
Race against time

"Now you're going to tell me where that fucking kid is." The male gangster spoke with a calm expression, staring at the scruny old man.

"Kid? Now why the fuck would a kid be here. Maybe you pig-headed arrogant piece of shits, made a mistake barging into my lounge breaking stuff." The old man roared, enraged by the fact these cocky gangsters had decided to intrigue on his privacy.

"Why you-" another male gangster reacted, swinging his bat down to the old man. The lounge owner's eye widened in shock, seeing the bat swung at his head. He couldn't block but raise his hand a bit, intending to reduce the pain.

But just before the attack connected, it was stopped by the young man with razor cut hair. He then clicked his tongue, shoving the one who'd sent out the attack back a bit.

"I told you not to engage Danny." He lazily said with a frown on his face.

"A-am sorry boss but he-"

"Enough." Zack ordered and Danny immediately obeyed, shutting his mouth. Sighing a bit Zack then dipped his hands to his pocket, pulling out some notes and placing it to the counter.

"This isn't your business old man.. take the money and just tell us where the boy is. I promise we'll be out of here soon." Zack softly said, sliding the money to the old man.

"Ha-ha..I-i didn't clearly understand you." The old man chuckled, accepting the money placing it in his pants.

"Of course I know where that runt is, infact I think it's right you teach him a lesson." He grinned. "He's in room 11, oh! and please do take your time." He smiled rubbing his hands together."

'Bastard.' Max cursed this old man, seeing how easily he ratted him out. He decided to make him pay, after he'd finished dealing with the gangsters.

'I'll have to end this quick.' Max knew he had to finish this quick, since they now knew his location. Standing up he knew they'd have to pass a few rooms before his, which gives him the perfect opportunity to begin his plan.

'Luckily this old fart was greedy enough to make spaces.' Max was a bit thankful to the old man for making small spaces along the rooms, which could fit him perfectly.

Hiding in a space by the side of the first room, max awaited his guests arrival and it wasn't long before they showed up. Max was a bit covered by some stuff piled up together, so he was confident the gangsters wouldn't notice him.

"This place sucks."

"Yeah, I can't wait to find the boy and get outta here." Max silently watched as the gangsters made their way past him, up until the last which was the eight. Just at that moment, when the latter unaware of him passed he seized the moment stabbing the knife upwards his jaw, pulling him away from the light to the darkness.

"Ph-ough." Max didn't stop moving his hands, and stabbing the man until the system confirmed his death.

'Phew.. that was easy. And they didn't even sesns me.' Max could see they weren't aware of what just happened, as their attention was all directed forward. Not stopping max followed behind, reaching the next target putting his hands on his mouth and making a deep slash across his throat.

The man struggled to break free but Max held him, dragging him into another space with stuff finishing the job by cutting his head off.

One by one max repeated this process, hiding in sight and seizing every opportunity he got in eliminating the gangsters. The thrill of slashing their necks and being caught, was like a strong toxic drink max couldn't get enough of. And with every kill he got the system notification rang in his ears, making the grin on his face widen.

'Something feels strange.' Zack couldn't help but think to himself in front, feeling a strange feeling. He didn't know why but this place seemed awfully quiet, and he wasn't sure this was going to be as easy as it seemed.

"Guys.. W-where are the others?" A female said with pale expression, turning Zack had a frown on his face seeing their numbers now down to 4.

'He knows we're coming for him.' Zack thought, seeing their numbers halved in such a short time. He'd a feeling this was too good to be true, and unfortunately it was.

"Everyone be on your guard, he knows we're here." Zack said, tightly gripping his dagger as he alerted the others who were now on alert.

'Where is he..' Zack pondered looking round, he knew max wasn't using the all the rooms as they must've heard the sound of the door opening, and that only meant one option.

'Clang! Thud.' Out from the side max emerged from the darkness, slashing his knife at Zack head. The latter was able to sense his attack just in time and block, sending a kick to his guts pushing him backwards.

Looking at max Zack saw he had a smug look on his face and he knew why, seeing the blood on his body made his blood boil.

