
What's with the mutant thing?

The day was about to end again, which was a relief for Spider-Man, because although he acted during the day, he didn't prefer it, for him it was a thousand times easier to act during the night than during the day, that was a fact, besides, there were more criminals during the night than during the day, although that would never stop the arachnid from acting and fighting against anything that went against the law or ethics.

For example, throwing a cigarette on the floor.

—Pick it up—Spider-Man ordered a chain-smoking man who, by the looks of it, was waiting for a bus and had finished one of his cigarettes, only instead of putting it out properly, he decided to throw it on the ground just like that—. Mm? What do you mean, you idiot? What the fuck do you care what I do with my shit?

Look at him, he doesn't even seem to be in a normal enough state to understand the situation he's in.

Pick it up.

Spider-Man repeats as a needle comes out of his forearm and the smoker's eyes snap open, a single word coming out of his mouth at that moment, one that is being part of the hysteria of the moment, people fearing those who represent that word, the news insulting them from top to bottom, now a simple smoker scared out of his wits says it without thinking of its future consequences:


The man in the symbiotic black suit then takes a step forward and the smoker automatically decides to stand up, squat down to grab the cigarette, return to his place, stub out said cigarette on the metal he is sitting on and then throw the cigarette in the bin next to him with speed.

—Don't let it happen again, because I'll know.

The arachnid threatens as he slowly brings his left arm up with the needle that seems to want to go straight through the smoker's throat, the smoker nods several times as he sweats more and more with fear.

—Y-yes, sir!

After this, Spider-Man simply extends one of his hands into the air and flies off thanks to his spider web.



There are two versions of what that means in this world.

Those who evolved from Homo-Sapiens through Gen X, the mutants.

And those who are the product of the mutant genome produced by the government.

Somehow Spider-Man didn't know if he himself was a mutant or not, he couldn't remember ever having presented anything that would make him one.

He sighed, watching the sun fall and the moon rise higher as the hours passed.

For some reason his memories were still scattered, he could remember things he hadn't even lived through, but things like who his parents were were still difficult for him.

He didn't know why this was happening to him, but he chose not to think about it voluntarily.

Knowing that his memories might not even be his, that he wasn't who he said he was, that could break him, so he wanted to avoid that idea as much as possible and focus on fighting for this city.


The X-Men and the Brotherhood of Mutants, two rather strange groups, from the fact that Magneto was already a genocidal man to things like the Maximoffs being an incestuous couple, he'd rather stay away from them if he could.

The worst thing about all this in general was that knowing so much meant he had to take responsibility for every horrible thing that happened, or at least he thought he did, as his uncle's phrase kept running through his head like a curse.

On the other hand, the X-Men might be redeemable, maybe if he tried to convince them and helps them, maybe, just maybe, they could change..

There were innocent people there, such as Kitty Pride and Iceman, even people who had dirty hands, but not on a high level, such as Storm and Colossus.

Yes, he couldn't stop thinking about so many variables, so many lives at stake, his sense of responsibility, which was something like his conscience, like a Jiminy Cricket, in short, it told him that he had to save them all, that it was his responsibility to protect others.

Suddenly, he could hear the sound of glass breaking, so he took a deep breath and thundered his back, standing upright for a few moments.

—Back in the ring, Partner.

This he said in reference to his alien partner, who still wasn't responding to him, but that didn't bother him much either, he knew that when he needed him most, his suit would be there for him. So now he just needed to focus on his work and nothing else.


—So, what's your plan now, eh Logan? Are you going to live the rest of your life among filthy humans? Humans hate you, they always have.

On a rooftop of a somewhat tall building, flats to be exact, there stand four men. Two specifically stand out from the number, one wears a blue scarf over his hair and has a small beard, the other is almost the opposite, his blond hair is flowing, perhaps the only thing they agree on physically is that they both wear sleeveless t-shirts.

—Well, once they get to know me then they'll...

Slowly the guards behind the blond raise their weapons, and the intimidating man with flowing hair raises his voice.

—They will crucify you because to them you will always be mutant trash, remember that!

With those words, the blue-scarfed man asks the following question in a somewhat sarcastic and rhetorical manner to a certain extent.

—Don't tell me, the government wants me to be their lapdog once again? How sad... But I don't work for anyone, not anymore.

