
Ultimate power system

Edna_2392 · Fantasy
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The beginning

Many years ago something scary happened at time it was in the morning but the sky was was so darkened by the storm it was called the "unholy watering" and it was a worst day for the people that lived at that time. That storm made all the animals to mutate and where called mutants they all got elements that they could wield that made them impossible to harm with normal guns and bombs for that reason a lot of people died that day and from that day till now they are still mutant. The only thing that made people not completely die was the next supernatural rain fall called the "sacred bathing" it made people to get to use those elements. From that day the people who had awakened their powers came together to fight the mutants and they they started to build various cities, city after city and soon made a country and like that they kept on going but there are small cities that are not protected to the point of immunity to mutants ie to the point of the mutants to not to be a harm to them.So to get stronger they made guilds for adults and schools for children but unfortunately not all people could awaken powers and cultivate so whatever a person was greatful although there are stronger and weaker powers but in this present time people started to unjustly treat the weak and are increasingly becoming arrogant just because they are stronger and unfortunately that is the era I am in, the year 2040.

This is my first novel so if it is not good just tell me.Like it ? Add to library!

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