
Chapter 19: George's Experience

"I can't see anything, it's too dark here, so what do we do now?" Jason asked from behind.

  "I don't want to stay here any more. I hate rats. Last time I came here, I did not see any rats!" Luca sat down on the ground.

  "Think about the treasure. You are a werewolf, why you are afraid of rats?"Jason asked

  "I was bitten by a rat when I was a child. You go first, I can't." Luca took out a lighter from his pocket and handed it to Jason.

  Jason opened the lighter.

  "Why you can see in the darkness?" Jason asked.

  "Because I am a werewolf, I have night vision. There's a torch on your right, you can light it."

  Jason use the lighter to light the torch.

  With the flame on the torch, Jason saw a pile of rats' bodies on the ground, and some rats were eating on the bodies. Jason was not afraid of rats, but seeing the situation in front of him, he still felt sick and would throw up.

Jason waved a torch and tried to drive the rats away, but the number of rats was too many.

Jason talked to Luca

  "There are too many rats here, and I can't kill them all. How about we go back first and walk from the ground to the city hall?"

  "Okay, okay, then let's get out of here, it's horrible, it's horrible." Luca sat on the ground and backed up a little.

At this moment, the rats in front of them, seemed to fell something and suddenly went back together. Jason and Luca did not know what was happened. Only saw a man, holding a torch, walked towards them.

  Jason took out his weapon, and Luca stood up, they looked at the man warily.

  "Who are you?" Jason asked.

  "Jason, are you Jason?" The man asked Jason confused.

  "Who are you and why do you know my name?" Jason was ready to fight.

  "Jason, it's really you... I'm George! My God, I can't believe I can meet you here. How did you get here?"

  "George? Why are you here? Weren't you captured by the Bloodaxe? They took you to city hall?" Hearing George's voice, Jason put down his weapon.

  George walked over and he was also surprised to see Jason and Luka. George did not know Luka and asked Jason.

  "Why you are here? How are Ling and the others doing, are they still in the hospital and who is he?" George asked Jason three questions in a row.

  Jason also had so many questions to ask George. He first told George about his experience, from the time he separated from George, found the Invisible Hat in Rachel's house, and went to the hospital to save Ling and the others.

Jason also introduced Luka to George.

  "So you were Invisible. The Goblins cannot see you. You sneaked into the hospital and saved us." Luka said in aside.

  Jason ignored Luka and asked George how he could be here.

  George heard that Ling and the others had been saved, he was relieved and began to talk about his experience.

  "That day, after I separated from you, I walked alone in the direction of the hospital, but I didn't expect to meet the red-haired youth, his name is Erik."

  Jason nodded, "I know, he was killed by me in the warehouse."

  George surprised, "So he was killed by you ah, that's the reason he never came back, since he left the city hall."

George continued to say

"Eric and other three Bloodaxe members caught me, but they did not kill me. They took me to the city hall, I was wondering why they would bring me to the city hall rather than killing me."

  "Because there is a treasure in the city hall." Luca said.

  "You, how do you know it?" George looked at Luca and asked.

  "That's the reason we came here. We are here to find this treasure."Jason said.

  "Okay Luca, don't interrupt George, let him finish." .

  "They tied me up with ropes and then asked me to use my Image to break the traps for them. Since I was roped, they wouldn't have to worry that my Image would take the treasure away."

  "You can use Image?" Luca asked in surprised.

  "Yes, one of my skills is Primary Image."

  George continued

"Eric found the treasure, but he didn't report it to the Bloodaxe. He wanted to keep it for himself. There are many traps inside the city hall.

They did not know how to crack the traps, so Eric decided to use other people's lives to active traps. Do you remember the people who left with Brian, they were taken into the city hall, and they all died under the traps.

Only Brian survived, because he told Eric the location of the warehouse. Eric wanted to capture more people to broke the traps.

On the way to the warehouse, they meet the group of women who left from the warehouse. Eric grabbed them, but on the way to the city hall, they met Kane.

Kane wanted to take all those women away, Eric had no choice,but kept one lady, the rest of women were given to Kane. Kane again from the mouth of Brian knew the location of the warehouse, so they went to the warehouse together.."

  "This Brian, damn a traitor." Jason spoke.

  "Probably he just tried to keep himself alive. He told me these things, but he's died already." George went on to say.

  "He has already died?" Jason repeated with unbelievable.

  "Yes. Eric knew I had the skill Primary Image, so he brought me to the city hall. He wanted me to use the Image crack the traps.

  But my Primary Image can only be used twice a day, and I already used it once during the battle at the warehouse that day. So they could only allow me to use my Primary Image in the next day. Early the next morning, Eric took the lady out, but he did not come back."

  "How about the lady that Eric took out, did she come back?" Jason asked.

"No. I never see her since then. Although Eric did not come back, in the next few days, I still used the Primary Image to crack the traps, until the last two traps left.

Bran suddenly came. Do you know Bran, he is Eric's father."

  "Bran came? How did he know you guys were at city hall, did Eric tell him?" Jason had never met Bran, but he knew that Bran was the second leader in the Bloodaxe.

"Yes, Bran came yesterday, only himself. As soon as he arrived, he killed Brian and two others Bloodaxe members right away, only I survived. He ordered me to continue crack the traps for him, but I've reached the maximum number of times I can use my Primary Image, yesterday.

I can only help him crack traps again today. Did you guys know that Bran has the same skill as Ling. Both of them have Primary Flash ."

  Hearing that Bran had also come to the city hall, Jason said worriedly

  "Ling came to the city hall by herself in order to find your location. If she is discovered by Bran, although she also has Primary Flash, she may not be a rival for Bran. Let's go help her quickly."

  "What! Ling came to the city hall by herself? Come on, let's hurry back." George led the way in front, Jason and Luca followed behind.

  "No, there are so many rats, I do want to stay in tunnel any more." Luca said in a whisper from behind.

  "Don't worry, Luca. All the rats here will listen to me because I have this!" George took out a black, short wooden wand and said, "With this wand, these rats will not attack us, and even they can help us."

  "What is this? Why the rats are listening to you. And how did you escape from Bran?" Luca asked.

"Bran asked me to use my Primary Image to crack the traps, but the last trap required three people to turn on three different buttons in the same time.

Bran used Primary Flash killed the other three people immediately as he entered the city hall. So there was no other ways, he cut the rope on me and let me, my Image, and himself, three people to turn the buttons together." George said as he used a wooden wand to disperse the rats around them.

  "Unexpectedly, after we turned the buttons together, the ground suddenly shook, both Bran and I fell down. But Bran used Primary Flash to get back up again, while I fell underground."

  "So the treasure was already in Bran's hands? Damn, we're still a step behind." Luca asked George.

  "I don't know, but after I fell down, I found this wand." George waved the wooden wand in his hand.

  Half Rat King Wand

  Quality: White

  Skill: Can control the surrounding rats (the effect is related to intellect)

Seeing this half wand, Jason immediately thought that in the story of "The Invisible Hat", the evil wizard summoned out a Giant Rat with his wand, but then the wand was broken in half by Rachel's ancestor.

"If one half of the wand was picked up by George, where was the other half." Jason thought.

  While the three walked, Jason told the story of the Invisible Hat to Luca and George, and then Jason asked Luka

  "Luca, you've been here before, right? Is there another way to go up? I'm worried that if we go up directly, Bran will wait us there."

  "I have been here before." Luka began to tell of his previous experiences.