
Ultimate Wizardry: A Harry Potter Fanfiction

Disclaimer: The world, the places and the characters created by J.K. Rowling belongs her. .......................................... Follow Jason Kenneth Webb (Kenneth Bones) as he ventures, explores and dominates the Harry Potter world and become a wizard like no other! FYI: 1) MC is OP, but he don't get it just by waking up. he will train for it or get tortured for it. 2) I think its boring to write and read the same plot as the original canon. So, in this book, the places, the people and situations exists (Like the horcruxes and Voldemort), however, the plot will be different. MC has foreknowledge of the plot, there is no point following it if he could get rid of few problems before they infest themselves. 3) No Haram, the couple is set from early on.

ItsAllAboutME · Book&Literature
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35 Chs

Moving forward, Goals.

Kenneth was standing in the middle of Diagon Alley, staring at the Nagini's spatial items store in daze. The crowd moved around him as he stood as though he was frozen in time. After a few minutes he walked into the store.

"Mr. Webb, welcome back! How was the exam?" Jennet asked the man, she noticed something different about him.

"It was fine," Kenneth replied with a smile, however, Jennet had a shiver run through her while she looked into his eyes, it was cold and distant, not the warm man she used to converse with. Thankfully, Nagini had cut in and said, "You are back!"

Dropping his head down, Kenneth found Nagini standing in front of them with a frown. Bending down, he instinctively brought her into an embrace, it was as if he has been looking for warmth in this world and he finally found it.

Out of embarrassment, Nagini panicked and said, "We are in the middle of the store, Jase. Let's at least head up first!"

"Don't move, just for a minute, stay still for a minute Gini," whispered Kenneth.

Realising that something was wrong, Nagini stop struggling and hugged him back without caring even if the world was staring at them. Just as he promised, he left her hug and smiled at her and said, "Let's go up."

"Jase, what happened?" asked Nagini worriedly, she was holding his hand while leading him upstairs.

*Flash Back*

Kenneth just watched the Corrow siblings struggle as they slowly get stretched over time, the curses and insults they hurled at Kenneth soon turned in to grunts and screams, then they turned into pleading and begging. He had watched them quietly, he finally opened his mouth and spoke for the first time.

"I guess you should know why you are subjected to this torture, only then would you understand the reason for your pain," said Kenneth. The siblings stopped their screaming and started whimpering as they listen to the man.

"You see, I remember your voice very well Mr. Corrow, the night you and other death eaters murdered my family, I was helplessly watching as you and others slaughter what's dear to me. Now I'm making you feel the same pain as me. Although I did not know if you were there Ms. Corrow, but as your brother was there, I'm sure you too were there," said Kenneth coldly.

"W-W-which family was it?" stuttered Alecto in pain.

"What family? Does that even matter now? There was more than one family that suffered at your hands? seems that your ending is justified!" said Kenneth angrily, as he increased the speed of the force being applied to the siblings.

Both siblings started screaming as their limbs and the neck abnormally stretched, at first, there was popping sounds coming from their joints as they dislocated, then blood started to seep out from the ripping skin near their joints. However, suddenly, the gravity applied to the siblings came to an instant stop. The muscles that had not teared snapped their limbs back into the joints, making the siblings scream again and fall unconscious. Kenneth had stopped what he was doing because the anger and hatred he felt was instantly put out by a voice in his head.

"Did the exam finish? Are you on your way back?" it was Nagini speaking to him telepathically.

Kenneth finally realised what he was about to do and felt sick in the stomach. He took few deep breaths and calmed down. He closed his eyes, collected his thoughts and thought to himself, "I want revenge, but I don't want to become them. Nagini, my aunt and cousin does not deserve such a man. Killing people damages my own soul as well. These pathetic losers are not worth the pain I would cause my loved ones and myself. Besides, killing them is the same as being lenient as it is a form of escape."

Looking at the Corrow duo, Kenneth waved his hand, producing two white flames and started healing their injuries. The shock from the pain kept them unconscious, after healing them he simply placed them on a full body bind jinx. Then he obliviated them, erasing all the memories after they met Kenneth. Thinking for a moment, he took out a parchment from his spatial ring and wrote a letter.

Dear Madam Bones,

I caught these two while they were making an escape. I believe you and the rest of the Aurors was looking for them? I watched the fight, seriously, you need to train them better on setting up ambushes and luring others into traps.

Thank you for all the years of hard work you and your department have put into keeping the magical society safe.

Your fan,


Kenneth folded the letter then wrote "To: The Department of Magical Law Enforcement" then placed a sticking charm on it before sticking it onto Amycus' forehead. Then he drew a large spatial rune underneath the siblings and put the coordinates through his intent. The destination was right in front of those double oak doors in the corridor of the DMLE head office.

*Flash Back ends*

Nagini silently listened to Kenneth recalling the entire story. After he finished, she simply said, "You did good."

"Gini, do you know what I wanted to accomplish in the future? I wanted to become a professor at Hogwarts. Becoming the Defence against Dark Art professor sounded good to me," said Kenneth.

Nagini replied, "That's great!" she was trying to cheer him up, "Hmm do you want me to contact Dumbledore, I'm sure you can get the role in the next school year!"

"But that was before today, I think I'll put off becoming a professor for now. I want to enter Auror training programme," said Kenneth.

Nagini was startled, frowned and said, "Being an Auror is a dangerous job, Jase. What if something happens to you?"

"After going through what I went through today, I know that I will have to face them sooner or later. So, I might as well prepare myself for it. Also, I realised there is a very dark side to me, although I know it's a part of me and every human has it, I don't like how I was overpowered by my hatred. If I get into more situations as I did today, I should be able to get used to it," said Kenneth.

Looking deeply into Kenneth's eyes, Nagini said, "seems like I won't be able to talk you out of it, right?"

"Sorry, I'll be careful, you know my magical aptitude, even if it gets too dangerous, I'll be to escape the situation, with the spatial runes, no ward will be able to trap me," said Kenneth.

Nagini sighed and nodded, "Well the training programme enrols candidate once a year, this year's deadline has already passed. You will only able to enrol in next year's batch."

"That's fine, I need to get ready anyway. All this time I have only been working on the knowledge that was given in books. I will use the coming year to work on my own innate magic and self-created magic. There are few things I would like to try by combining muggle science and magic," said Kenneth and just like that, they both entered into another circle of routine.

As always, Thanks for reading!

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