
Chapter 4 A new Dungeon

Month Argulery/ day 15/ Year 3200

Markus Age 9

Lv12 1,300xp to next

HP 400/400 +29HPM

MP 600/600 +255 (10.3k) MPM

SP 250/250 +46.4SPM

Constitution 40

Endurance 15(25)

Perception 25

Strength 65

Dexterity 15

Insight 150 (255)

Willpower 40(60)

Charisma 15

Luck 15

Divinity 16


Farmer lv2 0 of 20 to next

1 star

+5Endurance per lv


Growth lv5 Grow 16 plants to maturity to next level


Utility Plants require (1/125th) normal growing time = Endurance (25) x Skill lv (5)

Hidden effect

Divine Influence

Description – Adds a bonus effect through divine power. This can cause plants to gain intelligence and seek to devour their creator. Warning grow things at your own risk.

Increased Lifespan (x80) = Divine (16) x skill lv (5)

Harvest lv1 pick 1 plant next lv

Description – Gather the bounty you have planted with greater fortune increases the odds of a plant growing more than originally able.


Cost 60SPM

Utility Increased bounty +37.5% =% (Endurance (25) x Luck (15) x skill lv (1))/10

Light Mage lv2 0 of 20 to next


+10Willpower per lv


Light Seed lv3 Learn 3 light skills to next

Description – a seed from the eternal light tree has taken root within you. Despite your inability to learn light or dark god classes the mortal, knight, and hero classes are available to you. With this seed your journey into light magic has truly begun. It shall sprout and become the power behind your light.


MPRM when using light skills (+180) = Willpower (60) x skill lv (3) x light (1)

Hidden ability

Description – Due to the divine nature of your power the the farmer growth ability, a new passive ability has been obtained.

Defense when using Light shield skills (2,400) = WIL (60) x CON (40) x skill lv (3) x light (1)

Light Thorns lv10 (Max)


Description – Light shot is twisted with mana manipulation in a skill fusion to unleash a piercing attack. This attack is built to punch through shields and once it reaches max level it deals double damage to defense and triple damage to dark defense.

DPS (8.047m) = (Light Shot (805k) + Mana Manipulation (765)) x Skill lv (10)

Cost 15MPS


Light 1 0/15 small white crystals

Dark 1 0/15 small black crystals

Psychic 1 0/15 small purple crystals


Archery lv5 Damage to next lv 3200

Phys DPS (2625) = STR (35) x DEX (15) x skill lv (5)

Till lv11 10kilometers to next lv

Utility PHYS DPS (17k) = END (25) x STR (65) x skill lv 11

Cost 60SPM

Orb lv20 182days to next lv

L orb DPS (1,200) = WIL (60) x Light (1) x skill lv (20)

Cost 5MPS

Mana Manipulation lv3 create 3 pure mana skill to next


MAG DPS (765) = (INS (255) x skill lv (3)

MPRM (+76.5%) = ((INS (255) x skill lv (3))/10

Telekinesis lv10 lift 51,200objects next level

Phys DPS (39k) = STR (65) x Wil (60) Psychic (1) x skill lv (10)

Cost 5MPS

Mind sight lv1 1min to next

Range (15m) = Willpower (60) x Perception (25) x type (1) x skill lv (1) x 1 cm

Cost 5MPS

Light Shot lv20 (max)

Light DPS (804k) = (Telekinesis (39k) + L orb (1.2k)) x skill lv (20)

Cost 10MPS

Warm Body lv1 endure cold damage for 3hours to next

Cold RPS (30) = CON (30) x skill lv (1)

Mana Shield lv30 tank 53.6bDPS to next lv

Defense (306k) = CON (40) x INS (255) x skill lv (30)

Cost 10MPS

Mana Chainmail lv20 524mDPS to next

Defense (204k) = CON (40) x INS (255) x skill lv (20)

Cost 15MPS

Mana Plate lv10 5.1mDPS

Defense (102k) = CON (40) x INS (255) x skill lv (10)

Cost 20MPS

Mana Full Armor lv5 2mDPS to next lv

Defense (3m) = (Mana Shield (306k) + Mana Chainmail (204k) + Mana Plate (102k)) = 612 x skill lv (5)

Cost 50MPS

Mana Regeneration lv20 104m mana recovered to next


MPM (5.1k) = INS (255) x skill lv (20)

Chimerafication lv9 60.9%xp to next


Chance of Success (54%) = (WIL (60) x skill lv (9) x Dark (1))/10

I never hesitated when using my dark mana even with the stigma. Some of the nastiest monsters around are dark type, and so humans who use dark type are said to be only a step above those monsters. I would argue the most genocidal monsters belong to the light family. There is just something about light and pride that leads to the destruction of everything different. Dark on the other hand can be prideful but is too diverse in appearance to hold the racial group preferences that lead to an us vs them mindset.

Dark is more about the individual and their struggles. It will always find a way to help the individual survive and thrive. That's what I love about the dark. It isn't picky about how it gets something done, it gives me plenty of options to go from A to B. That's great because it and light are all I have that can cause observable mutations.

When going after something you must use what you have and what you know. I could have asked Pa for a skill that could give me life, or I could max out farmer for earth. Instead, I went after the low hanging fruit. A little skill called chimerification. This skill used dark mana to cause mutations and light to halt those mutations. It was what I had.

That's how I came upon my first successful monster. It was in the early morning before the sun rose when my first chimera took its first steps. Using ground up bones fused with a lizard's scales a hide of bone had fused with the monster. To create this mutation alone had taken the lives of hundreds of frogs and tens of lizards were sacrificed.

My chimera's face was long like that of a lizard and wide like a frog. It had the frog's long sticky tongue and the lizards tiny serrated teeth. It leapt on four powerful legs and crawled at extreme speeds. It scales were white almost blue from the mutations. Best of all, it was stable this chimera could breed.

Using my psychic power, I did something I hadn't before, I brushed against the mind of another. From the books I've read this is the first skill any psychic gains. But I chose the route of telekinesis. Most magic skills move about on their own accord forced out by mana pressure. My use of telekinesis was uncommon.

