Then Pamela and Krius went to the port of Gotham. Located in the north of the city. Krius did not want Rachel to witness carnage. Which she plans to do with Pamela. Because Pamela long before the meeting of Ultor. She was capable of such things. She had to kill many times, or when someone tried to kill her, when someone was destroying the nature she protected.
And imprisoning her words, Pamela had already shed a lot of blood. Which luckily was evil, polluted by sin. She most often killed smugglers, drug growers and the like.
Rachel, despite being a demon, has never killed anyone.
And as a half demon, Rachel would kill a man. She could become addicted or an anomaly would arise in her mind. Which would persuade her to kill often. Because demons are evil beings who enjoy killing and torturing victims. And because Rachel is a hybrid, it has some resistance. However, if it kills it can stimulate some very bad elements that will destroy it from the inside.
And precisely because of this, Rachel before meeting Krius. And before their relationship. She was secretive and limited herself and her emotions. She denied herself many pleasures of life. Such as having fun, being too involved in conversations or speaking a little more generally. It limited interpersonal relationships to the required minimum. For too high a level of anger or happiness could cost her or lose friends ... people around her. Or in the case of high anger, even her humanity. If she lose yourself too much in anger.
However, thanks to the relationship and relationship with Krius. Her current condition is completely different. Because Rachel now has access to Krius' angelic energy. Which he acquires in many pleasant ways.; D
And that white energy that is the opposite of the one it has inside it. Black energy. And by acquiring this energy, Rachel greatly limits the influence of black energy on her. And even during this process. She strengthens not only her power but also her physical body. Just like Krius does, but in his case. This process works more efficiently and twenty-four hours a day.
Returning. Krius and Pamela arrived on the coast about half an hour after saying goodbye to Rachel. Who went to the PowerGirl apartment, who wanted to spend some time with her. And give some tips and warnings.
Krius with Pamela because about 30 minutes by car. They arrived at a large shipyard, basically it was a huge warehouse. Which had a boat in its center and a cut in the middle of it.
Krius before Pamela got out of the car. With the help of one of his skills that gives him the ability to detect people. Something like thermovision.
Ultor saw that around the boat, which is in the center of the "warehouse". There are about forty people and one special. Which exudes a much stronger aura than the others. Krus guesses that this is their leader or person responsible for the whole event. Ultro sees that most people do the same thing several times, namely getting in and out of the ship. How does he know that it is a ship because it is a shipyard and this ship is a ship driven by an internal combustion engine and emanates heat.
So people probably load the goods onto the ship and get ready to flee the city. This is nothing new for Ultor. Because in recent weeks he has stopped several dozen attempts to escape by sea. Which resulted in many explosions and maritime disasters. Titanic like Ultor. During one such action. He created an iceberg and sank the boat. And then he sent sharks on escaping villains. It was fun. But later Krius had to clean up. He didn't have to, but he did it. In addition, at the junkyard, he got a lot of money for selling scrap metal.$$$
And thanks to the angelic power. Crius cleared the sea of pollution. Both those caused by his actions and billions of people before him. In this way, creating the beautiful coast of the city of Gotham. Which resulted in a later article in the newspaper.
Vicki Vale in her article, gave Ultor a new nickname. She added the "Devil of Gotham" and "Angel of HealerStreet", "Symbol of Justice." She admonished that she preferred to give a symbol of peace, but this title was busy. And not exactly fit Ultor. However, Symbol of Justice. It was perfect and everyone a Gotham resident agreed with that.
(Krius)-Pamela is currently in front of the headquarters of a large number of enemies. What is your first step?
Pamela stood silent for a brief moment and thought about the best tactics.
(Pamela)-I should do the check, with the help of plants with sensory properties. To check how many opponents there are and how many exits are possible from this warehouse.
(Krius)-*Well ... Yes ... She is smarter than me. Admits. But I won't tell her. I would check with thermal imaging. And he killed them all ... well. I can run faster than Falsh. So they have no chance of escape. She can't do that. So applause for her.*
However, Pamela noticed perfectly the changes in the facial expressions of Krius. And she waited for his words with a proud expression.
(Krius)-Okay, get started now.
At his words, Pamela just sighed and started.
Pamela concentrates and stretches out her hands towards the warehouse. And as soon as she did, her eyes began to glow bright green. And in less than ten seconds, the entire magazine was cut off from the world and she knew how many opponents there were and how many exactly there were.
