
Ultimate Skill

Kurolski · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Town

(I'm sorry that the previous chapter was so short ;-;. I will try to make this chapter a lot longer)

Kuro ran out of the shop, he looked around and saw people wearing medieval clothing, armour and weapons. What took Kuro's attention the most was a large figure with a giant sword on his back. He walked up to it to get a better look.

"HUH?!" Kuro jumped back. It was an 8 feet tall Orc. He was wearing full metal armour and had a giant sword, The Orc was talking to someone who looked like a mage from a fantasy game. The Orc and Mage looked at Kuro with a confused face...

"How can I help?" The Mage said. He was around 5" 7 feet tall and he wore a black robe, The Mage had a book strapped to his hip(Something like The Magic Knights from Black Clover). He was blue haired, had a quite young face.

Kuro didn't respond he just looked at them... Confused. The Orc looked at The Mage, who now was also confused. Kuro didn't know what to do so he just slowly walked away.

"..." The Orc looked at Kuro. He then looked at The Mage and said "What was that... It was so awkward and confusing..." The Orc sighed and continued talking to The Mage about stuff.

Kuro was walking around the town... He hated it. Kuro found something that looked like a park bench and sat down.

[What is happening? WHAT JUST HAPPENED? WHY? IS THIS SOME PRANK? WHY IS EVERYONE WEARING SUCH STRANGE CLOTHES?! AND WHAT ARE THOSE GREEN PEOPLE?!] Kuro thought. How did he appear here and why? He was about to stand up again and walk away when a fire wave flew past him...

"WHAT THE HELL!?" Kuro shouted. Everyone that was around him looked at him and then laughed.

"I...I am SO sorry!" A Young man ran at Kuro apologizing. The young man bowed down. He had brown short hair, red eyes and he was around 5" 2. He wore a red robe with a golden outline on the sleeves, The Young Man also had a staff with a red crystal at the top, he also had a belt with a lot of pouches that stored magic items and trinkets.

Kuro was so shocked he passed out before the man could even approach him.

"NO NO NO!" The Young Man panicked. "I hope I didn't kill him!" He searches Kuro for any injuries and burns. "Thank you, GOD!" The young man looked at the sky and smiled. He didn't know what to do with the passed out Kuro so he just sat on the bench and waited for Kuro to wake up.

A good hour had passed and Kuro started to move. The young man was almost asleep and when he noticed the moment he jumped up and looked at Kuro, tightly holding his staff.

"M...Mister are you ok?" The young man looked at Kuro.

"UGH!" Kuro roared. He stood up and looked around. "It wasn't a dream..." He looked around once again and saw staff on the ground, he picked it up and looked at it closely. And a popup appeared in front of him.

[Red Ruby Staff]

Rarity: Common

-5% Mana Consumption when using Fire Spells.

+10% Mana Consumption when using Water Spells.

+10% Casting Speed for Fire Spells.

A well-made staff made by a blacksmith from Oak and a Low-Class Ruby Crystal.

"Umm... What?" Kuro was very confused what is this shit? This isn't some game... Kuro hmm'd and looked around. He noticed someone behind the tree, trembling. The tree was too narrow to fully hide the man, the man was wearing a red robe with a golden outline on the sleeves. Kuro quickly made the connections and said.

"Is this yours?" Kuro asked the man who was behind the tree. No response...

"Ok then. I will keep this" Kuro said and started to walk away. He suddenly felt someone grab his sleeve. He looked at the one who did it. It was the same man who hid behind the tree. Now that Kuro looked more closely at the man it wasn't a man at all. It was a young boy who was about to cry.

"P...P...Please give it back!" The Kid said he was about to burst into tears. Kuro just looked at him, then at the staff and then back at the kid and said.

"Nope." Kuro declared. Why would he give such a could item back to the kid? The Kid burst into tears and fell on the ground. Everyone glared at Kuro. Kuro felt a crap ton of bloodlust, true bloodlust. He quickly gave the staff to the kid and said.

"I was just joking! Do you think I would take someone's belongings? Haha!" Kuro gave out a laugh. The bloodlust stopped. He wiped the kid's tears off and smiled. The kid tightly hugged the staff and looked at Kuro.

"T...Thank You..." The Kid thanked Kuro and stood up. "What's your name, Mister?" The kid asked Kuro.

"Kuro!" Kuro said. He just wanted to leave this place as fast as possible. His life was in danger. He just felt something he only read in novels, bloodlust, REAL BLOODLUST! Kuro was scared, but he needed to play along if he wanted to live. Kuro wiped off his sweat and started to walk away before the kid even started to speak.

"W...WAIT!" The kid said. Kuro froze in place, his heart was racing. [Please let me go!] Kuro thought... The Kid ran up to Kuro and said.

"W...Would you like to join my party?" The Kid asked Kuro. "Also my name is Tommy!" The Kid smiled at Kuro.

[The what?] Kuro looked at Tommy, confused. A party?

"No!" Kuro said. He just wanted to run away but if he did the kid would probably follow him. So he just straight up declined.

Tommy started to cry again. Kuro instantly said.

"I'm joking! Of course, I will join your party!" Kuro said, smiling. Tommy's face instantly got brighter. Tommy hugged Kuro. Another popup appeared.

New Skill:

-[Acting][Level 1]

"Welcome to the "Fire Butterflies"! Current member count is 2! Me and You!" Tommy said with a prideful face. He just obtained his first Party Member! That meant the world to Him.

Kuro didn't notice the popup because Tommy was hugging him and the cuteness was overwhelming.

Hello Everyone! I will try to make longer chapters from now on! If you have any questions ask me in the comments and I will try my best to respond!

Kurolskicreators' thoughts