
ultimate hunter

Not accepted by the Holy Light, nor favored by the arcane, only this chaotic, evil and powerful evil energy allows me to survive in this crisis-ridden Azeroth! Before Illidan, I was the first demon hunter!

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98 Chs

Spade's teachings

Spade came out of his room - woken by the loud crash of the anvil on the ground.

"What's making it so loud?" Spade looked at his young apprentice.

"Sir, Ivan just moved the anvil out of your house!" the apprentice shouted excitedly.

After hearing what the apprentice said, the old man no longer complained: "What? Are you talking about the anvil made of heavenly gold? How can he move it alone!"

"But it is true. I assure you Mr. Spade, Alvin moved this anvil by himself!" Captain Murphy said with a smile.

Spide walked slowly to the blacksmith shop and saw the golden anvil on the ground.

Stroking the lines around the anvil: "Aiwen's power is beyond my imagination. The drawings I designed before need to be improved!"

After asking the apprentice to go into the room and bring over the drawings, Spade took a steel ruler from the workbench: "Come on, boy! Let me measure your body."

Ivan had just taken off his shirt before moving the anvil. At this time, his upper body was exposed, so he didn't have to take it off again.

Standing in front of Spade, Alvin let him measure the data: height, waist circumference, shoulder width, arm length... Except for the places that should not be measured, Spade recorded everything in detail.

"Every data point is perfect!" Spade wrote down the last number and said it to Alvin.

"I have customized weapons for many people, but your body data are the most coordinated and perfect so far!"

"I heard Murphy tell your story. Holy Light and Arcane didn't choose you. This is your misfortune, but this is also your luck!"

Ivan asked: "Is it still lucky that I can't get the favor of the Holy Light or the brilliance of the arcane?"

"Haha... I have lived for 20,000 years: where there is light, there will be darkness, and where there is order, there will be chaos - I have seen too many similar things!" Spade was steady. sitting on a chair, his white beard fluttering in the wind.

Ivan put on his clothes, and his heart was filled with turmoil: Spade's words fully described the essence of the four major powers of Holy Light, Shadow, Arcane, and Fel in the Azeroth universe!

Bending to pay tribute to the old man sitting there, Ivan felt that the real master was sitting there: "However, without the help of holy light or arcane magic, I was almost killed by a shadow leopard just by relying on my own strength. !"

Ivan took off the clothes he was wearing again, but the scars Narova left on his back had not yet disappeared!

"Ahem... Young man, everyone has a weak moment. When a low-level mage encounters Narova, he can only exhaust his mana and become its prey, and you can only rely on a handful of The dagger ended Narova's life: You haven't realized how powerful you are, or you haven't grown up enough to understand how powerful you are."

"Remember, the Holy Light will eventually be extinguished, and the energy of the Magic Network will eventually be exhausted. Only power - the power you absolutely control! Can you be invincible in any dangerous place!"

Alvin silently recorded what Spade said, and he still wanted to ask many questions.

Just as he was about to speak, Spade coughed a few more times: "The data has been collected. Please hurry up, everyone. I heard that you still have important things to finish!"

As soon as he interrupted him, Ivan was no longer embarrassed to continue asking, and could only work with Murphy to help the apprentice initially process the bits and pieces of materials.

After returning from lunch, Captain Murphy led the garrison team to continue training. With the martial law in the village, the garrison team's tasks became more and more heavy, and the training intensity also increased.

Ivan went to Spade's blacksmith shop alone to help. He sat on a stool and processed the materials needed for the forging. Many raw materials had a lot of useless debris, and Ivan needed to clean them up patiently.

His hands were covered with gray-black dust, and there was a black hole in his clothes: it was caused by the burning of the hot air when the flame flower powder was put into the crystal bottle.

Compared to Alvin's speed, Apprentice Spade's hands and feet are much smarter. The two of them worked hard for a long time and finally made all the preparations!

"I'm going to call Spade over right now!" Ivan ran out before the apprentice could finish speaking, and quickly ran to Spade's residence.

"Master Master! Everything is ready!" Ivan shouted at the door.

"Don't worry, Alvin, it's just a sword. It's not a difficult thing for me." Spade slowly walked out of the door.

Although Alvin was anxious, he couldn't carry Spide to the blacksmith shop, so he could only follow him and walk slowly.

"After I build this sword for you, I will leave in a few days... Maybe I will never return to Dawn Village again." Spide looked at the scenery on the roadside, and the whole village was still so quiet. Peaceful.

"Leave? Why?" Ivan asked strangely.

"Prophet Velen sent a message. He wants me to go to Mac'Aree. There is something wrong with the Storm Fortress. I have to take a look!"

"Well, I've heard about the Storm Fortress. It's no big deal if such a big ship has problems. The prophet seems to think highly of you!" Ivan said it flatteringly.

"He just relies on some gadgets in his hands and is superstitious about what he thinks is the future. This time he asked me to go there and I'm afraid I saw what would happen in the future." Speaking of this, Spide quickened his pace. Alvin followed closely behind.

In the blacksmith shop, Spide checked again to see if the prepared materials were complete. After making sure that nothing was missing, he turned to his apprentice and said, "Light the furnace and get ready to start work!"

The apprentice on the side put the energy crystal that had been prepared into the furnace combustion chamber and turned on the energy circulation circle. The cold furnace rose to its highest temperature in that instant!

Looking at Ivan's curious eyes, Spide explained: "To smelt heavenly gold, the temperature of ordinary carbon fire is far from enough. Only pure energy crystal can provide sufficient temperature!"

Putting a large piece of crudely refined heavenly gold ingot into the crucible, Spide ignored it and turned to walk to another workbench: "Evan, mix the flame flower powder and magic crystal water. , and then apply it evenly on the surface of Argus crystal! "

After hearing Spade's order, Ivan quickly took action: the powder of the flame flower burned several more holes in his clothes, but Ivan ignored it all and only wanted to complete the task.

The fiery red flame pollen and the blue viscous magic crystal water are mixed to obtain a transparent liquid that is indeed black.

Ivan didn't have time to observe carefully, so he picked up the brush on the table and brushed it all over the surface of the Argus crystal.

Place the blackened Argus crystal on the vessel, and the hard crystal slowly turns into a purple and bright liquid!

The next thing can only be done by Spade's master and apprentice. One of the masters and apprentices is responsible for the command, and the other performs the task with great efficiency.

Ivan just sat there and watched the two of them busy: after handling the Argus crystal, Ivan was not used again.

"Evan, get what you have prepared!" Spide finally used him.

Carefully carrying the vessel over, Spide took it and poured it directly into the crucible.

The black liquid in the crucible continued to flow, and the addition of the crystal solution made the liquid flow faster, and gradually the color changed from pure black to dark gold.

"It's time for you to really show your strength!" Spide said this to Alvin.