Psychic power was rare enough, and most couldn't move objects with their mind at all until they grew in power. You could say my approach stunted me in ways. My telepathy was nonexistent, and empathy was impossible for me. I had always planned on learning the skills, but it never became valuable until now. So, after pouring over the three books we had on the subject and I tentatively reached out with my mind.

New skill

Telepathy lv1 0.0% to next


Description – A power that allows the invasion of the minds around them this power is built to gather information and, in some cases, plant it. Due to circumstances such as the class farmer this skill has been affected by the growth skill. All planted ideas take 1/125 to infect the mind. High powered telepaths can negate this skill and block your planting skill

Mental DPS (15k) = INS (255) x WIL (60) x skill lv (1)


Gather the thoughts of those around you when they are unguarded.

So, I did what came naturally, I implanted loyalty within the frogzard. It turned to face me, and a new message came up.

New skill

Monster Master lv1 0.0% to next


Description – Rule over a wide variety of monsters taking care of their needs and force them to go to war in your name. It only takes the first step to begin one's journey into the exciting and cut-throat world of monster lords. Your Monster Master skill determines if your monsters will follow you to their doom or betray you for a new master. Higher lv or ranked monsters have a higher chance to betray you.

Morale and loyalty (60%) = (CAR (15) x DIV (16) x lv (25) x skill lv (1)) / (100 + monster lv)

For now, the lv1 Frogzard was obedient but if it gained even 10 levels its loyalty would drop to 54 percent. Then further until it no longer obeyed my commands. Well there was only one way to improve, by raising the skill's level.

Argulery day 20

Commanding a Frogzard is like making a three-year-old on a sugar rush sit still. Everything I say is ignored or just flat out forgotten minutes later. I have three of the little bastards and making them eat bugs by my command is a challenge. The only way to make sure its by my command is to order them to not eat the bug and that takes some doing. 2 levels in Monster Master and they still act like my commands don't matter. Its going to be an uphill battle to get them to obey.

Pa's been taking some of my broccoli to the market maybe he'll budge and take me with him to town. Any day now, I'm sure he will let me load up with him. Its lonely and ordering lizards around and growing homicidal plants is annoying. I want people my own age to talk to. My brothers are more concerned about their own stuff rather than entertaining my questioning. Pa hasn't budged on his rules. I'm not going to a dungeon until my attack potency reaches the 100s of millions.

At the same time, I'm allowed more freedoms. I can go beyond the farm and explore. If I go too far Stan finds me.

Not that I have much to worry about around here. I normally use mana full armor now. It doesn't even take half of my MPM to maintain forever. The best part about it is the fact that it levels all four skills at once. That gives me around 3m defense. I've finally surpassed my attack potency months ago. I could probably make hamburger meat out of those orcs now, if I wanted to.

Squashuary day 4

It's the first month of summer the month of the squash. Most people plant them around this time. I'm still growing my Broccoli not that I have any room for squash. A full year is 400 days and every month holds exactly 20 days. Every season is exactly 100days. This world despite the chaos of monsters and the occasional demon lord, is orderly and balanced. There will never be a snow in the summer or a hot day in winter.

This world is balanced that's why I can't seem to make an intelligent Frogzard. I stood beside the pile of the pseudo monsters my dumping ground. They never seem to surpass lv5, stronger monsters often kill them in the night, so I tossed their remains in a pit.

Squashuary day 5

I've been so busy changing their appearance and attaching parts of one entity to another I never focused on stats. Reading their minds, I can feel a sense of frailty to all my creations. They need mutations that benefit them instead of making them look cool. This was Ma's idea, she's thrilled that I finally started using telepathy.

I can't yet make them sturdier or divulge any meaningful trait yet. I believe it's a willpower problem. I have no xp income besides the occasional bug my frogzards eat. Our xp is split to 80% goes to them while I tax 20%. 1xp out of 5 isn't what I would call rolling in income.

The frogzards have changed my menu. There is a monster tab now. I can pull any monster I've forced to be loyal. I can look at their stats and even apply stat points. Though most only have the bite skill.

"Hey, are you still working on those things. Do you want to come with me to see Midra again? I'm sure she wouldn't mind testing your little monsters with some of hers." Toomas asked. I wasn't up to it but seeing how well they can do in combat would be awesome.

We made our way with no sign of an orc attack this time, much to my disappointment. "Sorry, I don't think the orcs will be up to another attack for a while." Toomas said. I nodded and walked with him until the world was surrounded by thread and silently crawling spiders. One large spider dropped down and I sent all five of my current Frogzard.

The large spider leaned back and covered them in sticky web before they could get close. It then casually walked over to each one and cocooned them, before carrying them off. My shoulders slumped at the quick battle. "Back to the drawing board." I mumbled as we continued. Like before I was left to my own devices as my brother had his date with his dryder girlfriend.

Squashuary day 8

Snakes, frogs, and lizards I took all three for my experiment. I've been working on a new trait for a while. I've slowly turned bone skin into a trait that's also a perk. It may even pass on to the next generation. Thus far the frog reproduction process has been kept. The current Frogzard is bone white weighs 5kilograms and can drag a large rat into its mouth, where it crushes and swallows its prey whole. The bone skin gives a +5constitution. It isn't a lot but it's better than nothing.

Picking one of them off the sandy ground I dust it off as it gives off a strange noise. Its between a ribbit and a hiss. The skin is cold and rough. While holding it, the monster reaches out with its tongue and rubs its eyeball. Like a snake they are always open and incapable of closing.

I've started debating whether to add turtle to the mix or not. A hard shell may be just what the little monster needs or maybe I should begin creating a trait like faster healing.

Squashuary day 15

I had a dream of creating a wingless dragon that I could ride around on. It was to have a snarky attitude and crack jokes at my expense. I have yet to succeed but upon my travels across the Northwind forest, I've come upon a young dungeon.

The mana pouring from the dungeon entrance was weak almost faltering. This wasn't the mana of an experienced dungeon. The area around it hadn't even changed yet. The lv1 slimes inside said everything. Slimes were well known for being the beginner monster for newborn dungeons.

