
Chapter 15: Training




The next morning after the dragon incident, father convened a meeting to try and either eradicate the dragons or force them to move to a new home.

Father says, "Either we finish them or they'll finish us! It's the only way we'll be rid of them!"

He tries to persuade the other Vikings in the meeting hall. Instead of listening to a bunch of uneducated Viking argue about dragons, I decide to follow Hiccup. He reaches a cross roads and he becomes frustrated. He scratches out the map he had drawn and hits a branch that comes back to smack him in the face. I hold back a laugh before following him through the crash area. When he reaches the area, he sees toothless trapped in the bola that he had launched. Scared, he hides behind the rock before mustering up some courage and setting the hurt dragon free. When it gets the chance it pounces on my brother and I tense every muscle in my body invade something changed from cannon. Thankfully, nothing changed, and with a roar of warning the dragon darts off into the distance. Scared, hiccup jumps to his feet and begins to run home. I run ahead and meet him as he is getting back. I nod at him and he rushes up to his room. I head to the bath once again and when I get in I hear father once again yelling at hiccup.

The dragon training started a few days later. I, for obvious reasons, was exempt from this training of course. I still went to watch my brother and Astrid try to fight a dragon.

I'm waiting in the spectators area when I hear the nut twins banter with each other. When the group finally enters the arena, I decided to jump in and walk next to Astrid and Helga. They look at me and smile in greeting. While we are walking we hear the annoying twins bickering about getting a scar and we roll our eyes.

Astrid and Helga say in unison, ""It's only fun if you get a scar."" They look at each other and have a small laugh.

Hiccup, being the shy boy he is, stays in the back, so I decide to lag behind and end up walking next to hiccup to try and encourage him. When they reach the first door, Gobber gets them to line up and gives them the same speech as in the first movie with fishlegs giving his commentary on the dragons.

Gobber narrates, "Behind these doors are just a few of the many species you will learn to fight. The deadly natter, the hideous zippleback, the monstrous nightmare, the terrible terror…" It was at this point that fishlegs' commentary got on gobbler's nerves.

Gobber shouted in his Irish like accent, "Can you stop tha!"

After a brief pause, he continued, "Aaand the gronckle." When he finished speaking he put his good hand on the lever to the door. At this point in his speech I head over to stand at his side.

Worriedly snotlout shouts, "Woah! Woah! Wait! Aren't you gonna teach us first?"

I laugh and Gobber responds with, "I believe in learning on the job." When he finished saying this he pulled the lever and the gronckle burst through the door.

They scatter and Gobber then shouts, "Today is all about survival! If you get blasted…you're dead!"

And with that the lesson commenced. The gronckle slams into the opposing wall and crashes to the ground. It quickly recovers and eats some rocks laying on the ground next to it. The trainees move to grab some much needed shields and I hear the nutt twins arguing over one specific shield in a pile of the exact same shield. Then the dragon flies towards them and there is an explosion.

I hear Gobber say, "Tuffnut. ruffnut. You're out!"

The group then decides to bang their weapons against their shields to make some noise in an attempt to disorient it. After a quick Q&A the dragon shoots one of its shots at fishlegs and hits his raised shield.

Gobber says, "Fishlegs out!"

I go to yell at hiccup to get out of cover and fight when I see snotlout flirting with Helga and Astrid. I glare at snotlout and unknowingly activate my dragons eye ability for a blinks worth of time. He looks over towards me to gloat and nearly pisses himself when he sees my eyes. Due to him looking at me he doesn't notice the gronckle approaching him and before it hits him with a shot of fire, I bodyslam him away from the blast.

I say in a threatening tone, "You're out."

I then hear Gobber scream hiccups name and I once again sprint over towards my brother. As the gronckle readies its last blast of fire, I grab its tail and lift it. It shoots its last blast of fire and it hits the wall above hiccup. and begin to swing it around for a few seconds before launching it back into its cage.

Gobber says, "Remember, a dragon will always, always, go for the kill."

After the day of training hiccup went to find toothless at the safe haven and Gobber took the rest of us to the feasting hall where we ate our dinner. When we got there he quizzed the group on what they could have done different. Hiccup being hiccup decided to eat away from everyone. He then takes out the dragon Manuel and gave it to us. Just like in the movie, everyone decided to not to read it and leave. Everyone except hiccup. I decided to leave with Astrid and Helga to walk the two home. When I got back I saw my little brother reading all alone to himself. He had just gotten to the page on the night fury when I sat next to him.

He reads aloud, "Night fury. Speed unknown. Size unknown. The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself. Never engage this dragon. Your only chance is to hide and pray it does not find you."

It was at this point that he put his self drawn image of the night fury over the page.

I say in a shocked voice, "So you did hit the night fury."

He jumps and turns towards me saying, "When did you get here?!"

I respond with, "Right before you got to the page on the night fury."

He then goes back to the beginning of the book and after a not so short lesson on the different dragons from my little brother, we decided to go home. The next morning was the nadder training and before it begins I watch father set sail to find the dragons den. When I could no longer see the ships I headed toward the arena to find it filled with a maze and a nadder jumping from wall to wall. I watch the trainees run around like chickens and when it got to the point where, instead of Astrid, Helga fell onto hiccup. She hit the nadder with the shield and after chiding him about his seriousness, we all leave the arena and head home. After I escort the two maidens home, I rush to the safe haven and see the interaction between the two. Hiccup was about to leave when I jumped into the area.