Their tones slowly rise to something more confrontational, as if they were fighting with words alone.

—I'd rather ignore your reasons, animal.

But, the blue-scarfed one has already made up his mind, firm as a flagpole in those commercials, here we see him, immovable..

—Do what you want, I just want you to remember that throwing tantrums is the only thing you excel at.

This comment clearly annoyed the blond who slowly stretches his arms out to his sides, giving an idea that escape is impossible.

—The order of the day is, either you go back to the project, or you come back sliced into little pieces—The blond says at first as he takes a step and the blue-scarfed one checks behind his back for a moment, catching a glimpse of the crowd below them circulating on the public road, now, the blond continues speaking—. They've invested so much time in you, did you genuinely believe you could run away?

The blue-scarfed man takes a step back and crashes against the edge of the roof, knowing he has no choice but to fight. At the same time the guards raise their pistols and prepare to fire.

—I've invested in myself too, did you think I'd come back willingly after the horrible things they did to me?

The blond shook his head as he sighed and grinned from side to side with a face so despicable in the opinion of the blue-scarfed man..

-Then it will have to be in small parts... -All in all, boys!

And before the execution is carried out, at the moment when their gazes meet perhaps for the last time, the whole situation changes, Logan can see it in slow motion, as someone unknown appears on the scene and shoots himself in a double kick in the direction of the left shoulder of one of the guards, taking the other as collateral damage to the ground.

Both the blond and the blue-scarfed man look on in shock, having thought they were alone.

—What's going on, who is he!?—Exclaims the blond mutant, to which Logan expresses confusion—. And I thought he was coming with you, you fleabag.

Both mutants then watch as the mysterious vigilante covered by a large black cloak takes it off just like in those japanese action shows for kids, this reveals a dark suit with a large white spider on his chest, anyway, the vigilant does not hesitate to throw his black cloak on Sabretooth's men who were just recovering, and then throw something that looks like a spider web emerging from their wrists, trapping them on the ground.

After this the vigilante turns his head to the blond-haired mutant and utters the following:

—Let him go, Sabretooth.

These are the only words spoken by the masked man of about 5'7" who carries a large white spider, so curious that it looks as if it were alive.

—And who are you supposed to be, boy?

Sabretooth now exclaims with clear annoyance at the loss of his reinforcement while the blue-scarfed one just looks on curiously. It is then that the figure in black stands up straight and extends his hand along with his index finger straight towards Sabretooth.

—An enemy of people like you.

Sabretooth upon hearing that response becomes even more annoyed and responds in opposition.

—People like me? Enlighten me, what kind of people do I belong to, you brat!

Spider-Man then only responds as follows, still pointing his index finger at Sabretooth.

—The kind of people who think everyone is the same as you, monsters who hate themselves and everyone else.

These words are the last thing Spider-Man says causing the blond mutant to rage, but before the latter begins to move, the vigilante does not hesitate to leap straight at Sabretooth, and Logan for his part is stunned, for he had never met anyone stupid or brave enough to even attempt to fight Sabretooth except himself.

—That kid...

The first thing Sabretooth tries to do is punch Spider-Man, but he quickly stops himself on the arm that wanted to hit him, with the arachnid now attacking by filling his face with webbing and preventing him from being able to see for a few moments.

That's when Sabretooth clearly reacts by trying to remove the webbing and Spider-Man leaps off the mutant, falling to the ground behind the blond just enough to drop to the ground, stand on his hands and embed another double kick right into the blond mutant's spine, causing him to scream out in pain and fall to his knees.


Now with Sabretooth on the ground, Spider-Man jumps again and stands on the ground, proceeding to jump again as Sabretooth had turned around to run him through with a surprise attack using a war knife, this attack was easily dodged by the arachnid who during his moments in the air threw webbing to the spot right where his knees touched the ground, taking away his mobility for a few moments.


Finally, Spider-Man falls smoothly to his feet and to the side of the blue-scarfed mutant who is still standing there, looking on in surprise.

—Round 2?—Asks Spider-Man to the short man who smiles and his claws come out of his hands, now it's the mutant who says the following—You can count on it, Spider.

Then, when Sabretooth finally gets the webbing off his face watches as both Spider-Man and his target punch him in the face at the same time, this only knocks him backwards and forwards as he is still trapped on the ground.