This place was perfect for my Frogzards. In a few days I created 9 model 3s. This model is the one with snake mixed in and +5CON off the bat. Staying outside like I was supposed to, I ordered them to go inside and ransack the dungeon, while I observed through their eyes.

From the perspective of my lv3 Frogzard I watched. He had a yellow stripe on its head, I called him Scar unlike the others his strength stat was 6 compared to their 5. 40xp and he would go up a level.

They hopped through the opening and came upon the first monster. It was a small slime with a glowing green core in the middle of its body. Standing back they struck with their tongues ripping through the slime's gelatinous mass and catching the core. They dragged it in killing the slime. The slime splattered on the ground and they divided the 8xp between the nine of them.

This dungeon was just a hole in the ground. The slime it had guarding the first room didn't drop anything. The frogs went further in and more slimes dropped from the ceiling falling on one of the Frogzard's. Five gathered around the single zard melting away at its HP. In seconds it was bones. The zards countered with their tongues killing the slimes but it was much too late. The dungeon had eaten one of the zards and now knew how to make more of them.

They entered the next room finding a carbon copy of the zard that just died. It attacked them with its tongue dragging one in its mouth and began trying to crush it. The other zards attacked with clawed arms gouging out the enemy zard's eyes out. Both died granting the party 12 xp to divide between them. But they all gained the gouge skill.

The next room was several zards but mine were better. They each fought a zard and only 4 survived the battle. The other three died dividing 84xp between the 4 of them. They were all only 16 to the next lv. They refused to go any further and instead devoured the monsters on the floor. For each one they consumed some of the fallen monster's stat went into them. They each gained 1DEX for the slimes they consumed.

Their fellow Frogzards gave them +1CON they were all looking a little hardier. Over all I could have called it quits and ordered them back. But instead I ordered them forward. Once their enemies were consumed they obeyed.

The enemy zards were much stronger on this floor but so were my own. They were outnumbered 3 to one. Twelve zards attacked in mass using their tongues to get a quick kill. But something had changed with my zards. Their bodies began excreting mucus that deflected the tongues. Their armored scales deflected cuts from the enemy zards and mine were faster.

The battle ended with all 4 surviving. They all gained a level, and I jammed all their points in strength making them bulk out. Now their bite and slash attacks would do much more damage. I withdrew them knowing that I could always come back to this place.

Squashuary day 20

My chimerification rarely killed a subject now when I made the frogzard. These little guys were growing on me. I had 20 4.0s and my 4 veteran 3.0s. I ended up adding turtle to the mix after all and I can't say I'm dissatisfied. They look bulkier than ever and are fully capable of hiding in their shells.

I divide my army 5 unblooded with one veteran. This dungeon is still young, and nothing was above lv3. The slimes are quickly taken out with coordinated tongue strikes led by the veteran zards. They have developed low level telepathy due to my meddling. One of the opposing frogzards get lucky and catches one of the new zard's shell with its tongue. Fortunately, this time its bite strength isn't enough to break through it.

The veteran zards are keeping their eyes on the ceiling for slimes. Occasionally, they snag the core of one with their tongue as it falls. Still their DEX increases by one with every core they consume. Eventually they come upon the final room. Only 5 of the new recruits have died so far mostly from blood loss.

In the boss room is a three headed Zard at lv5. It uses all three of its tongues and tries to swallow down the turtles this time instead of crushing their shells. It just swallows them down. I watched the bulges slip past the zard's throats.

I had them bite the zard in mass. Three more died before the boss zard was brought to the ground. From there my zards began ripping it apart and swallowing down chunks of it. When it died they gained 500xp divided between the survivors? The veterans each leveled up to lv5 and their points went into CON making them larger and hardier. Every chunk of flesh from the giant zard increased their CON.

24 went in the dungeon, 12 walked out but they were all stronger for it. Plans to begin increasing my monsters' offensive abilities were beginning to form in my head.

Beanumer day 1

It was a hot summer's day and a storm was brewing. Rain pelted the ground and plant type monsters soaked in as much moisture as possible. The underground springs refilled giving the deep-rooted trees more water to drink. I stood out standing before a massive boulder.

Lightning crackled as I prepared to train my physical skills. Even though I work with my magic for my main offensive, close range combat always necessary. I hit the rock with all the power I could muster.

New skill

Brawl lv1 0.0%xp

Description – You punch, kick, and fight like hell. This is street fighting anything that works goes. This skill can drain heavy amounts of stamina.

Phys DPS (65) = STR (65) x skill lv (1)

Cost 2SPS

I wailed on the boulder, my 3m defense kept me from feeling the damage slamming my fists against a boulder should do. Pieces of the boulder chipped away as I worked on raising the skill. My joints felt the pounding that my armor protected my skin from. It was wearing me down. My body was covered in sweat despite the rain cooling me down. Though, I managed to get 5lvs from the skill.

Once my stamina drained all the way I stopped and took a break. This was all I needed for today, my Zards were watching me. Their buggy eyes saw the way I was moving and something of a gleam came over their eyes. Some of the original four have taken to walking on two legs. I've been adjusting their skeletal structure little by little.

I had some fishing to do. There were several pounds near the farm and if you were willing to walk some distance you could find the bog. The bog was home to gators, giant catfish, venomous snakes, and giant poisonous spiders. Not to mention several breeds of turtle. I was currently after one of the bog's catfish. They have poisonous fins.

I cast my pole and noticed my fishing skill go up by one. Sitting under an umbrella, I waited for something to bite. Hours later, I yanked my pole and hooked something. I cheated grabbing the monster with telekinesis and pulling it to the shore. This monster was a rare fresh water breed of sea serpent. I've read about them.

New Born Sea Serpent lv23


Special skills: Rain Storm lv50, Water Palace lv20, and Atlantis lv20

The second it hit the ground, it attacked with a water beam lv20. It sucked in a vast amount of water and spat out a continuous stream with enough power to shatter rock. My armor flashed in the visible spectrum when it before it hit. With telekinesis, I was able to disperse most of the skill before it hit me. Halving its damage, the monster's water beam 2m DPS to my armor.

