
Ultor The Legend of the True Hero_DC

I am the bane of demons that live in the bodies of people.We've lost demonic wings, so I will take you from this land. you will learn to fly devoid of heavy bodies.There will be no turning back because the game has started. I have an idea for a climate story in the DC world. I will cover many aspects of the proceedings of superheroes. But no spoilers.

Kriuswer · Book&Literature
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63 Chs

My heart is Hers

In the morning I was woken up by the alarm clock on the phone I set up yesterday. To get up earlier and have time to embrace yourself and get there. I plan to go to the vantage point first, i.e. the planned date. I have to talk to Bobby from the catering organization. And all these decorations, because when discussing the details. We discussed that they would take care of everything, of course I had to provide some key decisions. That is why I lost so much. But today is the day and I have to try. I regret, however, that I didn't make an appointment in the evening. But there is nothing to complain about, it is important that she agreed. hmm .... I feel strangely tense, stressed and I have the feeling that I have forgotten something. But no matter, it's time to prepare


Twenty minutes later...

When in the herb a quick shower, I changed into a planned creation. And when I did it, I went to the large mirror that was in the bathroom.

I took silly poses for several minutes and talk silly texts like:

I stick out my hand as if I asked her to dance, and I make a strange expression. I tried to have a flirtatious expression on my face, but it didn't work out a bit, and then I looked into my eyes while still in this pose. I said:

(Krius)-Would you make me honor and dance for me? ..... Come back ..... Or otherwise .... Will you dance with me? .... Fuck .... I'm hopeless ...

However, this did not end there, for the next few minutes I took new positions and spoke more and more different texts.

Luckily, after a while, I got bored and finally I looked at myself in the mirror and said.

(Krius)-Take her, Tiger. Just don't screw this up.-And then I left the bathroom .

Then I changed clothes, it took me a little time. Because I had everything ready, I mean, I just had it folded and ready to wear. Clothes from yesterday are creased and lie in a corner. A bit messy, but what's up. Then I went to the parking lot and got into my car. And I will say one or two have recently fallen in love with me. First girl, second car. The guy doesn't need more to be happy.They do not extend, I headed towards the viewpoint.


Fifteen minutes later...

The fact that it is already nine o'clock, the team dealing with decor and catering is already there. And from what I could see when parking the car. This decor is impressive. Honestly, the place I created earlier looked like a viewpoint located on top of a mountain. Now, after the crew took care of it, it transformed the place into a gazebo, a decorative balcony, a section of an expensive restaurant in the open air. It is difficult to say, but it looks beautiful. The earthy ground was replaced by marble or some other expensive stone. But it blends perfectly with the black decorative barriers. Forming a half circle from the side of the entrance, or to make it easier to imagine, the shape resembles the letter "U". The barriers are decorated decorative, and because of the fact that I did not ask for a specific pattern. It was Bobbe's company that created scenes showing pairs every few meters. Among other things, a guy kneeling and asking a woman for a hand or sitting opposite each other. And such, but the most important is standing in the middle made of black obsidian plastic decorative table. With a black and white tablecloth and tableware on it. In addition to them a few meters away there is a place prepared for violinists. Or people who play instruments. You may think I'm exaggerating, but I don't know what to do. I improvised, modeled on films and manga. But it's better to do too much than to do too little. And regret it, right. I hope I don't scare her with it because I think I'm exaggerating. Fuck ... It's easier to fight with Gotham crime than getting ready a date with a girl ... Okay, that's enough.

When I reached the top of "Gazebos", as soon as Bobby saw me. He ran to me in a second, which impressed me. Because I did not expect such speed from him. But when I returned, the conversation began.

(Bobby)-Hello, Mr. Ultor. As you can see, we're almost ready. The food is on its way and they should deliver it a few minutes before the planned arrival of you and your chosen she.

(Krius)-I understand this is good news. So there were no problems. - voice slightly nervous

(Bobby)-Not any problems.Please forgive my courage, but have you already chosen a gift for your woman?

Oh fuck, I'm an idiot. I forgot to fucking fuckin. In every series I watched, and as friends told me, the guy always gave the girl on the first date some special gift. Flowers, jewelry, chocolates.

Bobby seeing my panicked face and my walking from place to place. He stopped me and said.

(Bobby)-Please calm down. A jeweler and other shops are nearby. You still have time, but it is important that the gift was from the heart.

(Suddenly, Ultor's face took on a slightly crazy expression, which slightly frightened Bobbe. Ultor just said "From the heart", and they will disappear. From Bobbe's point of view, it looked like he faded into the air.)


Few minutes later...

I came across a stupid but very romantic idea. I think so.But wait, you'll find out.

I ran to the nearest jewelry factory. So I ran, I did not want to waste time so I strengthened myself and ran here in less than a few seconds. Fortunately, the clothes did not tear due to air pressure.

