

Carl, the son of the Duke of West, was only ten years old but already showing remarkable courage and strength. He spent his days challenging the soldiers under his father's command, eager to prove himself in battle.

As he faced off against the seasoned warriors on the training ground of the Duke's residence, Carl's determination shone in his eyes. The sun beat down on the dusty field as he squared off against the toughest soldier yet, the vice captain of the Duke by Carl's spunk and bravery, decided to join in the duel. They agreed to only use swords, wanting to test their skill and strategy in a fair fight. Carl nodded, gripping his blade tightly as he prepared to face his opponent.

The clash of steel rang out across the training ground as Carl and the vice captain exchanged blows. Carl moved with a speed and strikes with surprising skill.

The vice captain, a seasoned warrior with years of experience, was impressed by Carl's natural talent and determination. He fought with honor and respect, pushing Carl to his limits and testing his mettle with each swing of his sword.

As the duel raged on, the onlookers watched in awe at the sight of the young boy holding his own against the formidable vice captain. Carl's bravery and determination were evident in every move he made, his eyes never leaving his opponent as he focused on the task at hand.

After what seemed like an eternity, both Carl and the vice captain lowered their swords, breathing heavily from the intense battle. The vice captain offered Carl a respectful nod, acknowledging his skill and bravery in the face of such a challenge.

As Carl looked around at the faces of the soldiers and onlookers, he felt a surge of pride and accomplishment. He had proven himself worthy of his father's name and the title of Duke of West, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with the same steely gaze that had carried him through the duel.

And as the sun set on another day of triumph, Carl knew that he was destined for greatness, his path laid out before him as he continued to hone his skills and train for the battles yet to come.

The Duke stood atop a high tower, watching his son as he trained with the soldiers in the below. He could the determination in Carl eyes, the way he wielded his sword with skill and precision. The Duke felt a swell of pride in chest, knowing that son was growing into formidable warrior.

As he Carl spar with the soldiers, the Duke began to formulate a plan. He knew that sending Carl to school would only take him so far in his training. If Carl truly wanted to become a great warrior, he needed real-world experience. And what better way to gain that experience than by patrolling the dangerous Black Forest, a place known for its dark and mysterious creatures?

The Duke decided to send Carl with a group of seasoned soldiers who were scheduled to patrol the border of the forest. It would be a risky venture, but the Duke believed it would toughen Carl up and prepare him for whatever challenges lay ahead.

The day of departure arrived, and Carl stood before the group of soldiers, his father beside him. The Duke gave Carl a solemn nod, knowing that this journey would be a pivotal moment in his son's life. The soldiers looked at Carl with a mix of respect and curiosity, wondering if he would be able to keep up with them on their dangerous mission.

With a final farewell, Carl and the soldiers set off towards the edge of the Black Forest. The air was thick with tension as they ventured deeper into the shadows of the trees. Carl could feel the weight of his father's expectations on his shoulders, driving him to prove himself worthy of the title of warrior.

But to Carl this was the most amazing gift provided to him by his father. Him being a battle junkie this was the right place for him and he will perfectly horn his skills especially his magical attributes and techniques.

Although the soldiers knew Carl is talented they still harboured a bit of doubt since Carl was just ten years old and this forest has monsters that threaten the lives of the most powerful people in the kingdom.

After hours of traveling they finally reached the black forest. Carl could feel the strong manager surrounding the forest. But something caught their attention a powerful aura that could paralyze a normal human on the spot coming from the middle of the forest.

They swallowed their saliva hoping they won't meet it. The leader of the squad removed a communication crystal and sent the message announcing the power they were sensing could be from a supreme beast.

They still entered so as to ensure there won't be a beast stampede any time soon. Carl knew he was strong for his age he didn't feel confident to deal with that monster but deep inside he wanted to fight it. But first he will deal with the small fries and this time he won't unsheath his sword but use his own abilities.

Since child hood he had been super special. While others received their trials at the age of sixteen he received his at the age of six and survived. At that time he got badly sick and after consulting many powerful healers nobody could treat him. Then one day a seer approached the family and told them that the reason of his illness is that he has an ability that is blocking his other abilities to come into fruitition and that is the authority of thought.

A destructive ability that can do anything he desires to do. He could kill anyone with just a thought of it. This revelation shocked them but the most surprising thing is that he had an authority at such an age. Something that was acquired only after years of training and cultivation for others.

The seer advised Carl to suppress his ability and since then carl avoided to use his abilities and began training on the way of the sword. But today he will see how powerful his abilities are.

I hope you enjoy it I'm trying to get a hang on it

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