New skill

Psychic barrier lv1 1000DPS to next

Description – A barrier formed from psychic power to shield the user from deadly attacks. It is reactive to what the user can perceive, it will not activate to a surprise attack. When blocking a dangerous attack, the shield will remain up until the user runs out of mana or the attack stops. Can only use 3 times a day.

Defense = STR (65) x PER (25) x WIL (60) x Mana (1-Max) x skill lv (1)

Cost Situational Dependent limit 3every 24hours

Psychic barrier lv up x12

I just gained the strongest skill I've every seen because a over powered snake nearly killed me. Perspective was annoying just like the serpent. It seemed smug well it was unfortunate, it was within my telekinetic range.

The serpent had no defense, but it had a ton of HP especially for a lv23. I opened with a volley of Light shots to test how well I handled punishment. My initial shots brought its HP down to half and which quickly healed. My eyes bulged when I saw it regen 5m HP in a second. This thing was beyond powerful, it was the dragon of the ocean. My telekinesis reacted dragging it through the air to me.

I couldn't help myself, this was the perfect creature to dissect. Before it could react, it was already in pieces. I ripped it apart and studied every organ system, organ, and cell. Then I chunked the remains in my inventory. There was a lot I needed to try.

Beanumer day 4

The storms passed leaving behind their gifts. The trees were greener, the grass was higher, and the animals were happily grazing and sunning. For my monsters and I it was time to explore the dungeon again and try out some new tricks. I managed to incorporate gills in every one of my monsters. That and the water element. Yes, every one of my monsters had the water typing now. Well except for Scar he has psychic and dark. Of all my monsters, he has changed the most. Lv10 with dark bite, and crunch along with his psychic powers, it made scar a devastating opponent at his level.

At lv26 I put my points in charisma. I needed some more in that area. But nothing would ever be enough. Monsters could gain bonus stats just by eating another monster. My brothers had tons of classes that each gave them bonus stats. I had plenty to class points to start doing the same, but it wasn't enough to bridge the gap between human and god.

I had a dream last night. There was this dungeon within it were air and sea monsters of all kinds and they were controlled by darkness. This wasn't some type of random dark monster moving in. It was a god. I was there too. fighting him.

In the dream he moves like smoke, I'm nearly ten feet tall and a mountain of muscle but I can't beat him. There aren't skills in the way I know them. They seem to increase by percentages based off base and net stats. The me in the dream had stats so high that he seemed invincible, he was beyond anything human. Yet, it wasn't enough no matter how fast the me in the dream moved he couldn't match the god of darkness. My brother was smaller, he didn't have massive muscles, or a body that most would call godly, but he was better regardless. He had something that the me in the dream didn't have. He stabbed me in the chest turned around and didn't look back.

This wasn't a dream it had to be a possibility. If I trained and only increased my power in one direction, I'll lose. What I needed was a second avenue of power. There happened to be one close by. I wasn't a blue mage, those don't happen but once in a generation and I'm not the one. No, I need to gain the same power monsters hold, the power to consume my enemies and make their strength my own.

I had 148 class points from all the skill levels I've gained. I decided to use light mage, if I could get the next class rank up I would.

128 light mage lv3

98, light mage lv4

58 light mage lv5

8 light mage lv6

Endure Light lv1 100DPS to next


Description – Your body have begun to acclimate to the damaging effects of light mana. Through struggle light will soon become your greatest ally.

Resistance (400) = WIL (100) x CON (40) x light (1) x skill lv (1)

Light Wave lv1 100DPS to next

Description – A wave of light that emits from the palm. It has a high chance of blinding opponents. Its range is short.

DPS (100) = WIL (100) x Light (1) x skill lv (1)

Cost 5MPS

Solar Powered lv1 0.0% to next


Description – Light has blessed you and given you greater life force. While under the sun's light you heal more quickly increasing HPR to new heights. Due to divine power this skill has been improved, CON, STR, DEX, PER, and END increase when sun light has been absorbed within the last 12hours. If sunlight isn't absorbed stats return to normal.

Percent increase (160%) = (WIL (100) x DIV (16) x skill lv (1) x Light (1)) / 10

At class lv6 Light mage doesn't get any more skills until 10. Its one of those wait to see. Solar powered is a skill that can make anyone seem like a tank. My muscles were already bulging and shrinking due to the stat increase. In a few hours when my new strength leveled out I would be a beast. All I must do now is raise Willpower and Div and my other stats will rise with it. And if id do choose to raise a physical stat, then it will receive a massive boost. The only problem is sunlight, if I don't get enough of the stuff, then I lose all my power.

The next form of light mage is light wizard. It's a ranked-up version with only 2 skills. Willpower increases by 20 each level even though the class is a 2.5star. The final form of Light mage is light sage. There aren't many of those at one time. There is only 1 skill the class learns and its jumped to 25points in willpower every level. That one skill is considered all the class needs. Once Light sage is mastered, the user can get the Hero of Light class. There hasn't been one of those in centuries. That and mastering a sage class to get a hero class is considered ridiculous.

I felt like a hedge mage. Most who go after the mage class learn dozens of skills in their element and combine them to form a single skill. Their custom skill is considered their signature. Hedge mages learn very few skills and never amount to much.

I spent all my class points because I was scared and thought a bunch of new skills and more willpower would make me feel better. It was comfort power. Like a vampire that tasted virgins' blood I drank everything and have nothing to show for it. Of course, I didn't kill anyone to get this power and don't get me wrong, I'm bulging with more physical power than I know what to do with. I'm scared, and this shaking isn't just from the power up.

Because my strength was greater so too was my psychic power. A body that is strong naturally houses more psychic power. With my personal power boosted, I decided to work on my monsters again.

Beanumber day 10

Toomas and Thad were with me to watch a miracle of life. "If they actually crawl out of the water, you would have created a successful monster species." Thad muttered as we watched thousands of zards with small legs began to swim closer to land. Finally, one stepped from the pound and walked up on the shore. Its green skin was slowly changing in pigment to a hard white. More were swimming out of the pound.

"That shouldn't be possible, I mean even Stan isn't fertile, yet a few frogs, snakes, and lizards mashed together are." Toomas said. I closed my eyes at the jab at my credibility.

