
Ultimate Mafia System

Matthew navigates a world teeming with crime and a hint of comedy and romance. He endeavors to carve his name into history as the greatest outlaw ever. Join him as he charts a path through a parallel Earth, where chaos reigns, and the line between crime and heroism blurs. -------------------------------------------------------------- A few things to clear before you read - -> The novel follows a steady moderate pace with gradual world-building and character development. So if you are looking for a novel where mc gets a system, completes quests and gets op in like 2 chapters, this books is not for you. -> I have worked hard on the world-building and characters to make it rich and deep so, you can safely raise your expectations. -> The novel may get a bit dark in future chapters. Also there will be romance and intimate scenes (nothing explicit though). Patreon - https://patreon.com/user?u=111552903&utm_medium=unknown&utm_source=join_link&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=copyLink --------------------------------------------------------------- Excerpt:- And as he thought about the consequences of his actions today - THERE. WERE. NONE. 'There are no consequences.' Matthew repeated in his head. He smiled evilly. In his previous life he was trapped by what society and ethics expected of him. His true identity, full of rebellion, defiance and a strong desire for freedom, got buried under the pressure of what society deemed acceptable. The rules acted like chains, holding back the wild parts of who he really was. But as Matthew stepped out of the shower and looked at himself in the mirror, he realized something - In this new world, those chains were broken, and he could finally let loose and be his true self without worrying about what society thought. Finally he can be the man he always was, finally he can be free. And as he made the conscious decision to accept this newly discovered version of himself - he felt free, he felt creative, powerful, charged, INVINCIBLE. He had never thought that he could feel all these things so vividly. He was no longer the Matthew Marshall form his previous world. A great man once said - "When do you think a person dies? When a bullet from a pistol pierces his heart? No. When he's attacked by an incurable disease? No. A man... dies when people forget him." Matthew, until now had not forgotten his previous self from the world he was from. Saturday, May 30 2009. That was the day when Matthew Marshall died, forgotten by himself and Matteo Marchesi was born in his place.

Aesver · Urban
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56 Chs

Chapter 43 - Uninvited Guests

"Dead? Well, that seems untrue. As you can see, I am perfectly fine," Matteo asserted, gesturing toward his intact body.

Luca's gaze hardened, skepticism etched into his features as Matteo's words sank in. "This is... unsettling, to say the least."

An awkward silence hung in the air for a moment before Luca broke it. "Come, let's talk somewhere more private," he suggested, gesturing toward his office.

Following Luca's lead, they entered the office, and Matteo took in the surroundings. The room spoke volumes about Luca's passion for combat and martial arts.

Trophies adorned the shelves, each telling a story of victory and discipline. Posters of famous fighters decorated the walls, while a neatly organized collection of training gear hinted at countless hours spent perfecting his craft.

Matteo activated street sense and quickly scanned Luca. 'An initiate Viable, huh? Interesting.'

As they settled into their seats, Luca examined Matteo from head to toe with a scrutinizing gaze.

"So, are you really Matteo? The Matteo I knew, I mean?" Luca asked, his tone tinged with sternness.

"I don't know; you tell me," Matteo replied calmly.

"What do you mean by 'you tell me'?"

"As I said, I was told you might recall me. I've had amnesia, and my memories have only recently returned, partially. I have been in Lagoros all this time and I have recently returned after regaining my memories," Matteo explained.

"The current caretaker of the orphanage I remember growing up in gave me the address of this gym and your name." He pulled out a piece of paper with the name and address written on it. "He said you might know me. Frankly speaking, I don't remember you."

Luca's demeanor softened slightly at Matteo's explanation, though his guarded stance remained unchanged. He accepted the piece of paper, studying it briefly before redirecting his focus to Matteo.

"I see," Luca replied cautiously. "It's quite a tale you have there, Matteo. But forgive me if I find it a bit hard to believe. Disappearing for ten years and suddenly reappearing with amnesia? It's quite the plot twist."

Matteo shrugged, his confidence unshaken. "I don't have all the answers, and I'm not expecting you to trust me," he admitted, his tone genuine.

Another moment passed in silence as they sized each other up.

