
Twin Azure Dragon

[A/N: Suggesting readers to listen to Growl Chinese Version by EXO while reading. ]

Everyone started using their bloodlines as soon as they heard Lan Kai.

A pair of golden wings sprouted on Cai Tao' and Cai Xikun's back. The wings are giving unimaginable beauty upon being flapped. While flapping continously, the two ascended to the air leaving some golden beams of light.

Lan Kai didn't idle and also activated his bloodline. Instead of a pair of wings, three pairs of wings grew on his back. Each and every wing of his has unique vibe. Aside from being black and red, the wings are a lot thinner than the wings of the Cai's. Although thinner, they are even longer and more powerful since it only took him a second to ascend on the air together with the two.

Lan Xue knew that he can't delay their time so he spared no second activating his bloodline. Compared to them, his wings are more unique. Like a fairy's wings which is transparent with intricate designs. As he fly on the air, there are blue dusts left on his path which seems to be comming from him.

Lan Kai used his hands to tell them to follow. The three understood his intention of leading them to Empire so they flew right behind him.

Aside from noticing the great view under him which is a pretty combination of scenery of advanced technology and the beauty of nature, he deduced that his wings are a lot better than the three.

If not for him controling his normal speed, he could already be miles away from the three. The fact that they aren't flying in full speed and he is already faster than them, what will happen if they fly in their full potential?

Suddenly, a powerful consciousness invaded his mind that made him lose track for a second. He knew that this was his father so he didn't do anything with the consciousness.

"What is your first impression with our Planet, the Alternating Planet? It's your first time going out after all." His father told him inside his mind.

His father was right, since childhood, he never left his house. Hence, the fresh air from the nature never invaded his nostrils. But considering that it is his first time going outside, he seemed not amazed.

Lan Kai wouldn't let him clueless. He let Lan Xue use the Spy Mecha. This mecha is a product of technology that allows the owner to visit places just be using the replica with the same configuration as the Spy Mecha. The Spy Mecha will work after being charged by the electricity.

"Worthy of it's name." He replied. Their planet gained it's name because of the two alternating beauty in the planet. Some planets only have nature or technology but some has half nature and technology. However, the Alternating Planet is the most popular of all.

While looking down, his father again talked to him. "The Empire is even worth of it's name."

He doesn't know Empire since his father didn't tell him about this so he asked him about it.

Lan Kai replied, "Empire Academy is like a country. It only accepts ten people of each gender every year. Every student there came from powerful families and some even are son or daughters of Kings..."

His father took a breath and resumed."...In there, males recieves the best learnings while the females recieves a lot lesser importance. However, the students couldn't be underestimated. There was once a student who killed a person the stages higher than himself. There are a lot of powerful identities lurking inside Empire and I am one of them. I'll enroll you as my core disciple."

In this world, no one dares to call themselves the best. There are many experts out there who could topple mountain and drain seas. Call the wind and summon rain. There are even people who could overturn the rivers just by lifting their hands!

His father's words echoed inside his mind. He quickly asked, "What about Xikun?"

Xikun became a part of his life already and he treats him as his sworn brother. He wouldn't let him be an outer disciple no matter what happens. With his father's power, he could be a teacher but it is Empire who they are talking about.

"He'll start as an inner disciple I think. Even if, it's still better than an outer disciple. As I have said, the academy is divided into two parts and they only accept ten students a year. But it doesn't mean that there are only students there. There are also those outer disciples and inner ones. Apart from males and females interacting with each other, they aren't called students of the Academy. Instead, they are the workers and have the chance to become inner disciples. The inner disciples does missions outside the academy and a competition is held every year."

"The fight between girls and boys are different. The ten winners of each gender will become the true students of the academy and will enter the premises of the Academy Core. They will be separated; Males get inside the inner core where they are nourished while females stay at the outer core. Aside from them, there are those core disciples. As of now, there are two core disciples who can wield twin attribute qi."

