
ultimate hunter

Not accepted by the Holy Light, nor favored by the arcane, only this chaotic, evil and powerful evil energy allows me to survive in this crisis-ridden Azeroth! Before Illidan, I was the first demon hunter!

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98 Chs

Swinging a sledgehammer

Ivan grasped the handle of the hammer tightly, and a drop of sweat fell on the ground, instantly evaporating into a puff of water vapor.

Oreses on the side are busy: one after another, materials that Ivan can't understand are melted by the flames and fused together in a certain order.

Captain Murphy pointed out to Ivan: "When everything is integrated, it's time for you to work hard!"

Ivan looked at the ground; only a bunch of crystal objects and a jar of silver liquid sealed in the crystal were left.

With a wave of Olaise's staff, the pile of crystals was sent into the air. A burst of incredibly destructive flames enveloped it. The originally rhombus-shaped crystals slowly deformed and finally turned into a transparent mass. liquid.

On the other side, Saloras didn't know how to open the bottle of silver liquid, so he wrapped it with magic power and sent it into the air. Oreses took over Saloras' control, put her hands together, and the two liquids kept shaking in the air. The liquids just merged together—one group of silver, one group of transparent ones, but together they turned into a dark golden color. Ivan's eyes widened as he watched Oreses merge the dark golden liquid with the original one. The materials are squeezed together.

Just like kneading dough, Aurese worked hard to combine the two lumps of materials, but Alvin looked at the sweat on her face: This is not a simple thing.

There seemed to be a strong repulsion between the two fused masses. No matter how hard Oreses tried, she could only entangle them but not fuse them.

Finally, she pulled the fusion mass into the air, and Orese put it on the anvil. Ivan knew that his job was coming!

"Hammer as hard as you can!" Captain Murphy reminded me at this time.

Aiwen naturally obeyed his words, spit in his hands, picked up the sledgehammer and started smashing it.


The dull sound echoed in the room, but Alvin felt that his force was not comfortable enough, so he changed the angle and hit it hard again.

The house echoed with dull knocking sounds. Oreses was still concentrating on controlling the flames. Captain Murphy and Salolas sat down and said, "His power has surpassed yours! Captain Murphy." Ms. Saloras was surprised.

"I can feel the huge power hidden in his body. It is different from the Holy Light. It is a primitive but full of vitality. Maybe this is the effect the teacher hopes to achieve."

"After all, you brought a sharp sword to the village, Captain Murphy."

"No, Ms. Saloras, he does not belong to this village. I can see from his eyes that what he wants is something that this village cannot give."

"But at least he belongs to the village now, right?" Captain Murphy did not deny this time: "Are you sure you want to take Ivan to Moon Shadow Valley?"

Saloras looked at Ivan, who was trying hard to wield the sledgehammer: "Captain Murphy, you know that the Naaru fragments in Moon Shadow Valley have a serious impact on the Eredar who practices the Holy Light. You, Minara, Including those I brought from the academy..."

"We need help. Ivan is not affected by the Holy Light, so the fragments of Naaru have no effect on him either - it's all for the village, Captain Murphy, we need Ivan's help!"

The two communicated quietly in the corner, and Ivan hammered the fusion material in front of the anvil: Under the recovery spell of Priest Minara, Ivan did not feel any fatigue, and the fusion material burned by the flame was tough. And there is some softness, which makes Alvin even feel like pinching bubble wrap when swinging the sledgehammer!

With the help of Ivan's hammer, the fusion on the anvil finally slowly and completely fused together, and finally what Ivan saw when he first arrived: the surface of the metal was covered with mysterious lines.

Oresesi finally stopped the magic output: the last beacon blank was completed!

He found a chair and sat down. Saloras, beside him had already cast a spell to create a glass of mana crystal water and handed it over. Orese took it and drank it in one gulp.

Putting down the cup, Aurese took out a bunch of food from the storage bracelet: Alvin could clearly see that it was all Cook's craftsmanship - he flattered the two Ereda sisters a lot!

"Priest Minara, come over and have something to eat!" So the three of them sat around and enjoyed the food.

Ivan stood aside with a hammer and looked at the three ereda beauties sitting on the ground, their plump buttocks squeezed into a perfect curve by the floor. Under the temptation of the delicious food, the three people's tails twisted unconsciously..

Captain Murphy saw that the three of them were going to eat for a while, so he stood up and patted Alvin on the shoulder, motioning for Alvin to go out with him.

In the observatory, he only focused on swinging the sledgehammer. When he got downstairs, Alvin realized that it was already dark.

Wendy, who was playing on the first floor, had already returned home, leaving behind items scattered randomly.

There was a dressing mirror lying on the ground, which should belong to Priest Minara: "This little brat keeps things randomly. Her mother will teach her a lesson tomorrow."

Ivan walked over and picked up the mirror, and subconsciously looked at himself: After lying in bed for three days, his beard has grown! Aiwen touched his face, but found a change: My eyes...

Alvin's eyes were originally black, but now they have turned into light gold!

Is this dyed by the Holy Light? The golden eyes look pretty good!

Murphy also saw the changes in Ivan's eyes: "The high concentration of holy light energy has reshaped your body. Some changes compared to the original are normal."

Feeling around his whole body, Alvin hoped to find other changes, but he found nothing. It was just that his muscles became tighter and more powerful.

"Okay, okay, just dye the eyes!" Ivan laughed.

"You're getting cum too, Alvin!" Captain Murphy added.

Only then did Alvin realize that he was originally much lower than Captain Murphy, but now he was as tall as an adult Eredar man!

"Let's go to the training ground and let's try out the effect of this training!" Captain Murphy suggested.

When he arrived at the training ground, Ivan couldn't wait: he picked up the training wooden sword he used before - it was too light, as if he was swinging it with a branch!

But Alvin still tentatively struck the training dummy with a sword. A flash of sword light flashed, and the reinforced training dummy was cut off at the waist!

Captain Murphy shook his head: the village's training funds must have exceeded the standard this year... "Evan! Don't waste any more training dummies, I'll practice with you!"

Captain Murphy found two long swords from the equipment room next to the training ground: these are the standard long swords used by the garrison: "You have to use this!"

Throwing one of them to Ivan, holding the hilt, Ivan carefully observed the sword in his hand: the sword body was silver-gray, with a faint edge under the starlight. After trying to swing it a few times, Ivan felt that it was in his hand. This sword is still too light!

Captain Murphy watched Alvin try his sword there: "Are you ready Alvin?"

Ivan looked at Captain Murphy with a fighting spirit in his hand: "I'm ready!"

Like last time, Ivan launched the charge first: quickly and directly approaching Captain Murphy with a tentative attack.

The two swords collided together, and a burst of sparks burst out. Captain Murphy knelt on the ground with one leg, holding the sword horizontally above his head!

Murphy knew that it was difficult to fight Alvin with just his own strength!