And when she checks how many opponents there are. She smiled sadistically when she detected the stronger figure. She met he some time ago.
As for the way Pamela turns off the magazine. It looked like this. Pamela started with a part of the warehouse that did not go out to the sea, but to the streets.
From the street side, the warehouse only had a large steel gate. Which was guarded by two people. Who did not even know when they died. For Pamela at their feet created vines that not only defile them. But they also had tripling spikes, which killed them in less than a second.
However, the bodies were tied to the wall of the warehouse and she left them there.
Then she wrapped around the warehouse, except for the water side entrance. Creepers and other plants that sealed the entire building. Then Pamela created special plants in the corners of the magazine. Which looks like a very small, the size of a ping pong ball, a sundew.
Which emitted sensory waves at a frequency that ordinary people can't hear.
And when she had the whole picture and learned everything. She looked at Krius. Who looked at her with his proud eyes.
Krius was proud because of the training. Pamela within 10 seikunds. It separates from the world a large warehouse that has accommodated a large transport. So a really big warehouse.
And in addition, she was able to tell him the exact number of people who were there. Given their strength and location.
One such thing looked like this. ,, Two, medium build men, no superpowers and special technologies. At the warehouse entrance, from the inside. "
(Krius)-How do you want to attack?
(Pamela)-I already thought about it when isolating the magazine. During this process, I sent vines under the foundations of the warehouse and under the ship. And I started to plant explosive plants. In the warehouse base structure. And now the entire warehouse is ready for demolition. I set the plants so that the explosion did not damage other magazines or emit harmful substances. For moments after the eruption from the blasting plant remains, sunflower-like plants will grow. That will clean the air. And the plants in the water, at the exit to the sea. A separate escape route for both the ship and the opponents.
(Krius)-Not badly thought out. You chose a tactical quick solution instead of close combat. Boring, but the explosion sounds good.
(Pamela)-Not everyone is a demon.
Pamela looked at Krius with a slight smile. And for a moment she relished this moment. Then she directed one hand at the magazine and she screamed.
(Pamela)-Art is an explosion !!!-She said with a big smile. When the magazine exploded.
Her words were followed by a huge explosion that released a lot of smoke and ash into the sky.
And after less than a few seconds. Only debris remained from the warehouse, which later turned into a green substance. Because after the explosion, Pamela created a dozen or so plants that covered the debris with acid. Which changed the debris into a special conversion that enriched the soil on which the warehouse stood.
However, before it ended with rubble that has not yet been melted. A large muscular guy dug up, with numerous wounds on his body.
The guy was wearing a half-burned wrestler's mask. Black with red elements on the eyes. And damaged cheats and pants. In addition, you can see that the guy has a head style and on his shoulders green pipes hammered into his body. Which pumped into him, a strange green substance.
That person was Bane, of course. Famous super villain Gotham. Who was unlucky enough to escape the city. On time.
Bane got out of the debris and looked at Poison Ive and Ultor.
As soon as he saw them and understood the situation. He started tossing his head hard and awkwardly while thinking what to do. And after a while he shouted.
(Bane)-If I have to die At least I'll try to break spine, this rag.
Then Bane, as if in a frenzy, ran toward Pamela, aiming at her head.
However, before he arrived. Crius was about to meet him. However, Pamela grabbed his arm and pulled him and said.
(Pamela)-It's my "hunt".-She said specifically underlining the last word.
Krius took a few steps back and stood. To help her if needed.
Bane ran screaming and when he was two meters from Pamela. He punched and sent a fist toward Pamela's face. However, before Bane's hand got there, she was caught by Pamela's small hand. Which smiled sadly at Bane and she said.
And then with great ease she got his hand, breaking it in several places. So several bones pierced the skura.
However, this was not the end. Before Bane finished screaming. Pamela with the help of the plant she created under Bane's feet. She began to grow and entwine around Bane's body. And when the plant reached its head. Creepers crawled into Bane's throat.And they began to masquerade him from the inside.
(Krius)-I have a very bad influence on you. Pamela.
(Pamela)-No kidding.-she said with clear sarcasm in her voice.
Then Pamela finished cleaning and after 10 minutes. Where once the warehouse stood, now is a small beach with a favor.
However, before Krius and Pamela got to the car. Something hit Ultor's head.
(Krius)-heh ... boomerang ???