenomenon where particles become correlated in such a way that the state of one particle affects the state of another, regardless of the distance between them.

3. Temporal Anchoring:

Dr. Hartman learns to utilize quantum entanglement to anchor herself to specific points in spacetime. By entangling her own particles with those of a particular timeframe, she gains the ability to traverse through time while remaining connected to her original timeline as a reference point.

4. Temporal Displacement:

With the ability to anchor herself in time, Dr. Hartman can then manipulate her speedster abilities to achieve temporal displacement. By accelerating to extreme speeds while maintaining the temporal anchor, she can "jump" forward or backward in time.

5. Temporal Paradoxes and Consequences:

While Dr. Hartman can navigate through time, she must exercise caution to avoid altering past events and creating paradoxes. Real-life theories such as the Novikov self-consistency principle suggest that the laws of physics would prevent events that create paradoxes from occurring, ensuring that the timeline remains consistent.

6. Time Dilation:

Dr. Hartman's speedster abilities already provide her with a heightened perception of time. By further pushing the limits of her powers, she can experience time dilation effects, where her subjective time can differ from external observers. This allows her to spend extended periods exploring different time periods while only a short time passes in her original timeline.

7. Curtechyian Force Connection: Dr. Hartman shares a unique and profound bond with the Curtechyian force, an energy source that transcends the boundaries of conventional science and taps into the mystical and cosmic fabric of the multiverse. This connection enhances her speedster abilities in remarkable ways, granting her access to unparalleled speed and agility. The Curtechyian force infuses her being, elevating her powers to extraordinary levels.

8. Curtechyian Force and Ultra Realm Blessings: Dr. Emma Hartman's connection to the Curtechyian force and its associated blessings endows her with unparalleled protection, rendering her impervious to erasure by any means. This includes challenges from omnipotent or transcendent beings and even the formidable creators of fictional characters themselves. As long as she wields the blessings of the Curtechyian force, she stands invincible, beyond the grasp of any harm or erasure within the intricate realms of fiction.

Not only does Dr. Emma Hartman possess the fortifying blessings of the Curtechyian force, but she also bears the divine favor of the Ultra Realm. These blessings further bolster her invulnerability, ensuring that no form of erasure or harm, be it in the vibrant realms of fiction or the concrete world of nonfiction, can lay a finger on her.

The curtechyian force, an ancient energy that fuels creation throughout the cosmos and all the verses, represents the unity and partnership with the metaverse, solidifying creation into material existence. It is an incorruptible force with a limitless source of energy.

It's important to note that while this scenario combines elements of real-life science and science fiction, the concept of time travel, especially to the extent described here, remains purely speculative. Our current understanding of physics and the limitations imposed by the laws of nature make practical time travel highly improbable. However, within the realm of science fiction, Dr. Emma Hartman's abilities offer an intriguing exploration of what could be possible if we could manipulate spacetime and push the boundaries of our understanding.

After a day of heroics, Jessica, the enigmatic Ultra SUV, stealthily returned to her school hostel, shedding her formidable form to reveal her human self. However, there was a lingering issue she had noticed; while she could access a few of her transformations without the Ultra SUV, some remained elusive.

"I seem to only harness all my powers within the Ultra SUV," Jessica murmured to herself.

Her ever-present companion, the Ultra AI, chimed in with a note of caution, "You can't sustain this indefinitely, Jessica. Playing with the Ultra SUV like this, relying solely on your strong will, is risky. I can't assist you in that form either."

Jessica pondered this dilemma. "You're right, but the Ultra SUV was only meant to unlock a handful of transformations: Ultra White, Ultra Blue, Ultra Gold, and a few others. What if I could bond with the entire SUV, instead of just fragments?"

"Please don't attempt it. It would only further empower the Ultra SUV, and you know it's a fusion of the Xentorium virus, Peter's DNA, and a Xentorium core," the AI warned. "Your will alone won't be enough to control it once the bond becomes stronger."

Jessica sighed, conflicted. "I understand your concern, but it's the only way for me to realize my full potential and curb my strange behaviors, especially towards Bruno and Samantha. I hope they'll understand when I explain things to them. I'm trying hard not to succumb to the darkness, so I need to push my will even harder. We have one week left before night classes end, and I must study more about the creation of this Ultra SUV. Besides, you still haven't given me full control."

With determination, Jessica picked up two sealed containers, each housing fragments of the Ultra SUV. They swirled within, showcasing their enigmatic power. She spoke to herself, "I'm fortunate I kept them in these airtight containers, away from the regular ones."

Suddenly, Bruno and Samantha entered, catching Jessica with the mysterious containers in hand. Samantha's disgust was evident as she asked, "What on Earth is that, Maya? Please tell me you and Eddie aren't working on this!"