"It isn't that Stan isn't able to produce offspring, its that the demon lord didn't want such a powerful creature reproducing. Think about it, if there were 100 like Stan nothing in this world could stand up to them." I said.

"That's just a hypothesis, you would have to make Stan a girlfriend to see. Do you guys ever look at his balls they are the size of grapefruits?" Thad said and licked his lips.

"You would say that." I muttered. Thad chuckled at my words.

"Women are for babies and men are for pleasure. So long as I don't make babies, I can fuck whatever I want little brother." Thad said. I covered my ears trying not to listen to my hedonistic eldest brother.

"Stop it Thad, you'll make him blush with your scandalous ways." Toomas said. "I find quite a bit of pleasure from Midna thank you very much."

"Speaking of scandalous have you told mother about her soon to be monster daughter in law. Have you found a Judge that will marry the two of you? One brave enough to venture out of a city I mean. Then again, we are both living in sin one way or another right brother. Though none of use have anything on you do we little brother." Thad said. Just like that our eldest brother snapped back at both of us.

"I've merely begun my long process of creating a monster to serve me in battle. A bit of evolution is needed to create its true form." I defended.

"So, sending in armies against a dungeon only for over half to die is all a part of the plan. I would hate to be under your command, are they even alive to you or do you only see what they could become. Your Great White Rex, or whatever your calling it now." Toomas said. In my opinion they were a means to an end. The species Frogzard's main function was to birth a powerful warrior monster. The designs have been changing it now has human arms and legs. In my dreams its intelligent, strong, and proud. Best of all it's a being that is self-aware.

"They are alive. But to consider them anything but a step in the process is foolish. They will become something greater than their parts. Their desires have no weight until they become complete." I said resolutely.

"Very cold little brother but you could have denied my words. Why didn't you?" He asked pointedly.

"Because, our little brother doesn't believe in limiting himself to the morals of humanitarians. In the end they are frogs, snakes, lizards and turtles that he has molded into something greater. Its as the saying goes great men are almost always considered bad by society." Thad said and paused. "Not that I'm calling you great Markus. You're far from me calling you that. Stick with it and finish making this grand monster warrior of yours and I'll consider calling you great. Now if the two of you are done, I'm going to go fuck some random monster woman in the forest or maybe I'll make a burly ogre blow me. Who knows," Thad winked and stepped deeper in the woods.

"I swear he's going to end up with a million bastards just like Ma always said." Toomas muttered. I shrugged, and we dropped into silence watching the adolescent Frogzards crawl onto land. They immediately formed into marching lines going to the little frogzard barrack I built out of wood.

"Do you think he really blew Stan?" I asked. Toomas looked at me as if seeing me for the first time. His eyes were wide. He blew Stan. I realized that there was a reason why Stan was always so buddy buddy with Thad more than even Pa. Where they secret lovers? I shook the thoughts off for being ridiculous.

"Our brother has a powerful libido. His constitution and endurance are nearly at Pa's level. He literally can't control himself sometimes. Instead of going crazy or turning into a rapist, he just started having sex with everything that gave consent. Stan's basically a demon and very lonely. We don't normally talk about it when Ma or Pa is in earshot. Do you think any less of him for it?" I honestly didn't know Thad had it so bad, he was always so moody, it never occurred to ask about it. Did I think less of him for making do with what he had? No, Stan while messed up needed companionship too. If they didn't cause any harm, then live and let live.

"I think its his business and I'm not going to judge him because its not my place. Nothing has changed." I said and decided to stick to my principles.

"Well maybe you are maturing. Have fun with your little army. I'm going to go get laid in my woman's web." Toomas said and walked off. I rubbed my temples. The filter was apparently gone. I opened Pandora's box and I can never put all the evils back in.

Beanumber day 15

In five days, I turned the adolescent zards into lv5s with every skill the adults had when they entered the dungeon. With twelve veteran zards leading them I broke the numbers up into groups of 20 led by one veteran. Scar had the largest group of 30. The dungeon went through a change. A large black slime waited at the entrance. It had the shape of a human and lizard like scale shape throughout its form.

"Welcome brave adventurers to the dungeon of shapes. If you manage to find any magic stones inside, give them to me and I will reward you with a skill book." The black slime said. It moved about with a confidence I haven't seen in slimes. The single eye it had and the voice box floating in its throat were new.

"Will you attack if I lead my army inside?" I asked. It was a lv30 black slime. It had no shield and only 20k health, but slimes were known for their extreme regeneration and damage resistances. It turned to look at me with no expression.

"You have a unique face, if you attack me, I would enjoy adding it to my body. But no, send in as many as you like, I don't mind." The slime said. I was unfazed. Monsters were called so for a reason. But now I wanted to kill the creature. Instead, I focused on the dungeon. Thrusting my hand forward, my army entered the dungeon.

Sitting down where I could get plenty of sunlight, I focused on looking through the eyes of my zards. Half of me wanted to buy a crystal ball to ease the process, but those cost quite a bit of coin. Maybe this dungeon would drop some copper pieces.

Our money system worked like this. 25copper made 1silver, 60silver made 1gold, and 100gold made 1Uranium coin. This system changes depending on the dungeon drops in each area. As an example, gold to Uranium down south can be 5 to 1 or even 2 to 1 in some areas. Some money barons like to take large amounts of uranium exchange it for gold and then increase their uranium supply. This causes the exchange rates to shift depending on the area. It's a real problem for merchants and the economy. Then again being a money baron has a lot of risks. Markets change, and mints do as well. Coins that haven't been minted by the kingdom are worthless. They can be sold to a minter, but the amount of return isn't worth it. Many families have gone under from the process.

In a short time, a drop fell and entered my inventory. It was a small magic stone. Nothing too special about it and I doubted that the dungeon had any skill books worth a look. I held on to it. My monsters were dying in droves. The dungeon forced them to climb up hills, investigate sealed off rooms, and there were traps everywhere. Due to the telepathic link, I was able to implant recognition of traps and ambushes in mass. The likelihood of one of my zards falling into a trap greatly diminished. But that didn't mean they were out of the woods. As my soldiers marched forward uphill the enemy zards could snipe them with their tongues. Well placed water beams killed many of the old model zards the enemy used. But it would only be a matter of time before the dungeon implemented my new models.

