
ultimate hunter

Not accepted by the Holy Light, nor favored by the arcane, only this chaotic, evil and powerful evil energy allows me to survive in this crisis-ridden Azeroth! Before Illidan, I was the first demon hunter!

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98 Chs

initial attempt

Ivan was woken up by the roar of elephants and sheep in the morning.

The crystal on the roof was still shining brightly, just like on Blue Star. Ivan lay quietly on the bed for a while, listening to the various sounds around him.

The only difference from Blue Star was that there was no familiar sound of horns from driving vehicles or the sound of the aunt dancing in the square downstairs. Ivan knew that there was a high probability that he would never hear it again.

He put on the clothes Serio had prepared for him and touched the fabric on his body. It felt smooth and pliable. The only drawback was that there was a deliberately made hole on his butt: the tails of Eredar people also need a certain amount of room to move!

But this hole made Alvin feel that his butt was always exposed, but he had no choice but to accept such clothes in a foreign land.

After walking out of the room, Xiaocun seemed to have woken up long ago. The neighbor's little girl, Ereda was playing happily on the grass. When she saw Alvin coming out, she quickly ran over: "Sario told me that he brought back one yesterday. Strangers are indeed different from us!"

The little girl held Alvin's hand and looked around him: "So you don't have a tail! How can you maintain balance without a tail? Your feet are different from ours, and the color of your skin is also different!"

"Wendy! I told you to be polite!"

A woman named Ereda who was carving crystal in the distance couldn't stand it anymore. She came over and said, "I'm so sorry, Wendy has always been like this."

Ivan smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. In my hometown, children are allowed to say anything!"

Ai Wen added: "I just wanted to ask if there is a tailor in the village. Some of my clothes don't fit. I hope they can be modified."

But Wendy was the first to shout: "I know, I know, Sheila lives next to the pond on the east side of the village, I can take you there!"

The female Ireda next to her smiled and said, "Then it's troublesome for Wendy!"

So Alvin took Wendy's hand, and the two of them walked east together. People in the village greeted them both along the way, and Wendy also introduced Alvin like a little adult.


The two walked for a while, and Wendy stopped in front of an equally tight cabin.

"Aunt Sheila!! Guests are coming!"

After a moment, an ereda woman walked out of the house, and Alvin could confirm with one glance that she should be the Sheila that Wendy mentioned, just because the clothes Sheila was wearing, in Blue Star's words, looked... Very fashionable! Apparently, she is a good seamstress!

Wendy ran to Sheila: "Aunt Sheila, brother Alvin's clothes don't fit well. He hopes you can modify them for him!"

Sheila looked at Alvin: "I think it fits well. Is there anything wrong with it?"

Looking at Sheila's big blue eyes, Alvin said awkwardly: "I don't need the hole in the back."

Silla's eyes suddenly turned into the shape of crescent moons: "That's right, this really needs to be improved. Come into the house with me!"

So the three of them entered Sheila's hut together. The house was filled with various fabrics and materials used for weaving.

Sheila touched the clothes on Ivan: "Well, a robe made of green cloth, wait a moment." After saying that, she rummaged around and said: "I found it, the remaining fabric from the last time I made clothes for the guards in the village. !"

Alvin went to the fitting room and took off his clothes. It only took a moment for Sheila to repair the hole in her butt!

Alvin touched his butt: "I wonder how much this costs?"

Sheila smiled and said: "As a visitor to the village, we have no reason to charge you. Besides, I didn't hear that you brought a gold coin with you when you came!"

Alvin could only thank him again and he took Wendy out of Sheila's cabin.

Walking out of the room, an armored ereda was already waiting at the door: "Is this Mr. Ivan who visited the village yesterday?"

"Serion told me that you want to learn some self-defense skills. If you want, then we can go to the training ground in the village now, where you can see the power given to us by the Holy Light!"

Ivan just mentioned it last night, but he didn't expect Serio to help him so quickly. Naturally, he was very excited. He couldn't wait to see the so-called power of the holy light.

When Wendy heard this, she naturally wanted to watch the fun, so the group immediately set off to the training ground. Along the way, Ivan knew that the heavily armored ereda in front of him was named Murphy. He is the captain of the Dawn Village Guard Team.

The training ground is on the southwest side of the village. It is a large open space surrounded by railings. There are various weapons placed around the training ground, but most of them are made of wood, and a small number are made of unbladed metal. Knives and sparkling crystal warhammers.

It happened to be in the morning, and there were already many people in the training ground, all doing one-on-one training. Ivan thought that the guards were all male eredas, but he could obviously see a few slender ones from the training ground. From the figure, it is obvious that the female Ereda is also involved in guarding the village.