Bruno chuckled, "This is precisely why I abandoned science class and embraced art. Always experimenting, it's like my cousin Zee's obsession with inventions. She once made me her lab rat."

Jessica put the containers back on the table, saying, "Well, I finished my school project long ago. Dr. Emma Hartman had Eddie and me swap projects. I wonder if Eddie's done with it already."

"Dr. Emma Hartman is quite the multi-talented lady," Bruno mentioned. "I heard she loves teaching and lectures at some top universities about science stuff."

Samantha nodded, adding, "It's not uncommon here; many of our teachers are professors or doctors who teach alongside their other daily pursuits."

Samantha's concern then shifted the conversation, "Jessica, you've been acting strangely and sometimes rudely, especially towards Eddie. Are you okay?"

Jessica was about to explain herself and potentially reveal her superhero identity when an announcement blared through the school speakers. Night classes were ending in a week, a relief for many students who had grown tired of them.

"Thank goodness," Bruno exclaimed, "Art department has been a handful during these night classes, with rehearsals and all."

Mid-discussion, Eddie knocked on Jessica's hostel room door. Samantha answered and informed Jessica. Bruno quipped, "Ah, Eddie, the guy whose room is like an elevator, always up and down."

Jessica smiled, confirming, "That's the one."

She stepped out to talk to Eddie, who explained that Dr. Emma needed their presence. Jessica informed Samantha and Bruno that she and Eddie were off to meet with Dr. Emma. They discussed their projects with her, giving positive responses. Afterward, Dr. Emma requested a private conversation with Jessica, subtly testing if she would reveal her superhero identity, which Jessica skillfully avoided. Dr. Emma smiled, saying, "Someday, Jessica, I'll get to meet the real you," before she left.

The intrigue deepened as Jessica navigated the challenges of her dual life, concealing her heroic secret from those around her.

Upon her return to the hostel room, Jessica found it empty as her friends had gone out. She yearned for a moment of relaxation, and she settled in, hoping to find some peace and respite. However, her Ultra AI suddenly alerted her to a bank robbery in progress. With a sense of urgency, Jessica sprang into action. She retrieved both containers, containing fragments of the Ultra SUV, contemplating which one to bond with. Eventually, she chose the fragmented SUV and bonded with it, transforming into Ultra White, and swiftly took off. Unbeknownst to her, the container with the sufficient Ultra SUV had fallen and broken open, causing a small explosion that released its contents.

Upon arriving at the crime scene, Ultra White Jessica encountered a multitude of police officers surrounding the area, trying to apprehend the criminals. To her surprise, these weren't ordinary criminals but superpowered individuals. Jessica's intervention was cheered by the police force as she entered the bank where the super criminals held innocent civilians hostage.

However, the super criminals saw Ultra White Jessica as a threat. One of them took a male hostage and demanded she leave, threatening the hostage's life. Jessica responded calmly, "It doesn't have to be this way."

The criminal scoffed, "You're that Ultra freak everyone's talking about, pretending to be a legendary hero. Go back to wherever you came from, and no one gets hurt."

Ultra White Jessica playfully displayed a broken heart emoji, saying, "Ouch! That hurt my feelings, you know."

Realizing she had to take action, she swiftly rescued all the hostages with her incredible super speed. The criminals, frustrated, opened fire on her, but she remained unscathed, their bullets proving futile.

The criminals then resorted to using their unique abilities against her. One tried to hack her suit, but Jessica retaliated by injecting a harmless virus that incapacitated the technopath criminal.

As the criminals attacked, one with super strength and speed was effortlessly overpowered by Ultra White Jessica. The one with telepathy, invisibility, geokinesis, and teleportation met a similar fate. Jessica apprehended them all, except for the supervillain known as Nemesis. She possessed the power to generate and control dark energy, making her nearly indestructible and able to manipulate gravity. The battle was far from over.

In a dramatic turn of events, Nemesis unleashed a powerful dark energy blast, striking Ultra White Jessica. This sudden assault triggered an unintended transformation, causing her to morph into the formidable Ultra SUV. Jessica's control slipped away as her consciousness faded.

As Ultra SUV, she morphed into a horrifying cybernetic creature, driven by instinct. In a gruesome act, she devoured Nemesis, ripping the supervillain's head off with her fearsome maw and carelessly tossing the lifeless body aside, shattering windows as it plummeted.

The police force stood in stunned horror, witnessing the brutality that had just unfolded. Without hesitation, they opened fire against the monstrous Ultra SUV. Inside the transformed vehicle, Jessica struggled desperately to regain control, her thoughts filled with confusion and fear.

"What's happening?" she cried to herself, fighting to reassert her dominance over the transformation but finding it impossible.

Ultra SUV, now uncontrollable, went on a brutal rampage against the police force, leaving devastation in its wake. The escalating situation prompted the intervention of the top hero association leagues, including Dr. Quasar, The Empress of Time, Lady Luck, The Stormbringer, Prime Minister, and Fast, as they sought to bring an end to this nightmarish crisis.