The first boss room had a similar boss as last time with three heads and a shell this time. It was met with a volley of water beams. When one group ran out of mana the next attacked. For now, the dungeon didn't have a counter to this tactic. Scar used the distraction to climb on the three headed turtle zard's shell. The second the water beams stopped the heads emerged and Scar attacked. He latched onto the back of one's head and bit down hard pumping snake venom and dark mana into the monster. The others swarmed it. Two were devoured while the others bit into the turtle zard's long necks. The boss monster's flesh was ripped from the shell while Scar ate the shell. He received +20CON for his troubles. He had over 100CON now and well over 1000HP thanks to his efforts. His scales were much harder than a normal zard.

The next floor opened, and I sent in my army. They weren't even down a quarter of their number. Slimes covered the second floor some variants. My monsters used their former tactics and ate every monster core they could find. The problem was the sheer number of slimes. Hundreds upon hundreds of them piled in. All were over lv10. The zards were gaining DEX by the 10s until they ate 5 cores of the same variant and the increase stopped. I had them change targets and let fresh soldiers take over. My zards were tough and quick. The water types used water beams to keep the majority at bay while others sniped out cores. The numbers kept coming in and I ordered a withdrawal. The water beam variants were to remain and give the other cover to escape. They didn't fight my order as they made their retreat.

I lost over 50 of my water type zards. The shear mass of slimes over took them. Water could hold a slime back, slimes were highly resistant, so they weren't put down by it.

All zards that escaped the cave had maxed out their lv at 20. The xp I gained made me lv32, I had 30 stat points and 60 for training. My zards were ready to rank up into a new form. What that form would look like was anyone's guess.

Most had DEX over 50 they were fast little guys and built like tanks.

Eggplantistan day 2

Every single one of the zards that escaped the dungeon ranked up and became what I call Zaroids. They were intelligent thanks to the psychic typing. Every one of them seemed take to soldiering, there was something of a warrior class to them. A new skill was shared between them. Ki.

Ki lv1 0.0% to next

Description – When qi and psychic power mix ki is created. Mana, stamina, and health have merged into a single bar. When ki runs out health is sacrificed to use skills. This power is shared by most psychic warriors.

Ki capacity(18m) = CON (100) x STR (60)x END x WIL (15) x INS (20)x skill lv (1) x 10

That was just the average. Scar had ki of 40m. He stood tall much taller than me. Over 6ft and brisling with muscles. His hands were white with three fingers and one thumb. He had a round head perfectly spherical and a long whip like tail. He looked at me and nodded. I nodded back amazed at what he has become.

"How did this happen, you were just mindless lizards just a few months ago. I've never heard of monsters like you before." I said, and I was amazed at just how powerful they were and weak. They could kill themselves by using too much power. There was no safety for them. This was something of a weakness if they remained only at this strength. Now that I had a good look at all of them, I realized that they weren't as powerful as I thought.

"Creator we were made from your divine power and will. We are ready to fuck shit up. Let us go back to the place of battle and crush them." Scar said. My gaze went over the amassed army of zaroids. They looked prepared for war.

A quick mind sight allowed me to find the organ that made ki within them. Plans to make one of my own came to mind but mana alone was an excellent skill. I quickly calculated how powerful I would be if I had ki. Well into the billions thanks to my Solar Powered ability, with out it around 700m. Still they were impressive. The water type zaroids had white scales with blue patches. All of them held themselves like warriors which was the best. Their faces were still a little lizardlike their throats were thick, and their teeth were sharp, but I admired their features. Scar was becoming my grand warrior. They had changed a lot from my vision but I'm not unsatisfied.

I had a lot of weapons from the skeleton dungeon and armor that boosted constitution. I tossed them a pile of what I had. Most of the common drops in the skeleton dungeon either increased strength or constitution. Once all 80 of my warriors were properly dressed, I had them form up. With this change in form, I needed to drill them into the ground.

Eggplantistan Day 5

I put every point I had in INS and purchased another lv in Light Mage. With 1100MP I felt stronger than ever. Once my class is fully mastered that WIL it gives me will become permanent and I'll get a skill for it. Pa says that skill will probably be mana capacitor. My mana will increase by leaps and bounds.

It's a beautiful day. My Solar Powered is already lv8 just from standing out in sunlight. My physical power is growing steadily. When I finally face my brother it will be with an army of giant burly Zaroids with bad attitudes.

Today we were entering the slime dungeon again. We came upon the black slime and I stabbed it through the core. Light covered my had and the slime exploded.

Light Blade lv1 1000DPS to next

Description – Conjure a beam of light around your arm and make it sharp. Great in fusion skill with close range attacks.

DPS (110) = WIL (110) x Light (1) x skill lv (1)

Cost 5MPS

We entered the dungeon and were assaulted by a legion of slimes and hundreds of zards with water beams. The water zaroids manipulated the water away from me, as I extended my light blades to snipe the zards. The dungeon was trying to do away with us with numbers.

Lv up x8

I had another 40 points and I put 20 in CON and 20 in DIV. Immediately I felt my bones and skin harden to extreme levels and all my regenerations increased. There were no more drops the dungeon disabled that function and went on a full offensive. Slimes were peaking out from drain pipes that covered the place and leaping out for ambushes.

Axes, spears, and long swords were wielded with devastating effects against the slimes. Their cores were destroyed ending their threat. The Ki that all my Zaroids ran on gave them immense health. We were making our way to the next floor one a giant version of the boss stepped out of the boss chamber. It's three heads fired both water and electricity to a devastating effect. Everyone ducked for cover using pillars and pipes to hide from the giant zard.

I jumped from cover and shot it full of light thorns and ran at it light blades on each arm. Its third head opened its mouth and a long sticky tongue shot out sticking to my armor. Pulled off my feet I moved quickly raising my light blades and piercing the monster's maw. Hot breath brushed my face as this big behemoth tried to shove me in its mouth, so it could crush me. Scar jumped from cover and smashed his Warhammer into the turtle's shell. The other two heads bent down to unleash their water beams on the brave Zaroid. In five seconds, the damage my blades did doubled. Then in another five seconds they doubled again.