"Argh!" Danny swung his wooden bat fast to max head, luckily max was able to avoid the bat barely. He then plunged the knife forward to his guts, as it pierced through his liver extending backwards.

"Fuck!" Danny grunted, punching max back as he fell to his knees grimacing in pain. The other members were a bit stunned seeing Max appear out of nowhere, but they immediately regained their senses seeing him stab Danny in the guts.

"Am going to rip your limbs out!" A female with short brown wavy hair roared, firing off a couple of shots to max.

'Bam! bam! bam!'

[-5 HP]

For every shot max took it took away five of his soul points, bringing it down to a total of 13. Grunting his teeth max could feel the pain from those shots, but he sucked it in as his life depended on it. Rolling to where Danny was he activated soul steal, placing his hand on the latters side using the other hand to lift him up, tightly wrapping his arm around his neck.


'What's that?' The group watched with wide eyes as faint white light emitted from Danny's body going into max. The weariness on their faces couldn't be hidden, as they witnessed something abnormal.

"W-what are you waiting for, shoot him!" Flash another male gangster shouted to faiya, the brunette haired holding the gun.

"I-i can't get a clear shot, I might hurt Danny." She shook her head, her hands a bit shaky as she struggled to breath straight.

"He's already dead, and we're going to die too if we don't kill him now!" Flash shouted. he could see faiya was still hesitant so he took the gun from her, shoving her to the ground as he aimed at max.

'Bang! bang! bang!' Flash rained down shots on max and Danny, mostly affecting the latter as the bullets pierced into his skin.

'Click! Click!'

"Shit." Flash cursed as the gun clicked, indicating he'd run out of ammunition. Max then dropped Danny's lifeless body to the floor, having absorbed some soul from him. With a mocking look max then ran to flash, gripping the dagger in his arms.

"No~" flash softly whispered seeing his death approaching, he then picked up Danny's bat tightly gripping onto it. Swinging it max dodged by shifting his body to the side, then sending a kick to flash guts.

"Phough!" he coughed up blood feeling a bone broken. Not giving up he sent out some strikes to which max who dodged, sending out a strike of his own.

'Bam!' His fist hit flash head, cracking it a bit causing his vision to become blurry. Max then put flash out of his misery by stabbing at the latters chest, piercing his heart directly.

"Argh!" Max couldn't dodge in time when faiya slammed the wooden bat to his head, splitting the bat in half.

[-5 soul]

'Fuck.' Max grunted feeling his head swirl a bit, he then pulled her off her feet causing her to slam head first to the ground, going unconscious. Getting up max eyes met with Zack who was just standing there, staring directly at him.

"You're a coward. You just stand there while I murder your friends? Tsk.. disgusting. you of all the gangsters disgusts me the most." Max softly said disgusted by the fact Zack had chose to stay idle, seemingly watching him kill his so called friends.

"You're not human are you?" Zack softly asked staring into max eyes. Max was taken back a bit as Zack didn't attack or curse him, and instead asked that simple question. zack could see max slightly nod, confirming his thoughts.

"Great, then you're the one. I have a message from my boss, that is if you're interested?" Zack calmly said causing max to raise a brow, a bit perplexed to what insane message the former had for him.

"We have something you want and you also have something we do. Give up Yuna Nika in exchange for your friend Tom, and sister Layla." Hearing Tom's name stunned max a bit, but he didn't care about that stupid boy anyways. He could die for all max cared about. But hearing the name Layla made his heart sink as he stared expressionless.

"You are to come to the location written on this letter on the third day. No sooner no later." Zack said dropping the white paper to the floor. "I'd suggest you hurry and get stronger, there isn't much time left for her." Zack calmly said and the next moment he jumped out a window crashing to the floor, but he wasn't injured badly except for a few cuts as he then walked away.

"L-layla~" Max stuttered hearing his sister name in a while, it made his eyes become teary and knowing she was in danger sent a stinging pain to his heart. He didn't care about all what Zack said except Layla was in danger, and he was in a race against time to get stronger and save her.