There are some case where a person can use two different attribute of Qi. They are as rare as unicorn horns and phoenix feathers. However, they posses the power that even Gods are jealous of. The most common Twin Qi are the wind ajd fire since they compliments each other.

Lan Xue pursued his lips. Cai Xikun being an inner disciple isn't a bad thing. He could share pointers with some people instead of dueling with Lan Xue only. Of course he knew that Cai Xikun could defeat those inner disciples easily. "Those core disciples, what kind of Twin Qi do they have father?"

"They are twins actually. One with gentle and elegant aura and the other has cold and fierce aura. Using this, you should know their Twin Qi already right?"

Gentle and elegant aura mainly refers to a Twin of water and wind qi while the cold and fierce refers to fire and ice Qi. The two of them are the best pair when it comes to a battle. Ice freezes the water and the wind strengthens the fire. Moreover, they are twins so the connection is stronger and more compatible.

Lan Kai noticed that he isn't answering and misunderstood his action. He comforted Lan Xue by saying, " Don't worry. You're an ultimate weapon. You can use nearly all or rather all the types of Qi and with the God's Demon Arts, you'll be the best."

When he was nine, he found out that he can talk and communicate with the Qi around him which made Lan Kai speechless. Not a single person could posses this ability since the only creature who could do this is a beast but he is a human.

Because of this, Lan Kai brought some examples of all the types of Qi and they showed connection towards him! Lan Kai told him not to reveal his ability if not necessary. However, Cai Xikun knows that he has this ability. Hence, he admired Lan Xue more.

Cultivation arts are also an important exsitence here. With the cultivation arts, they can cultivate the Qi and use it to breakthrough. Lan Kai found the God's Demon art in a ruin.

Gods are known for high aptitude in light Qi and have the best spells while Demons are known for nearly indestructible bodies and cruel killing spells. Lan Kai tried to cultivate this but later found out that it must be used by a person without any cultivation bases. Hence, he gave the arts to Lan Xue.

Lan Kai told him once more, " You also have this bloodline which I am not familiar with. You are the best, I am sure about that."

Although domineering and too arrogant, he believed his father.

This time, Lan Xue speak up." The twins father, can you tell me about them?"

"Of course, you'll be interacting with them so you need to know them. The one who wields fire and ice is called Long Zhen and the other is Long Shen. The two of them unexpectedly have the bloodline of a Twin Azure Dragon. This allows them to fuse into one and wields the four Qi they already have together with Lighting Qi."

Bloodlines are one of the rarest thing in this planet and even on other plantes and Empire already have two core disciples with bloodlines. How monstrous...

Lan Xue imagined if he would fight the two of them alone. He can defeat them but the odds are small. He can use the Qi they wield but they are twins. If they combine, their power will be even greater.

Lan Xue had been balancing the Qi inside his body so that he won't burst. What he calls balance is the power of the Qi are balanced well. The lighting Qi he has is lesser than Fire since it is more tyrant.

Meanwhile the twins have the Twin Azurw Dragon which is known for it's high Lighting Aptitude. Even if they are striked by a lighting from the sky, they will still survive so having the Heavenly Tribulation is nothing for them.

"What are they cultivation Father?"

"Last time I checked, they are Martial Grandmaster but five levels higger than you. It's normal since they are eighteen years old. When they cultivate together, their speed will increase tremendously and that's why they became the core disciples of Empire."

He is already at the second level being Martial Grandmaster and is still far from breaking through. Taking in mind that the twins are five levels higher than himself, they should be at the seventh level!

"Woah!" His thoughts were disrupted when Cai Xikun suddenly exclaimed. He looked at the direction he is looking to and found a beautiful place most like a paradise.

He could already feel the pride as they approach the place. His father stopped flying and remained on air looking at them. He gently retracted his wings while saying, "Welcome to Empire"

Woah! I'm amazed by myself. I stayed until 12:42 to finish this chapter. I've got my grades by the way and they are exceptionally high thanks for webnovel improving my English skills. I got 95 in English haha

I am currently working the cove rof my novel.

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