My light blades were slowly leveling up even as I held them in place. After I took a second to evaluate my situation, I shot the turtles mouth with a volley of light thorns. The head exploded, and the turtle fell down dead. I leveled up to 41.

From the amount of mana that just increased the dungeon is just absorbing more mana and getting ready to pour more slimes and zards out. It was for nothing. My army out classed this dungeon by a wide margin now. If they had active skills to go along with ki they would be even stronger.

"Master why are we doing this?" Scar asked. He was uncertain of my ability to lead them.

"This is all in preparation for an enemy that will soon attack us. If we don't use our time and grow strong quickly, then we won't be prepared for battles to come. If we can take the dungeon, we will have a place for the Zaroids that is safe. My father won't abide your presence for much longer." Pa saw them as pets and he wasn't going to allow too many. This was a good compromise.

"We are to make this place our den." Scar said and looked around. "It is plentiful with prey but dangerous." Scar noted.

"Once the core is taken this place will no longer try to kill you. This den will instead use its forces to keep you safe." Scar nodded his head still unconvinced. I sighed and walked down the stairs to the next floor followed by my army.

They were still incomplete. There was a further evolution and I could sense it. But for now, I needed their population to grow. A dungeon is the perfect place for them to expand. They can have living quarters in this dungeon and run it for me. It would give me some xp constantly. Those who want to be powerful often do the same. Its said the king has 4 dungeons under his control.

This was the first step of my plan to become strong enough to fight a god. But my next step would be harder. I needed to several resistances against darkness. Every dungeon with dark monsters happened to be danger rank S. Dungeons that normally had guards on standby to keep under leveled adventures away. It was time that I went to the village with Pa. I needed to get away from home for a while. I needed to see something new.

A river of slimes coalesced and formed into a single slime woman. 1000 slimes formed this slime queen. Her kind were one of the most dangerous forms of slime. Slimes were normally unintelligent and with the right amount of preparation easy to kill. Slime Queens were intelligent, aware of their weaknesses they hid their core behind thick metallic slime. Their bodies were pressurized, able to unleash high speed slime tendrils at a moments notice. And their acid was able to bypass most shields. A slime queen wasn't something that he or his forces were ready for.

Even as a newborn, I could see awareness behind its eyes. In less than a second it took stock of the situation and its body rippled. A line of zaroids ran towards it yelling with spears ready. It happened in less than a second. The slime queen turned her head to the side and before my eyes it absorbed the remains of 10 of my warriors. Structures within the slime queen changed as the new stats made it stronger.

It bent down on itself and yelled out as it leapt at us. Raising my hand, I blasted 20 well placed light thorns all misses. In this situation I need an area effect. More of my forces leapt into action to avenge their fallen brethren. They attacked in waves getting in each other's way as they fought. With such a large crowd there was nothing I could do.

There were millions of skills out there and I only had a hand full of them. Light is considered one of the most damaging types for its special abilities. I haven't even begun to tap into lights real power and I was paying for my lack of preparation. I didn't deserve this army or to take this dungeon.

The monster continued to rip through my forces there were only 20 left including scar. The slime queen had already ripped through them and devoured their remains. If it had ki it would be invincible at this point.

Scar held up his hand and unleashed a powerful blast of energy. The detonation ripped holes out of the concrete floor of the dungeon and tore apart the zaroids holding back the slime queen.

The slime queen quickly began to reform. Even thought the attack had enough power to kill several zaroids, the slime queen had eaten more than enough to regenerate itself. The power of light was to reduce anything to its most base parts. Holding out my hand I forced 300MP into a single attack. I had no idea what would happen. My attack had no form and it kept eating mana, condensing, and heating up. Even through the millions of defenses, I could feel heat forming at the palms of my hands.

When the slime reformed, it looked up at me, opened its mouth, and shrieked before bending its legs down and preparing to leap. Time was running out and my attack just swallowed more mana as something began to take form. A sound began to echo from the mass of light in my palms it sounded beautiful and horrible. 1000MP was gone and my own MPM was draining away to fuel this mighty spell. Scar and three of the surviving Zaroids charged blasts and pummeled it with energy attacks.

Ten seconds passed, and my attack finished forming. It had shifted becoming a tiny golden light with a set of wings and a halo. My Zaroids got some distance as I waved my hand and unleashed my strongest skill. My arm broke from the telekinetic force needed to unleash the spell. Pain shot through me as the spell rushed after the enemy. Pieces of slime evaporated as it approached. The slime queen turned into metal and attempted to block the approaching light with its arms. It didn't stop the attack even for a second.

Slime queen lv60 Slain

100 x 60 = 6000xp

Level up x1

Lv 42

New Perk

Avatar – You have realized the secret; your body is just a puppet that you manipulate. Now with psychic power you can manipulate that puppet far more efficiently. Stamina has integrated into your mana you no longer require stamina when using psychical skills. It is understood that telekinesis will cover all your physical needs.

New skill

Holy lv3 100,000 to next

Description – Power incomparable haloed and winged it contains the power to reduce complex molecules to their basic structures. During the time of the great beasts this power was feared for its destructive power.

DPS – WIL (110) x Light (1) x skill lv (3) x 10k x MP after 3000MP

Cost 3000MP

Job unlocked at lv10 Avenging Angel

I walked through the destruction from my attack and found what I was looking for. A small orb of blue sat on a pedestal. It was scared. My Zaroids were here with me of the 80 that came in here only 4 lived. All to take this little thing.

Do you want to take control of this Dungoen.


I hit yes and felt connected to this place. I made Scar the admin of the dungeon and left. This place killed my army and now I wasn't sure about using them as a force anymore. They were powerful warriors but not what I needed to fight someone like a god. No, not yet. I needed to add some cunning into their species and maybe a bit of dragon for luck.