Breaking the quiet, Luca spoke again after a long pause. "Well, you certainly bear some resemblance to him. That's why I actually want to believe you," Luca confessed, his tone tinged with restrained emotion.

"If you truly are 'Matteo', there are people who will want to know you're alive. People who have mourned your loss for a decade."

Matteo regarded him with pity in his eyes, feeling a twinge of guilt. Before he could shake it of or dwell on it further, a commotion erupted from outside the office.

Matteo glanced at Luca, recognizing the startled expression mirrored on his face. They exchanged a knowing look before rising from their seats and stepping outside to investigate the source of the disturbance.

As Matteo and Luca hurried towards the commotion, they were met with a chaotic scene. Gym equipment was strewn about haphazardly, and a group of men dressed in sleek suits stood in tense confrontation with the gym's fighters.

In the center of it all, a hot-headed youth squared off against the Grisvolk.

Luca wasted no time. With a swift stride, he approached the scene, his expression stern. Without hesitation, he delivered a sharp smack to the back of the hot-headed youth's head, causing him to recoil in surprise and pain.

"Enough of this nonsense," Luca commanded, his voice firm. "You, go back and cool off," he ordered, pointing a finger towards the young man who had been itching for a fight.

Turning his attention to the assembled fighters, Luca's tone softened slightly. "Everyone, disperse and gather the equipment. I'll handle this from here," he instructed, his authoritative presence calming the tension in the room.

As the fighters obediently began to gather the scattered equipment, Luca turned his attention towards the suited men. Matteo decides to just watch for now from a bit afar.

"Jonas! What is the meaning of this? I have already paid for this month!" Luca demanded, his voice laced with frustration.

Jonas smirked, his demeanor oozing arrogance. "The boss has increased the rate. So we are here to collect the rest for the month," he explained, his smile morphing into a scowl. "Your little dogs are very hot-headed, apparently they don't welcome us," he added, gesturing towards the fighters lingering in the background.

"What! That's just daylight robbery! Even if your so-called boss has increased the rate, you have to collect it for the next month. I have already paid for this one," Luca retorted, his tone defiant.

"You seem to have forgotten something, Luca. You pay when the boss asks you to pay!" Jonas retorted, his voice dripping with menace.

Luca's calm façade cracked for a moment as he responded, "Fuck off! I am not paying," though beneath his composed exterior, his muscles tensed, ready for action at a moment's notice.

The young fighters who had been eavesdropping on the exchange rallied behind Luca, showing their unwavering support.

"You've been a pain in the ass since day one anyway," Jonas sneered, his companions adopting relaxed stances that betrayed their experience in confrontational situations.

Meanwhile, Matteo surveyed the scene. He lifts a fallen dumbbell. 'Oh! Hmmm!'. A plan began to take shape in his mind, his thoughts racing at Mach 3.

Just as the tension reached its peak and a fight seemed imminent, a hearty chuckle echoed from the far side of the gym. All heads turned to find Matteo.

"You seem to be in a bit of a pickle there, Luca. Need some help?" Matteo stretched his arms nonchalantly, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

Luca considered Matteo for a moment, then focused his senses. 'He's a Viable!' With a quick decision, Luca nodded. "Yes, some help would be appreciated."

"Alright then!" Matteo began striding confidently towards the group. "Jonas, was it? Quite a show you've put on. But you know what? I don't have time for games like these kids. So scram before I lose my patience. I've come to meet a long-lost friend today, and you've spoiled the reunion."

Jonas eyed Matteo cautiously. "Do you belong to the darkness?"

"No, but I'm acquainted with the Shadows. They're quite real," Matteo replied, smirking.

Jonas sized up Matteo, his tone skeptical. "Are you a new kid? This isn't something an upstart should stick his nose into. Walk away."

Matteo sighed, shaking his head. "Don't say I didn't warn you." With a deliberate motion, he cracked his fingers in front of him, a silent signal of readiness.

Jonas braced himself, expecting Matteo to charge at him. But instead of engaging in a physical brawl, Matteo surprised everyone by reaching into his suit and producing a gun, pointing it directly at Jonas's head.