—Round 2, Sabretooth!

The blue-scarfed one finally exclaims with a side-to-side grin as he runs towards his enemy who has just now managed to get out of the web, but is quickly hit by Logan while being impaled by Logan himself and his metal claws in his chest.

—Damn you, Wolverine!

Cries Sabretooth before Spider-Man jumps on top of Wolverine's back and lunges to kick Sabretooth's face again, after which it is clear that Spider-Man ended up falling backwards due to gravity but quickly used his hands to stand on the ground and as he jumped up he ended up landing on his feet once more.

—Let's settle this, Wolverine!—Commands Spider-Man as the mutant in question demonstrates the ability to pull out his claws and dig them back in in a flurry of unbridled rage as the arachnid changes his hand into what appears to be a black scythe of sorts—. Now!

Without a second's hesitation Wolverine momentarily pulls away from Sabretooth and gives him a second to recover, it is just then that Spider-Man leaps off the blue-scarfed mutant's back and in a sneak attack cuts off the blond mutant's head, causing it to fall backwards and the body to fall forward, just as Logan returns to his attack by digging his claws in and beginning to cut Sabretooth's body as fast as he can.

Before long, only the remains of Sabretooth's body are left, and off to the side, stands the vigilante alongside the most famous mutant in history.

—Huh... that... really wore me out.

Spider-Man said, seeing how Wolverine, after a while, had also laid to rest Sabretooth's body, which was now nothing more than several separate parts.

—Now... Why did you help me?— Wolverine asks Spider-Man, the latter as he catches his breath and responds as follows—. It was the... right thing to do. I couldn't let Sabretooth live either, he's a danger to everyone in this world, so I had to kill him.

Wolverine quickly shook his head and explained the following.

—We need to burn him if you want to kill him completely or separate him so that he can never reform.

Spider-Man then nodded and watched as Wolverine pulled a lighter out of one of his pockets and took a couple of steps away, mostly knowing the weakness of his suit, while Wolverine looked at him funny about this, he decided to ignore it because this guy had saved his life.

—So, how old are you?—Asks Wolverine, trying to be conversational for the first time in a long time, something that even he thought was odd, Spider-Man then answers as follows—. To be honest? I think 15-16, I'm not sure yet.

—Amnesia?—Asks again Wolverine, to which Spider-Man responds—. I woke up in a coffin. I have some memories, but it's hard to know what's real and what's not.

Wolverine takes a complicated look at Spider-Man and asks him the following question.

—Was a Nicholas Fury, Stryker or Wraith involved in any of those?

Quickly Spider-Man shakes his head and explains what he knows.

—I have an aunt and uncle, but I also have these powers, lots of them in fact. Still, I decided to leave things as they are, they're better off without me. Now people call me a mutant. That's pretty much what I've lived with so far. Oh, and I've got a living suit.

Reveals Spider-Man as he gives a thumbs up to his other arm and from his forearm his own suit, i.e. the symbiote, creates a hand that repeats the gesture.

—A complicated life, I understand that. And I have to tell you, you are a mutant, I can tell just by smelling you from a few feet away.

Spider-Man then sighs, looking tired, and looks up at the dark sky before asking a question.

—What do you do now?

Wolverine looks at the fire that has burned Sabretooth's body and sees that the government agents have long since fled, so he answers.

—What I always do, survive.

This answer was simply not enough for Spider-Man, who gave the following advice.

—It's never too late to do what's right, Wolverine. It may not seem like it from the outside, but we have the ability to redeem ourselves for a reason. It'll never be too late.

The mutant hearing words from someone as young as Spider-Man makes him smile for a moment and says the following before dousing the fire with a bucket of water nearby.

—Yeah. I know, kid. You don't need to lecture me like a priest, you know?

Spider-Man nods and jumps off the building causing some panic in Wolverine who moves to the edge of the building and then watches as the boy swings through the air with those fantastic webbing.

With that said it was time for Wolverine to leave, the same with Spider-Man who swung away with webs, and as Logan walked through the streets of New York he thought again of the boy who had saved his life.

—Spider-Man, huh? A silly name for a not-so-clever brat... I'd say it fits.

Soon you can see how Logan gets lost in the masses, after all, many mutants are barely noticeable, so infiltration is more than easy.