**Dr. Quasar - The Cosmic Warden:**

Dr. Quasar is an otherworldly male alien hailing from a distant planet, empowered with control over cosmic energy. His abilities make him a remarkable guardian of the cosmos:

- **Cosmic Energy Manipulation:** Dr. Quasar wields the profound power to manipulate cosmic energy. This cosmic force grants him various abilities:

 - **Flight:** He can soar through the skies at will.

 - **Energy Blasts:** He can project focused beams of cosmic energy, serving as potent ranged attacks.

 - **Space Travel:** With mastery over cosmic energy, he can journey through the vastness of space, exploring distant galaxies and celestial realms.

Dr. Quasar's unique cosmic abilities make him a stalwart protector of his home planet and a cosmic force for good in the universe.

**The Empress of Time - Mistress of Temporal Mastery:**

The Empress of Time is an extraordinary being, a female hybrid goddess transcending dimensions and time itself. Her unique origins and abilities grant her unrivaled control over the fabric of existence:

- **Temporal Manipulation:** As a hybrid goddess of the fifth dimension and a guardian of her lost dimension between extradimension and interdimension, she possesses the astonishing power to manipulate time. Her abilities encompass:

 - **Chronal Prowess:** She can slow down or accelerate the flow of time around her at will, granting her a remarkable advantage in various situations.

 - **Time Bending:** Her mastery over time enables her to bend temporal events, making her an influential force in the shaping of destinies.

 - **Dimensional Nexus:** Her unique hybrid nature allows her to traverse the boundaries between extradimensional and interdimensional realms, forging connections and understanding the mysteries of existence.

The Empress of Time's existence is not only meaningful but serves as a vital link between dimensions and a guardian of the very fabric of reality itself.

**Lady Luck - The Fortuitous Heroine:**

Lady Luck possesses an impressive array of supernatural abilities that make her a formidable force for justice:

**Lady Luck - The Serendipitous Savior:**

In a universe teeming with countless wonders, Lady Luck stands as a beautiful and enigmatic figure, hailing from a distant galaxy as a remarkable hybrid alien. Her appearance is a breathtaking blend of terrestrial allure and exotic extraterrestrial charm. 

**Hybrid Alien Features:** Her otherworldly lineage is strikingly evident, with a graceful fusion of terrestrial and alien aesthetics. Her complexion shimmers with an otherworldly luminescence, featuring an iridescent, alabaster skin that hints at her celestial origins. Glowing, ethereal patterns cascade across her body, resembling intricate constellations in the night sky. Her striking eyes possess a captivating, multifaceted hue, transitioning from shimmering indigo to lustrous silver with a mere blink. Her elegant, slightly elongated ears add to her unique allure, adorned with delicate, ornate piercings that signify her ancestral heritage.

**Charismatic Presence:** Lady Luck's charisma is magnetic, as her hybrid nature bestows her with an aura of otherness, something bewitching and unfamiliar to the people of Earth. She exudes an air of grace and compassion, and her smile seems to carry the weight of a thousand constellations, instilling hope and serenity in those who gaze upon her.

**Characteristics:** Despite her incredible powers and alien lineage, Lady Luck remains humble and compassionate. She's a beacon of empathy and hope, radiating kindness and serendipity wherever she goes. Her dual nature has endowed her with a deep understanding of both the earthly and cosmic, allowing her to bridge the gap between worlds.

**Abilities:** Lady Luck's abilities have transcended mere chance. With her celestial gifts, she can shape destiny itself, directing the flow of events with a gentle touch. Her cosmic empathy allows her to comprehend and heal the emotional wounds of beings across galaxies. Lady Luck is the embodiment of compassion, hope, and fortuity in a universe that desperately needs her radiant presence.

- **Probability Manipulation:** With the power to manipulate the odds of various events, Lady Luck can effectively control and dictate the outcomes of situations. Whether it's ensuring a villain's weapon malfunctions at a crucial moment or turning the tide of events in her favor, she is a living force of luck.

- **Intuition and Precognition:** Her abilities also grant her an innate sense of intuition, providing insight into what is likely to occur in the near future. This foresight allows her to anticipate and navigate challenging situations effectively.

- **Truth Compulsion:** By making physical contact with an individual, Lady Luck can compel them to speak the truth. The truth-compelling touch invokes an overwhelming sense of honesty in others, making it nearly impossible for them to tell a lie. She can even amplify this power to ensure absolute honesty, even from those who might resist.

- **Omni-Empathy:** Lady Luck possesses an empathic connection with all beings, enabling her to understand and share in the emotions and feelings of others on a cosmic scale.