If you think I will buy her an expensive necklace with a large diamond, you are partly right. But I came up with something more special and valuable.

But you'll find out later when I do it. And now it's time to go inside.

An elderly man greeted me inside the factory. If I am to describe him, he is about seventy years old. He is bald, but he has a big gray beard. And on the right eye it has a strange device, which is probably used to assess the quality of precious stones. As soon as I entered, the old man greeted me in a pleasant grandfather's voice.

(Old Bobby)-I did not expect such a person to visit my modest establishment. - rubs his chin - what can I help, Mr. Ultor.

(Krius)-How long will it take you to place the gem on a black gold chain?

A spark appears in the old man's eyes and he feels excitement. From the fact that he does not talk to any rich man he meets every day, but with the infamous Gotham hero. Angel and Demon in one, Old Bobby reads a lot of newspapers, so he knows Ultor's accomplishments. And he knows that what he can get from him, he will not get from anyone else.

(old Bobby)-Then what should I do for you? And Do you want one of my gems or do you own your own.

I approach the door and slowly cover the curtains, then translate the plaque from open to closed. And with the help of the door lock, he locks the door. Then I turn around and say:

(Krius)-You create a chain and I will create a gem. Don't ask how, just take care of it. And use black gold.

(Old Bobby)-Yes Mr. Ultor.

Then Old Bobby goes to the back room and I hear him looking for the perfect chain. Later, you can also hear the sound of welding and metalworking. So Old Bobby started to create, so I should too.

Some guys are doing riding action to impress a girl. I will beat them all by creating a heart necklace. Or rather "from the heart." You heard so well. I plan to take the fiber out of my heart and place it in a crystal which I will create with the help of white and black Energa.

Now you know what Harry Potter reading ends with. But in it, people make with heart fibers wands. And I create a necklace. Fuck, you can say I'm making the first real Horcrux. I hope my nose does not fall off. * cough * Voldemort * cough *.

I sat on the chair that I pulled out behind the counter and put it in the middle of the room.

I took off my clothes (only upper) and threw them to the other end of the room. Then transforming the gloves that I learned to call the other way around. In their demonic form, then I started to tear my chest. I even broke my ribs and took them out, then pulled out the fiber.

You wonder why I say it as if I would at least pull out a splinter, and this time I cut the fiber out of my heart. Not to mention tearing the chest. The answer is a request I went crazy, or rather I'm in love as hell. using black energy I turned off the nervous system. Then, while cutting the chest and the whole procedure. I kept myself alive thanks to the white energy. In fact, she did it herself, I had to block her so that she would not regenerate my chest. And it was hard because if I didn't do it. It would regenerate in less than a second, but in spite of all this, it was possible thanks to the experience I had in the hospital. I managed to do surgery with some people in the hospital for some people. In the end I treated the whole hospital and in some cases I had to cut out sick organs and then regenerate them. But after fifteen minutes, the fiber was in my hand. And I will say ufff .... It was terrible and on the other hand it was my first penetration; D. But enough dark humor. Because Old Bobby looks at me around the corner and is pale as a wall. Not to mention the whole floor in blood. But thanks to one of my skills that I created yesterday. It took me seconds to clean it up, I literally waved my hand. A white light appeared and all the blood disappeared and it was honestly cleaner than when I came in.

Then I went to the glass case, near where old Bobby stood. And I put the fiber on the countertop, then with the help of energy I picked it up. And then sending black and white energy into him, I began to create a heart-shaped crystal around him. It was Almost transparent, but inside it could be seen floating fiber. The whole crystal emanated my energy and like someone is an empath (Something like a telepath, only reads emotions instead of thoughts). It will feel a strong feeling of love from him, as if to say. Feeling the strength of feelings I had while creating the crystal, and it was quite strong. Because I literally ripped me open, for the girl.[Author: Picture of the necklace on the discord group. But I did not find my image. So, either imagine or enter the group, there I added a photo that is a bit like what I mean.]

Then I handed the gem over to young Old Bobby, who joined the gem with a black chain of black gold in less than six minutes, and my unique gift was ready. I paid, got dressed and ran to the car. Because I had a bit of trouble at the jeweler, and soon I will have to go see Rachel. Hmm .... I'm already stressed. Will she like this stupid pendant. Fuck ... my heart is pounding ... It's good time to move.

I was going to post a date with Rachel in this chapter. However, it would mix with the topic of preparing for a date. So I decided to do this topic separately. And the next chapter will be about the MC date. I know everyone is waiting for dates and they want the story to move on. But I just wrote it down and it worked out the same. So, if such dragging irritates someone, I'm sorry.

Write what you think about the gift for Raven. Is MC exaggerating or just the opposite. What are your feelings Write in the comments. I am very curious and invite you to give power stones and comment. See you in the next one. Thank you for reading

Kriuswercreators' thoughts