Even as I returned home I felt the dungeon and what effect it already had. My xp bar was slowly filling even at rest. Scar would protect the dungeon. He had living quarters and females of his species. Heck if he needed to, he could have the dungeon make more of his kind.

I sensed resentment from him and the others. How long would it be before they rebelled against me? A day, a month, or maybe a year. I needed to get craftier if I wanted to keep them under thumb.

"Boy, pack up the cart, your coming to town with me." Pa said as I walked in the house. He looked at me with a serious expression. I nodded to him and left to begin preparing the wagon.

Markus Age 9

Lv12 1,300xp to next

HP 23k/600 +975HPM

MP 10,75k/1350 +255 (17.5k) MPM

Constitution 60 (2,340)

Endurance 15(25) (975)

Perception 25 (975)

Strength 65 (2,565)

Dexterity 15 (975)

Insight 160 (265)

Willpower 40(110)

Charisma 15

Luck 15

Divinity 36


Farmer lv2 0 of 20 to next

1 star

+5Endurance per lv


Growth lv5 Grow 16 plants to maturity to next level


Utility Plants require (1/125th) normal growing time = Endurance (25) x Skill lv (5)

Hidden effect

Divine Influence

Description – Adds a bonus effect through divine power. This can cause plants to gain intelligence and seek to devour their creator. Warning grow things at your own risk.

Increased Lifespan (x80) = Divine (16) x skill lv (5)

Harvest lv1 pick 1 plant next lv

Description – Gather the bounty you have planted with greater fortune increases the odds of a plant growing more than originally able.


Cost 60SPM

Utility Increased bounty +37.5% =% (Endurance (25) x Luck (15) x skill lv (1))/10

Light Mage lv6 0 of 20 to next


+10Willpower per lv


Light Seed lv4 Learn 4 light skills to next

Description – a seed from the eternal light tree has taken root within you. Despite your inability to learn light or dark god classes the mortal, knight, and hero classes are available to you. With this seed your journey into light magic has truly begun. It shall sprout and become the power behind your light.


MPRM when using light skills (+180) = Willpower (110) x skill lv (4) x light (1)

Hidden ability

Description – Due to the divine nature of your power the the farmer growth ability, a new passive ability has been obtained.

Defense when using Light shield skills (2,400) = WIL (60) x CON (40) x skill lv (3) x light (1)

Light Thorns lv10 (Max)


Description – Light shot is twisted with mana manipulation in a skill fusion to unleash a piercing attack. This attack is built to punch through shields and once it reaches max level it deals double damage to defense and triple damage to dark defense.

DPS (8.047m) = (Light Shot (805k) + Mana Manipulation (765)) x Skill lv (10)

Cost 15MPS

Endure Light lv1 100DPS to next


Description – Your body have begun to acclimate to the damaging effects of light mana. Through struggle light will soon become your greatest ally.

Resistance (400) = WIL (100) x CON (40) x light (1) x skill lv (1)

Light Wave lv1 100DPS to next

Description – A wave of light that emits from the palm. It has a high chance of blinding opponents. Its range is short.

DPS (110) = WIL (110) x Light (1) x skill lv (1)

Cost 5MPS

Solar Powered lv10 4.0% to next


Description – Light has blessed you and given you greater life force. While under the sun's light you heal more quickly increasing HPR to new heights. Due to divine power this skill has been improved, CON, STR, DEX, PER, and END increase when sun light has been absorbed within the last 12hours. If sunlight isn't absorbed stats return to normal.

Percent increase (3.9k%) = (WIL (110) x DIV (16) x skill lv (10) x Light (1)) / 10


Light 1 0/15 small white crystals

Dark 1 0/15 small black crystals

Psychic 1 0/15 small purple crystals


Archery lv5 Damage to next lv 3200

Phys DPS (2625) = STR (35) x DEX (15) x skill lv (5)

Till lv11 10kilometers to next lv

Utility PHYS DPS (17k) = END (25) x STR (65) x skill lv 11

Cost 60SPM

Orb lv20 182days to next lv

L orb DPS (2,200) = WIL (110) x Light (1) x skill lv (20)

Cost 5MPS

Mana Manipulation lv4 create 4 pure mana skill to next


MAG DPS (1060) = (INS (265) x skill lv (4)

MPRM (+106%) = ((INS (265) x skill lv (4))/10

Telekinesis lv10 lift 51,200objects next level

Phys DPS (2.7m) = STR (2.5k) x Wil (110) Psychic (1) x skill lv (10)

Cost 5MPS

Mind sight lv1 1min to next

Range (15m) = Willpower (60) x Perception (25) x type (1) x skill lv (1) x 1 cm

Cost 5MPS

Light Shot lv20

Light DPS (54m) = (Telekinesis (2,7mk) + L orb (2.2k)) x skill lv (20)

Cost 10MPS

Holy lv3 600,000 to next

DPS (3.3m) – WIL (110) x Light (1) x skill lv (3) x 10k x MP after 3000MP

Cost 3000MP

Light Blade lv1 1000DPS to next

DPS (110) = WIL (110) x Light (1) x skill lv (1)

Cost 5MPS

Warm Body lv1 endure cold damage for 3hours to next

Cold RPS (2.3k) = CON (2.3k) x skill lv (1)

Mana Shield lv30 tank 53.6bDPS to next lv

Defense (17.6m) = CON (2.3k) x INS (255) x skill lv (30)

Cost 10MPS

Mana Chainmail lv20 524mDPS to next

Defense (11.7m) = CON (2.3k) x INS (255) x skill lv (20)

Cost 15MPS

Mana Plate lv10 5.1mDPS

Defense (5m) = CON (2.3k) x INS (255) x skill lv (10)

Cost 20MPS

Mana Full Armor lv5 2mDPS to next lv

Defense (171mm) = (Mana Shield (17.6m) + Mana Chainmail (11.7m) + Mana Plate (5m)) = 34m x skill lv (5)

Cost 50MPS

Mana Regeneration lv23 104m mana recovered to next


MPM (6.1k) = INS (265) x skill lv (23)

Chimerafication lv40 12%xp to next


Chance of Success (440%) = (WIL (110) x skill lv (40) x Dark (1))/10