- **Omni-Kinesis:** With control over a vast array of kinetic powers, she can influence and manipulate the fundamental forces of the universe, shaping reality to her advantage.

- **Omni-Pathy:** Her omnipathic abilities grant her an unparalleled understanding of the thoughts and emotions of all sentient beings, allowing her to empathize and connect with them on a profound level.

These combined abilities make Lady Luck an incredibly powerful and compassionate superheroine, making her an unswerving beacon of hope and truth.

Here's The Stormbringer's description and abilities listed:

**The Stormbringer:** A powerful warrior with the ability to summon and control thunderstorms. The Stormbringer can conjure lightning, create storms at will, and even use the wind to fly through the air. By combining these powers, The Stormbringer can create devastating storms and tornadoes, and even blast enemies with lightning bolts. The Stormbringer also has the ability to transform himself into living lightning, making him faster and stronger than ever before. And when things get really dangerous, he can unleash a massive storm of pure energy, bringing chaos and destruction to his enemies.


- **Thunderstorm Manipulation:** The power to summon and control thunderstorms at will.

- **Lightning Conjuration:** The ability to create bolts of lightning for various uses.

- **Aerokinesis:** Control over the wind, enabling flight and manipulating air currents.

- **Storm Creation:** The capacity to generate intense storms, including tornadoes.

- **Living Lightning Transformation:** Morphing into living lightning, granting incredible speed and strength.

- **Energy Blast:** Unleashing a massive storm of pure energy for devastating attacks.

Prime Minister is a superhero possessing immense power, evoking the combined strength of Sentry, Thor, Blue Marvel, Captain Marvel and the Incredible Hulk from Marvel comics, as well as the fusion of Superman, Doomsday, Martian Manhunter, Shazam, and Dr. Date from DC comics.

Here's the updated list of *Prime Minister*'s abilities, combining the previous descriptions:

*Prime Minister*, with the combined might of these iconic heroes, possesses an astonishing array of superhuman abilities:

- **Super Strength:** Prime Minister wields unparalleled physical strength, allowing him to lift immense weights, overpower formidable adversaries, and shatter nearly any obstacle in their path.

- **Super Speed:** The ability to move at incredible velocities, making him nearly as fast as the speed of light.

- **Invulnerability:** Prime Minister's body is nigh-indestructible, rendering him impervious to most forms of harm, including bullets, energy attacks, and even extreme temperatures.

- **Flight:** The power of unassisted flight allows him to soar through the skies at breathtaking speeds.

- **Energy Projection:** He can project powerful energy beams and bursts, capable of causing massive devastation or defending against formidable threats.

- **Super Stamina:** Prime Minister can exert himself for extended periods without tiring, allowing for relentless combat and heroics.

- **Shape-Shifting:** The capacity to alter his physical form grants him adaptability and stealth.

- **Telepathy:** A strong telepathic connection, enabling mental communication, thought-reading, and psychic influence.

- **Vast Knowledge:** He possess vast intelligence and cosmic wisdom, providing insights into complex problems and a deep understanding of the universe.

- **Magic and Reality Manipulation:** He possess the power to cast magic spells and manipulate reality, allowing him to alter the fabric of existence itself.

- **Time Travel:** He can traverse through time, witnessing and influencing past and future events.

- **Immortality:** Prime Minister is ageless and immortal, granting him a timeless existence.

- **Telekinesis:** The ability to move and manipulate objects with the power of the mind.

- **Regenerative Healing:** His body can rapidly heal from injuries, even regenerating lost limbs or vital organs.

- **Omnilingualism:** He understand and communicate in all languages, human and alien.

- **Manipulate Matter and Energy:** Prime Minister can manipulate matter and energy to a high degree, giving him control over the very building blocks of the universe.

- **Super Senses:** Prime Minister's super hearing and vision provide unparalleled sensory perception.

- **Invisibility:** He can turn invisible at will, becoming undetectable to the naked eye.

- **Resurrection:** The power to bring the deceased back to life.

- **Control Gravity:** He can control gravity, enabling him to manipulate objects and individuals with this fundamental force.

- **Energy Shields and Force Fields:** The ability to generate protective energy shields and force fields to defend against attacks.

- **Energy Blasts:** He can project energy blasts from his hands and eyes.

*Prime Minister* stands as a paragon of heroism, possessing the combined strength and abilities of iconic heroes from two of the most renowned comic book universes.

Presenting a compilation of Dr. Emma Hartman's remarkable abilities, also known by her superhero name, Fast:

1. Superhuman Speed

2. Accelerated Perception

3. Vibrational Intangibility

4. Speed Aura

5. Temporal Manipulation (for time perception, not time travel)

6. Quantum Entanglement

7. Temporal Anchoring

8. Temporal Displacement

9. Time Dilation

10. Curtechyian Force Connection

11. Curtechyian Force and Ultra Realm Blessings (for invulnerability)