Ivan walked into the training ground, and the trainers on the field noticed him.

Feeling that all the eyes of the audience were focused on him, Ivan suddenly felt invisible pressure. As the captain, Murphy naturally felt the changes in Ivan, so he clapped his hands and said: "Everyone, continue training!"

Taking Ivan to a corner, Murphy said to Ivan: "If you want to learn the way of the Holy Light, the first step is to resonate with the Holy Light and let the body fit with the Holy Light. The better the fit,. The higher the level, the more powerful the Holy Light you can use."

After talking for a while, Ivan can probably understand why the Holy Light Legion's fighting will was so tenacious in the subsequent war against the Burning Legion! Unify your body and mind to maximize your fighting power!

Seeing that Ivan was thoughtful, Murphy said further: "Just saying this, Mr. Ivan may still be a little confused. Now I will radiate holy light energy into your body. Mr. Ivan can feel it carefully." Take this power."

After saying that, he put his left hand on Alvin's shoulder, and the golden light flashed. Alvin only felt warm sunshine passing through his whole body. It seemed that he could hear hymns singing in his ears, and because of this, he My body, which was exhausted from two days of experience, was healed!

Holy Light... If I can completely master this power, then although I cannot be a savior who can turn the tide in this World of Warcraft, I should be able to control my own destiny in my own hands!

"Please also ask Captain Murphy to teach me how to use the Holy Light!" Ivan was determined to master a certain amount of power before Sargeras arrived, so as not to become a burial object of this planet.

Captain Murphy also heard the determination in Ivan's tone: "Since Mr. Ivan so hopes to learn the Holy Light knowledge of the Eredar people, as a foreign visitor, he first needs to join the reserve team in the village."

Ivan asked: "As a reserve team member, what do I need to do for the village?"

Murphy smiled and said: "The reserve team is usually only responsible for its own training in the village. In addition, it may also need to provide necessary assistance to the villagers when the village is busy. In addition, as a reserve team member, Mr. Irvine can Get some subsidies from the village, and if Mr. Irvine has the idea of going out to start a business in the future, then some small savings are very necessary!"

Aiwen naturally agreed and became a reserve member of the Chenxi Village Guard Team.

No contract was signed. Captain Murphy just summoned everyone on the training ground and announced the news verbally.

"Next, let's talk about how to align you with the Holy Light!"

"As a race recognized by the Naaru, the Eredar are born with a close connection with the Holy Light. Regarding the use of the Holy Light, we have roughly three ways."

"The first is to combine holy light with objects to make them into functional objects, as large as a spaceship that can sail across galaxies, or as small as a crystal lamp that stays on all night in a house. These are all made by people who study related technologies. When the eredar is completed, we call it a technician."

"The second type are priests like Minara. They are servants of the Holy Light. They study the mysteries of the Holy Light day and night, delving into various esoteric spells and the secrets of observing the starry sky."

"The last one is a priest like me, who wears heavy armor and uses the power of holy light to attack the enemy: we pour holy power into the weapons and pierce the evil with the sharpest light!"

Murphy is obviously very proud of his responsibilities, and Ivan also knows that a captain like Murphy probably has a profession like Paladin in the game.

Although the Paladins in the game are different in each version, Ivan knows that the Paladins have very distinct characteristics: they can fight, they can milk, and they can carry!

As a man from Blue Star, of course, he must wear armor, carry a war hammer, and shine with holy light, killing all directions when surrounded by enemies!

Thinking of this, Alvin no longer hesitated: "I choose to be a man like Captain Murphy!"

Captain Murphy looked very excited about Ivan's choice: "I can already foresee that you will become a qualified warrior in the future!"

"Now let me teach you how to become a priest like me!"

"Although the Holy Light is kind and equal to everyone, if you want to maximize this power, you first need a strong body and an indomitable spirit."

"Outsider, I don't know whether you are strong or weak among your own tribe, but if you want to learn the Eredar people's way of the Holy Light, you need to strengthen your training!"

Alvin asked: "So to what extent do you need to exercise to meet the requirements?"

Murphy walked to the edge of the training ground and raised a crystal warhammer on the ground: "When you can swing this warhammer freely, it will be effective. Then I will teach you how to meditate and communicate with the Holy Light."

The war hammer was thrown to the ground casually, making a small pit in the earthen training ground!

Ivan had a toothache: he walked to the side of the war hammer.

The hammerhead of this warhammer is also made of crystal, but compared to Captain Murphy's, the crystal material of this training warhammer is inferior to the captain's at first glance.

The thick black hammer handle is wrapped with cloth strips. From this, it can be seen that this hammer has been used by many people. It is a veritable training hammer!